How many puffs to get high?


Well-Known Member
Homegrown cheese is often a generic label slapped onto common low grade weed- did you grow this yourself?

I find I need a good 2 or 3 bowls of amnesia haze or something as nice before I get stoned, but then again I've always found a bit of a delayed reaction smoking from pipes. How much are you packing in the bowl?


Well-Known Member
I wonder if it's in my head but I feel it doesn't take nearly as many joints... Perhaps it's all burning off too quickly in the bowl.


Well-Known Member
It def depends on what your smoking. The SHIT i have now is accually equal to something grown out of a donkeys ass. I can smoke and smoke and smoke and still be able to go to work. soem shit Ive had. Man, it was an all day thing from a couple blunts in the rotation

newb weed grower

Active Member
you guys make me happy to be a stoner
im sad to say i have had to not smoke pot for 7 months now sounds bad huh
well im smoking that spice stuff now and if someone sais tthe high is similar to pot theyed be wrong
its a small diff but after awhile u realize how big a diff it is
i remember when i first started smoking i was toking off my one hitter id load it really tight and get like 12 hits off it those were the days then i moved on to bowls then to glass bowls
then to water bongs then to bongs
hookah then finally vaPORIZER THEN BACK TO A GLASS PIPE
i remember it all too well
man i wanna go buy an ounce so bad


Well-Known Member
you guys make me happy to be a stoner
im sad to say i have had to not smoke pot for 7 months now sounds bad huh
well im smoking that spice stuff now and if someone sais tthe high is similar to pot theyed be wrong
its a small diff but after awhile u realize how big a diff it is
i remember when i first started smoking i was toking off my one hitter id load it really tight and get like 12 hits off it those were the days then i moved on to bowls then to glass bowls
then to water bongs then to bongs
hookah then finally vaPORIZER THEN BACK TO A GLASS PIPE
i remember it all too well
man i wanna go buy an ounce so bad
SPICE! lol how old are you 12?


Active Member
you guys make me happy to be a stoner
im sad to say i have had to not smoke pot for 7 months now sounds bad huh
well im smoking that spice stuff now and if someone sais tthe high is similar to pot theyed be wrong
its a small diff but after awhile u realize how big a diff it is
i remember when i first started smoking i was toking off my one hitter id load it really tight and get like 12 hits off it those were the days then i moved on to bowls then to glass bowls
then to water bongs then to bongs
hookah then finally vaPORIZER THEN BACK TO A GLASS PIPE
i remember it all too well
man i wanna go buy an ounce so bad
what is spice :S never heard of any one smoking that maybe cous im from uk ha takes me 2-3 g a joint then im happily stoned aslong as it not power sht stuff :)