come in, have a drink with me.


Well-Known Member
So I just cracked my 1st beer...waiting for some football to come on...I'm ganna spark this joint of Danny T with hash and I'll be back with my second beer in a few. :bigjoint:
...please,join me:-P


Well-Known Member
i wish!! I have to do work today. id much rather crash on the couch and watch sports i don't care about while getting soused with you.


Well-Known Member
i wish!! I have to do work today. id much rather crash on the couch and watch sports i don't care about while getting soused with you.
Maybe next time. I just got fucked and have to leave for a few...glad I didn't pop the second one yet....but when I get back in 1 hour from exactly right now...I shall continue my quest to get fuckin hammered.
I hate even driving with one beer on my breath...fucks sake .08 is crazy stupid limit for a guy who can walk a straight line with a


New Member
So I just cracked my 1st beer...waiting for some football to come on...I'm ganna spark this joint of Danny T with hash and I'll be back with my second beer in a few. :bigjoint:
...please,join me:-P
I forgot to buy sunday beer... I lose track of what day it is very often...


Active Member
I had some crazy stout last night that was so rich it was was just so rich. Can't find the bottle but I know it had a bunch of recipes on the label so it was probably some special edition extra stout thing. But wtf, how can people drink it? It was nothing like was like a concentrated blend sucking on hops and malt or something.


New Member
Maybe next time. I just got fucked and have to leave for a few...glad I didn't pop the second one yet....but when I get back in 1 hour from exactly right now...I shall continue my quest to get fuckin hammered.
I hate even driving with one beer on my breath...fucks sake .08 is crazy stupid limit for a guy who can walk a straight line with a
ummm... whoa... hehehe

i think .4 is alcohol poisoning

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
negative...just shitty sense of balance seems like a couple under my belt and it easier....but i think its all in my head lol


Well-Known Member
...I'm back, with a beer in each hand to play catch-up...waitin for the Green Bay game...I hope they lose.


Well-Known Member
i like the strong stouts. i can't imagine it being too much more flavorful than guiness.

i am still working. hoping to finish up so i can smoke and relax but have a few hours left :(


Active Member
the difference between this stout and a Guinness is like comparing a...peppermint candy with a sour patch was like drinking the chilled spices from a stew. It's SO bitter and pungent.


Well-Known Member
...I'm drinking bud packs are on sale!

...and smokin a local strain called Danny T. He's a dispensary owner and thats his sig's tasty.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
No, but the label is Theres a store in the city that has hundreds of different beers...every now and then I grab a six pack of something strange, I never like much though...I like my Anheuser products ( michelob,bud,etc.)or a Corona, Heineken, even Miller....but dark beers make me sick after one or two.


Ursus marijanus
Since I cannot stand coffee, i don't care for the dark stuff. My xgf adored stout, so once in a while I'd bring a four-pack of Imperial Russian Stout home for her ... and tease her about "would you like cream&sugar?". cn