WATERFARM SCROG!!!! ..first frightening waterfarm grow....Dr.Amber Frankenstien

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
aaaaaaaaah, slight problem now.. i saw the seed had tilted upward and the root stickin straight up. so i took some tweezers to try to grab the root tip to turn it over...lmao..it was like playing the game 'OPERATION' does anyone remembber that game? Its this weird looking clown patient with a nose that lights up if you accidently hit the side of wall when trying to remove pieces of his body with tweezers.. anyway,,, i loved that game and i guess i wanted to play again..lol
the nose would have def gone off in this case. I chopped off the very tail end of the tap root... i wonder what will happen next. Well in skeptical at this point so i will watch it the next couple days..

In the mean time, to answer your question keving murphy, I will be germinating 2 purple wrecks and 2 more deep blue in case this seedling dont make its..
well back to the garden and heavy medication..lol..


Well-Known Member
uh oh! i guess thats why I dont use tweezers when messing with seedlings. my hands are no where near steady enough lol I just wash my hands really well and be easyyy with it. I hope its okay, i think it will be. :cool:


New Member
Say you have a fan that is 200cfm and its for exhaust and its in a completely sealed tent that is 30 cubic feet. A fan moving tht much air in a sealed room creates a suction where the intake hole is just like an intake fan sucks air into the tent. By having that suction created by the exhaust fan it eleminates the need for an intake fan

If the exhuast faan is on 24 hours a day there is no need for an intake fan... The ex fan will suck air from out side the tent... I would just open up a flap and get rid of the intake fan... And keep a carbon filter over the flap to filter incoming air....

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Due to the mishap with the seed earlier today, I opted to go the rockwool route. Thanks Dropa for your help.
THank you mr. BURR .. i finally get your set up.. Thanks for posting your pictures they reallly helped me understand how i can get things up and operational with out knowing the sex of my seeds.

I removed the pebbles one by one .I needed to get to the upside down seed which was buried deep in the hydroton. I picked it up with my gloved hands.lol.. and put it in a ph normalized superthrived enhanced rockwool cube and back into the waterfarm unit.
What a first day at the farm... I am hoping that the extra stress i gave to the seedling ...from snippin the end of its tapp root with make this plant all the much stronger.. wishful thinking anyway.:leaf:

So check all these pictures out friends.. Things are coming together nicely and im learning so much. Great fun! :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

Deep Blue all snuggled up and healing after an accidental decapitation.or maybe just an amputation...hahahaha
waterfarm first nightmare day 014.jpg

waterfarm first nightmare day 002.jpg
Check out the German made power house 600 watt light i just became the proud owner of...with the added blue light spectrum i hope i get extra big buddage.:leaf:
:leaf:Larger ROck wool to grow out 4 more seeds im germinating right now..
:leaf:2 Purple Wrecks (peace km):leaf:
:leaf:2 deep Blue (peace BB):leaf:
these will be back up incase my DEEPBlue in the waterfarm now turns out to be male. I will be able to chuck one of the other girls in, If i get a girl!
:leaf:small phat filter
:leaf:super thrive vitamins for the baby rockwool seeds..:leaf:

waterfarm first nightmare day 001.jpg

I domed up the seedling to keep it humid for it and keep it from drying out with the intense 360 MH blast:leaf:
waterfarm first nightmare day 016.jpg

So here is the set up right now.. that is my light hieght
My humidity is so hard to get up even with my humifier..i dont uderstand why.
any comments or suggestions on this set up please feel free to post

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i will be working my Flora Nova bloom
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And i painted and added glittery smiley face stickers to my scrog frame. I just need to put on the blue string.:-P
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hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! i did, finishing it off listening to Iggy Pop Raw Power, stoned with some lemon skunk.. yummy.. have an awesome work week
take it easy..and dont let em grind you down..:leaf::-P:leaf:



Well-Known Member
hahahahaha that sums you up a treat doc, decorating your scrog frame with bright colours and smiley face stickers!


Well-Known Member
Spectacular work Ambs. I'm loving the scrog screen frame. Loving the rock wool cube. Loving your tent setup. Hell I guess I just love everything.

You rock Amber.


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I voted your thread terrible due to a lack of pornography. Glittery scrog frames, which i will admit does rather rock, do not count alas

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the niceness. :-P:leaf::-P
I checked on the seedling this morning, and some great news.. shes digging the dome a set up and is about to burst out of her shell.
Iam very excited to see how she does this afternoon. and take a picture of her.
Thanks again everyone for the great suggestions and help. :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
hmmmm, thank you for all your creative solutions and thoughts on this transplant matter..... i will not be taking any of these ideas into concideration..
haha.. only joking.. I think they are all really great ideas! but it is really hysterical that all of you were completely stoned outta your minds when coming up with these ideas!!
getting high stimulates creativity..if you have any more suggestions please let me know!
Hey Doc! Nice setup. I love everything hydro so I'm here for the show too. I guess I'm going to have to research waterfarm, cuz I don't get the concept, but your stuff looks really nice and your seed choice is stellar!

As for the creativity, my hubby kinda groans when I'm smoking a bowl and I go "Hey! You know what??..." cuz it means I've thought up something new and absurd that I'd like him to build for me. He's a good man, he tries real hard... LOL


Well-Known Member
Operation was unreal :)
i had to flip Panama over as well she rooted upside down :lol:
Hmmm...my VK rooted upside down too, but I was too scared to touch it...it took an extra day, but she righted herself and her leaves came out the top of the net cup rather than the bottom. I actually had a tip of root stick out at first, kinda like looking around...but then by the time I came back home 10 hours later, she had turned over and did just fine.


Well-Known Member
Hey Doc, good news, glad it survived the earlier kicking, hehe. Hope you and yours is all goody good.

Peace, DST

Thanks for the niceness. :-P:leaf::-P
I checked on the seedling this morning, and some great news.. shes digging the dome a set up and is about to burst out of her shell.
Iam very excited to see how she does this afternoon. and take a picture of her.
Thanks again everyone for the great suggestions and help. :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
Say you have a fan that is 200cfm and its for exhaust and its in a completely sealed tent that is 30 cubic feet. A fan moving tht much air in a sealed room creates a suction where the intake hole is just like an intake fan sucks air into the tent. By having that suction created by the exhaust fan it eleminates the need for an intake fan
yup! This is why we just stick a fan on a Can Fan filter inside of the tent and have it sucking INTO the fan. This pulls so much damn air through the tent from the outside of the room. Works great.

Tents might be light proof but they are not air proof. Thank god