Wow, I got the holy trinity of replies from that last post. Peach, UB and Duke... Garsh, I'm honored.
In response, I have stated I know there's no way the social programs are going anywhere soon, so that one is a bit tired. But, on a happy note I don't think they are going to be expanding in that direction for a while. I wasn't really picking, I was just playing along, can't I join in any reindeer games?
I guess we'll have to wait and see which "ideals" are going to be embraced about this time next year. Should be an interesting ride, that's for sure.
Duck, good luck finding me misspelling anything. I always have two windows open on my browser when I'm posting, if I'm not 100% sure on any word I always double-check it. I do quite a bit of writing in my spare time and while I'm no UndertheIce, I fancy myself a bit of a wordsmith. And yes, I did take my medication today. I'm on my sixth 10mg percocet and I'm feeling just fine.