Flushing/ help or hurt


Active Member
:leaf: So you think flushing is a myth. Flush your plants once and read the PPMs and then flush your plants after 2 weeks and tell me you don't notice a difference in the PPMs. Outdoor grows generally attain their nutrients orgnically with natural fertilizers, but when your adding nutrients that add up to about 1000 PPMs each grow, tell me it doesn't make sense to flush your plants to remove such salts? :leaf:


Well-Known Member
The point was that preharvest flushing is a myth in the sense that it won't make your bud taste any better than if you didn't flush, and as such you are simply depriving your plants of the food they need for whatever the length of time you flush for.

Flushing occasionally to clear out the root zone is a different story tho. It's called "leeching" and is used to correct salt buildups, over fertilisation, etc but you must still feed immediately afterwards so as not to starve your plants.


Scientia Cannabis
It seems I should've posted in this thread instead lol :joint:

I can only concur with what Harrekin and rocpilefsj have said.
Otherwise I'd just be repeating already provided info.


Misguided Angel
It seems I should've posted in this thread instead lol :joint:

I can only concur with what Harrekin and rocpilefsj have said.
Otherwise I'd just be repeating already provided info.
Nothing like beating an issue to death lol. The only thing that gets me is that 99% of the people arguing have never tried it themselves!


Well-Known Member
I've tried both, and the results were the same..no difference.

I do stop feeding near harvest, at that point the buds have grown all they are gonna and it's just some ripening they need to do


Well-Known Member
lol, harrekin, starving plants, that's very dramatic seems like you are trolling m8
Starving in the sense they become deficient in the nutrients they need to grow/produce THC and have to cannabilise themselves. In a human starvation occurs when the body needs to use up the stored fats, carbs and protein it has because no nutritional intake has happened.

In context its the same thing, I dont see the dramatic side?

And Im not trolling, just trying to answer the OP's question with science, fact and personal experience as opposed to "what some guy said cos he read it on a forum".


Well-Known Member
Starving in the sense they become deficient in the nutrients they need to grow/produce THC and have to cannabilise themselves. In a human starvation occurs when the body needs to use up the stored fats, carbs and protein it has because no nutritional intake has happened.

In context its the same thing, I dont see the dramatic side?

And Im not trolling, just trying to answer the OP's question with science, fact and personal experience as opposed to "what some guy said cos he read it on a forum".
But I always thought it was "normal" for plants to have many yellowing/dropping leaves and such near harvest...kidding. In 2 months, I've seen almost a dozen "help me my plants are dying" type threads during flowering caused by improper/unnecessary flushing.


Well-Known Member
No one answered the question, if I use neptunes harvest fish fert throughout flowering and do not flush would my weed taste like fish?


Well-Known Member
No. It's a myth, just like feeding a plant grape Kool-Aide will not make it taste like grapes


Well-Known Member
No one answered the question, if I use neptunes harvest fish fert throughout flowering and do not flush would my weed taste like fish?
Might make your grow room/medium smell like dirty aul fish tho. It's bad for outdoors too cos it'll make animals did up your roots.

I never understood why people don't just use "synthetic"/chemical nutes? The plants uptake the same chemical elements from organic and "chemical", just organic is less efficient.


Well-Known Member
so if i dont have to flush at the end what about during i hate carrying those heavy ass buckets mane fuck....can i do it like this feed twice then give it str8 water twice and just rotate the cycle


Well-Known Member
You can't really get a set cycle going per say, you just need to feed when the plant wants it. You just kinda know after a while, appearance, growth rate, etc.

You can try water water feed, water water feed to start out with. And make sure to give them a dose of veg nutes during flower every few feedings to keep those leaves nice and green.

Hope this helps.


Active Member
Found some videos from greenhouse seed co. and they swear by flushing. They flush their soil twice during flower once at 3 weeks and once at two weeks from harvest. They say you have to get rid of all the buildups to get the full range of terapins and have the best taste. Also at the 3 week mark they flush and then let it dry out for 4 days and then hit it with full nutes to make to flowers explode. I gotta believe them they been in the game for so long and run scientific tests out the ass on all their grows. It makes sense too. You can check out there grow vids at there website.


Well-Known Member
Found some videos from greenhouse seed co. and they swear by flushing. They flush their soil twice during flower once at 3 weeks and once at two weeks from harvest. They say you have to get rid of all the buildups to get the full range of terapins and have the best taste. Also at the 3 week mark they flush and then let it dry out for 4 days and then hit it with full nutes to make to flowers explode. I gotta believe them they been in the game for so long and run scientific tests out the ass on all their grows. It makes sense too. You can check out there grow vids at there website.
They grow turtles?!

On a more serious note, GHS stands for Grow Hermie Seeds, their stuff is garbage Id never touch from all the reviews Iv read so dont be so quick to jump on their bandwagon.

EDIT: But either way, theyre not talking "pre-harvest leech all the nutes from the soil for the plants to starve" flushing...they're talking "clear salt buildup and then re-feed" flushing, thats the good kind ;)


Active Member
Yeah at the three week mark you flush without adding nutes, let dry for a few days and then hit with full strength nutes so it sucks it all up fast and blows up. And completely flush it at the end.


Well-Known Member
They grow turtles?!

On a more serious note, GHS stands for Grow Hermie Seeds, their stuff is garbage Id never touch from all the reviews Iv read so dont be so quick to jump on their bandwagon.

EDIT: But either way, theyre not talking "pre-harvest leech all the nutes from the soil for the plants to starve" flushing...they're talking "clear salt buildup and then re-feed" flushing, thats the good kind ;)
3 GHS seeds in the most recent garden, 0 hermies.

Maybe I should start a thread called "ZOMG THE TRUTH ABOUT GREENHOUSE SEEDS", see if I can change a few minds. I write with as many words as possible, so as to seem legit. ;)


Well-Known Member
Found some videos from greenhouse seed co. and they swear by flushing. They flush their soil twice during flower once at 3 weeks and once at two weeks from harvest. They say you have to get rid of all the buildups to get the full range of terapins and have the best taste. Also at the 3 week mark they flush and then let it dry out for 4 days and then hit it with full nutes to make to flowers explode. I gotta believe them they been in the game for so long and run scientific tests out the ass on all their grows. It makes sense too. You can check out there grow vids at there website.
what you're describing is a method called leaching. here on stoner forums they call it flushing. whatever you call it it's a way to flush out excess salt build up from commercial fertilizers. with organic soils where you don't rely heavily on added ferts flushing is a waste of time. essentially every time you water the plant you flush it. so if you water it 40 times in a grow you flush it 40 times.
Sooooo what if I have already been flushing with plain water for 1 and a half weeks and have about a week left. Should I start giving them 1/4 strength nutes (MaxiBloom) or maybe a lil bit of cal/mag for the last week or just continue with the plain water? I'm growing in a 80% coco and 20% perlite mix by the way.


Well-Known Member
...your medium is sterile, so I don't understand why you want to essentially starve the plants at all. Unless there's a salt build up or you over fed it. Coco and perlite practically makes you a hydro grower. Since I'm a soil man I defer to VoidObject. He's a helpful guy. Tell him I sent ya.