Normal, Overfed, underfed, heat stress?


Hello all, need some help on diagnosis. Not sure whether to feed it or flush it, or just stay the course. I understand late in flowering leave will yellow and die off.

Strain: De Sjamannan Peace Maker..

4 weeks into flowering

5 gallon bucket

Using General Organics Go line nutes

Happy Frog Soil amended with 2 tbsp of lime per gallon of soil

Feeding every other watering as directed.

Watering with 1/2 gallon of water/nutes when needed with little to no runoff.

Plant was about 2-3 inches from 600 HPS - Possible heat stress?? Moved 8-10 inches away

The upper leaves of the plant uniformly turned lime green first and showed necrotic spots while the lower leaves remained dark green. Now some the the lower fan leaves tips are turning yellow. The grow has been super smooth until now and just want to work this out for my 2nd run of this strain. Any ideas appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Plant was about 2-3 inches from 600 HPS - Possible heat stress?? Moved 8-10 inches away

Thats your problem. I NEVER get closer than 18 inches from my 600 hps. You burnt them man.


Plant was about 2-3 inches from 600 HPS - Possible heat stress?? Moved 8-10 inches away

Thats your problem. I NEVER get closer than 18 inches from my 600 hps. You burnt them man.
That was my initial thought, but it has been about 10 years since I have grown so multitude of possible problems crossed my mind. Perfect then, stay the course .

Thanks bro !


Well-Known Member
depends on if you've got a cooltube or not...if just growing with a 600watt HPS dangling above without any protection yeah that things gonna throw heat like a banshee...but if you've got it in a cooltube with air flowing through it you can get it closer(the 6-10" range)...


depends on if you've got a cooltube or not...if just growing with a 600watt HPS dangling above without any protection yeah that things gonna throw heat like a banshee...but if you've got it in a cooltube with air flowing through it you can get it closer(the 6-10" range)...
Yeah, my thoughts exactly. I have a 6" vented hood with a 440 CFM fan. I can touch the glass with my hand and no burn. If I hold my hand 2-3 inches from the lights its warm, but not uncomfortable.

Some of the smaller leaves on the popcorn buds are doing the claw routine. The larger fan leaves tips are curling very slightly, and the pic of the large fan leaf with a yellowing tip is from the bottom. The yellowing started at the top of the plant and has a washed out lime green affecting the larger leaves first and moving to the smaller ones. The bottom third of the plant is dark green.

bomb hills

Well-Known Member
Enclosed and air cooled should be good for 6 inches away. I always thought that if you could hold your hand above your plants for a min and its not uncomfortable, then you would be fine.


Enclosed and air cooled should be good for 6 inches away. I always thought that if you could hold your hand above your plants for a min and its not uncomfortable, then you would be fine.
Yeah me too, but I have moved the lights anyway just to be sure.

I am more concerned with the necrosis and the lime green effect. I wonder if heat stress would cause the yellowing...? I will research that next. I know it can cause the necrosis. It may just be the strain too. Unless someone else has a good idea im playing it safe and im gonna let her go without water for a few days to dry out the container and then water plain heavily.


Active Member
Maybe add another small fan to help keep the air moving in the room? Could just be the stale air from the lamps


Thanks growbuddy1,

I have a 6" vented hood and a 18 inch osculating fan running 24-7. So the air never stops moving in the flower room. She may just need some more nitrogen, but I will just water plain for a few days and see how she reacts. I dont want to add insult to injury and over-react. If she needs more I guess I will see more uniform yellowing, then I will make my decisions.



Active Member
Good thinking, I think that's the biggest mistake people make is over-reacting to their plant. The best piece of advice I ever got when I was a noob grow was "treat it as a plant, nothing more"


Well after watching for a few days it seems this plant really likes the magnesium 4 weeks into flowering. Next round I will double the magnesium at 3 weeks flower to avoid this issue.

This is Mag def boys and girls. My pics above show the early stages with necrotic spots and yellowing of large fan leaves. The yellowing started in the middle of the plant which may or may not be an indicator for reference.

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