Detox drink, for the most part, are a waste of money
I disagree...I personally used them for almost 6 years, Ready Clean, if you don't smoke for 48 hours and follow the fuckin directions, it works 100%. I'm a heavy smoker, everyday for 30 years, and never failed a test at a Concentra DrugTesting clinic for a Union job. We got tested at least twice a year, or every new job they send you to,different clinics sometimes testing you, some test right on the job site...and some jobs random testing. The ready clean, if used correctly, will give you a clean. non-deluded urine for 6 hours. I watched alot of dumbasses lose their jobs pissing dirty. Yet I was a foreman that NEVER got layed off and always got in my 40+ hours a week, never failed a piss test, and I smoked every morning, and some jobs a few times a day...except for the 2 days before a piss test. So as long as you know your going in for a piss test ahead of time, the ready clean works. Trust me, if it doesn't work, your using it wrong.
48 hours is all you need to remove every impurity out, for 6 hours, then it's dirty again. And it's dark piss too, makes you think you failed for sure....even after 20 gallons of water that shit still comes out dark it doesn't look deluded...all the electrodes read good too, unlike if you were to flush your system for days with just water. this convincing enough?...I would of quit smoking before I would of givin up my $32 an hour job, trust me, it works.