It's A Fuct World

...thankx! ...and again for the concern. My technique atm, the ladies go from the ezcloner into 3" netted pots filled with growrocks only, which is put into the fence post filled with growrocks....flood and drain.
...I cover the tables/medium with panda poly because I was having fungi growth on the uppermost layer of the rocks :dunce:....I have holes/slits in the poly where the medium is located....they seem to like it, and the poly seemed to help lower RH levels a bit....I'll keep your words in my mind for a future experiment....really glad to have you on the boards ;-)

THX for the info but I am still a little confused about the fence posts you speak of is this just the dug out for the net pots. do you have a layer of rocks all across the bottom? 2 and a half lbs on that grow! awsome almost 1 g per watt
THX for the info but I am still a little confused about the fence posts you speak of is this just the dug out for the net pots. do you have a layer of rocks all across the bottom? 2 and a half lbs on that grow! awsome almost 1 g per watt

...yeap, the fence post is filled and backfilled as each 3 inch netted pot is placed into positon. If your not accustomed with a flood and drain, it can be a bit tricky calculating your irrigation frequency...I just watch my plants....if they ever start to wilt between floods, I add a flood with my handy digital timer.

... I've been questioned about the ability of the 3 inch netted pots, if they can support my plants....and, absolutely! They do a wonderful job! They have a 1/4" lip and the body of the pot fits really snug against the 3" holes I drill into the's the exact pot I use.
3 inch netted pot.jpg
Hay al.b
um don't want to nag but like I mentioned in my last post I have spider mite and want to get some preditor mites to get rid of them.last resort would be co2 but that's a while off yet.I thort I read some were you sprayed neem every two weeks for Powdery mildew before you had the sulfa burner.what would you recomend to get rid of them or at least controlling them?
Cheers William.

Nope, I've never used neem anything. For spider mite, I use an abamectrin (also known as 'avamectrin' in some locales) based miticide.

Al I thought you had left? I have never spoken to you before but I live to learn from your wisdom. Nah but really I am amazed that a fine aussie like ya self knows so much :) maybe not amazed but proud fo sure.

Thanks. I drop in from time to time as my schedule permits.

i didnt know Al was visiting Hi Al! respect.
Ill catch up on some reading.
I got a question Al, hows the sweet tooth treating you? Theres been quiet a resurgence of sweet tooth and #4 was recentley rre-eleased, albeit by a community member saving old SOL stock. Do you find it anti anxiety herb Al, and hows the flavour?
cheers mate.

Still using Sweet Tooth No. 4. Sprouted the beans for the plants I'm growing right now in 2002. Let it never be said that you cannot take clones of clones & get consistent performance for many years.

Al...many humble and sincere thanks and praises! About to finish a "modified-to-my-space" Fuct perpetual grow. Had a bit of a challenge w acquiring Sweet Tooth but am starting it with Killing Fields to get things running smooth.

kewl. :)

Quick question...have you heard of the SuretoGrow Arroyo Plugs? They fit into the 3.25 inch net pots and supposedly can be used to root clones and pop straight into pots. They are made from PETE plastic. I have some HAIL from them and am trying it out on some moms at the moment. Just wondering how the texture and water retention holds up to Fytocell.

Nope, haven't seen those. Will be interested to hear how you go with them. :)

One word: abamectrin (sometimes spelled avamectrin). There is no substitute. Kills spider mites every single time. However, if you ever get a spider mite infestation, the grow op has to be cleaned out totally and vacuumed THOROUGHLY or they'll be back. They're clever little bastards and will hide in the tiniest nooks and crannies. Plants that are heavily infested with spider mite should be put in plastic rubbish bags and disposed of. The plants won't yield well and are not worth saving. If you see just a few (under 50) on one leaf in your op, you MAY be able to save the grow. MAY. AL b fuct

Sounds familiar- are you quoting me? ;)

Called the manufacturer of my tds pen meter (nutradip) and asked what conversion scale it was on. He said 700 (or 442) scale but also told me doesn't matter because meters using 500 (or NaCi)scale would read exact same ppm in my res. He says that they have different calibration solution for for different scales of conversion but once calibrated correctly, should have the same readings. He said that the Target brand 1000pm calibration that I was using should be set at 1400 not 1000. This info is conflicting with what I thought tds meters read.

I guess my question is simply put..when I take somones advice on a ppm level should I be asking what conversion factor there using? Thanks Al you rock

Beats me. I use a Bluelab Truncheon TDS meter and run everything at indicated 1000ppm.

My starting ec from the local municipality comes out at. 6. -.7 I compared my last three grows where half the plants received ro and the other half straight tap. The plants grown with ro tested higher in final cannibinoid levels. I think this was due to the high starting EC from the tap effecting nutrient uptake.

How do you go about testing for cannabinoid levels? Have you got a mass spectrometer handy?

Hey Al,

Big fan here. I have been getting a harvest every week for years now, based on your grow model.

I have had this problem for a long time now (not with your model, but my hydroponics in general) where I change the water in any one of my reservoirs, add the correct amount of nutrients, set the Ph and the very next day the Ph is up 2.0-2.5 higher. Example, I set it at 5.5 and it is 7.5 the next day. I tested leaving the Ph ridiculously low (4.5) and it is 6.5 the next day.

A rapidly rising pH is often indicative of root pathogens such as pythium or fusarium. They'll kill a rootmass fairly quickly. Are you dosing your tanks with H2O2?

All three of my reservoirs do it and it doesn't matter if I am doing a bi-monthly drain and fill of the water, or a complete drain, clean, sterilize and rinse that I do once a month. It only does it for the first two or three days after changing the water and then everything is fine until the next water change. I also have to set my PPM on the low side, so it doesn't become too high when I have to add Ph down a few days in a row.

Something's amiss. Your pH should not be jumping up like that. Betting root disease.
The samples were tested at the university of new Mexico. new Mexico is medical marijuana state,all producers are require by the state to have harvests tested for contamination and most will test for the three main cannabidnoids as well. I think extremely highly of you and am a big fan of your commentaries but honestly think you are giving bad advice concerning municipal water especialy living in AU. I can't make a gross generalization about the water quality in Au as I don't live there. The starting EC of municipal city varies greatly from town to town.and starting EC of1.0 is not uncommon in large cities. Again I have no idea the starting EC in larger towns in AU, so I have no idea if that is problem you have ran into. Ou
Still using Sweet Tooth No. 4. Sprouted the beans for the plants I'm growing right now in 2002. Let it never be said that you cannot take clones of clones & get consistent performance for many years.

...really glad you touched this subject. I ran Big Bud for a couple years, had consistent performance the whole while, until I was cursed with powdery mildew, which nearly wipped out my whole garden. Long story short, the Big Bud recovered after the battle. Once I got cuttings from her and the flowering was done....the finished product did not taste nothing of the normal, but I kept growing her, only to get the same nasty taste harvest after harvest... everything seemed normal during the grows and the bud was still potent.
After doing some lazy research, I was convinced (at the time) that the strain has grown past its maturity or the PM took a toll. I kind'a feel as though I came to that conclusion too soon, and should've (maybe) consulted someone with experience in that area....I since have killed off the stain, and its left me with a guilty I left my best friend to die in battle. :sad: ....I've ordered more seeds since, but still haven't found a pheno of her that performs the same as my origional. :wall: you think the pm was responsible even though the mother had recovered?....or can a plant fully recover from a PM attack?

...Glad to know that the "past maturity" hype, is just that, hype.
...really glad you touched this subject. I ran Big Bud for a couple years, had consistent performance the whole while, until I was cursed with powdery mildew, which nearly wipped out my whole garden. Long story short, the Big Bud recovered after the battle. Once I got cuttings from her and the flowering was done....the finished product did not taste nothing of the normal, but I kept growing her, only to get the same nasty taste harvest after harvest... everything seemed normal during the grows and the bud was still potent.
After doing some lazy research, I was convinced (at the time) that the strain has grown past its maturity or the PM took a toll. I kind'a feel as though I came to that conclusion too soon, and should've (maybe) consulted someone with experience in that area....I since have killed off the stain, and its left me with a guilty I left my best friend to die in battle. :sad: ....I've ordered more seeds since, but still haven't found a pheno of her that performs the same as my origional. :wall: you think the pm was responsible even though the mother had recovered?....or can a plant fully recover from a PM attack?

...Glad to know that the "past maturity" hype, is just that, hype.

I have been running Chrystal, PPP and Ice for a couple years now, notice no differnce in potency. The Chrystal has changed a bit in that it veges differently than it did initially. Around the 5th or 6th gen it started vegging with different looking leaves (3 leaf sets), like it was changing from flower back to veg. Since then its also started stacking calyxes throughout the entire veg process like its just dying to be flowered like a mofo. It has proven to be effin' awesome since then and just packs on some awesome buds FAST right from the change in the photoperiod. Although this is the only strain I've noticed a change in, it has proven to be a positive.
I have an 8x4' grow tent with 2 600 watt HPS, I want to start a perpetual grow and build a flood and drain table in half of the tent (so 4x4). I have a separate box for clones and another cab for mothers.

-how many plants under one 600 watt light?
-I want to harvest every two weeks, can I do that with one table? I guess I could use two ~2x4 tables and two rezes.
-rez and pump size?
I have an 8x4' grow tent with 2 600 watt HPS, I want to start a perpetual grow and build a flood and drain table in half of the tent (so 4x4). I have a separate box for clones and another cab for mothers.

-how many plants under one 600 watt light?
-I want to harvest every two weeks, can I do that with one table? I guess I could use two ~2x4 tables and two rezes.
-rez and pump size?

...I've done 16-40 under one single 600 HPS....20 seems to be my preferred #
...I use 180- 360 gph pumps
...I wouldn't have plants in different stages on the same table because your ladies will need the EC/PPM adjusted according to their age. You can't flush only 1/2 of the table.....unless, unless....well, you'd have to get damn creative and it would be a pain in the arse....what size are your tables?...can you find 4 smaller tables that will fit under your 2 - 600's?
...I've done 16-40 under one single 600 HPS....20 seems to be my preferred #
...I use 180- 360 gph pumps
...I wouldn't have plants in different stages on the same table because your ladies will need the EC/PPM adjusted according to their age. You can't flush only 1/2 of the table.....unless, unless....well, you'd have to get damn creative and it would be a pain in the arse.
Dame TF you can fit more than 20 clones under 1 600watt? You must have a good reflector I had trouble with 10-15 clones for the light to cover them I didnt have a good reflector either.
Dame TF you can fit more than 20 clones under 1 600watt? You must have a good reflector I had trouble with 10-15 clones for the light to cover them I didnt have a good reflector either.'s all about how long you veg them....and a good lollipop!
I still need to build the tables and find suitable trays. I'll build two tables 1.5'x3' I'll start with 8 per table in 6" pots.

I don't want to use the whole tent for this yet. I still like growing bigger plants in soil, so...

-20 gal. rezes?
-think I can find trays that fit or use some kind of liner?
I still need to build the tables and find suitable trays. I'll build two tables 1.5'x3' I'll start with 8 per table in 6" pots.

I don't want to use the whole tent for this yet. I still like growing bigger plants in soil, so...

-20 gal. rezes?
-think I can find trays that fit or use some kind of liner?

...I've had a look at lowes and home depot online, and I think you can find totes that will be doable.
Is there a list of parts somewhere? I'm not finding a lot of great info on this system.

I have a few Sterlite containers that I'm going to use for trays, and rezes should not be hard to find. It's the other parts and details that I lack. Pump, fittings, tubing, how tall the drain needs to be etc, etc.
Is there a list of parts somewhere? I'm not finding a lot of great info on this system.

I have a few Sterlite containers that I'm going to use for trays, and rezes should not be hard to find. It's the other parts and details that I lack. Pump, fittings, tubing, how tall the drain needs to be etc, etc. sounds as though your interested in a flood and drain, or ebb and flow set up., I'll link you to some good info -->
Great find, thanks a bunch.

I bought the trays and rezes today. Pump and rockwool shopping tomorrow.
Been following you some time.. Love your shit...I have been using your technique in SOG... Trying to find the right strain for max gram per sqft... I am getting about 3/4 oz a plant on strain I am using now... Any strains you recommend? Prefer Indica..

Thanks Man
Been following you some time.. Love your shit...I have been using your technique in SOG... Trying to find the right strain for max gram per sqft... I am getting about 3/4 oz a plant on strain I am using now... Any strains you recommend? Prefer Indica..

Thanks Man

im curious what strain are you growing now phxfire?
im curious what strain are you growing now phxfire?
Purple Urkle... 4 weeks in rock wool cube under CFL... Then in pure coco coir 6" pots...
Then Straight to flower...
The extra time in rock wool allows a large root mass to develop and air prunes any roots that try to stray...

Also running
Blue Dreams
Master Bubba
Bubba Kush

2 pollenated with cherry kush male
Blue Dreams
Purple Urkle
Hoping to collect some nice seeds........