Is this soil mix OK?

My seeds are Germing right now. Once they pop I'm going to put them in a root riot plug and insert it in soil. My mix for the seedling is 50% FFOF, 20% perlite, 30% cocogro. Is this mix alright? Once i transplant them to their bigger pots I plan on doing 40%FFOF, 10% Azomite, 20% perlite, 10% cocogro and 10% cocofiber. Tell me what you guys think and would add/ take out. Thanks:joint:

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
Oh my God man, who in the world told you to use that recipe for your seedlings ?
Someone lied to you and now you're screwed.

I'm just screwing with you, I have no clue man, I clone in an ez cloner and put my seedlings in the same soil I use for all of my plants, promix.
Best of luck and hope this bump gets some replies that actually help.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good to me, I use FF and add some perlite to it and also coco-with perlite. All three should do well. :weed:


Well-Known Member
OH, but before you add the coco-and perlite to the FF I'd flush the two really well to get salts out of the coco as well as any small perlite 'powder' if you will. Fox Farms is good to go right out of the bag. Hope that helps :weed:


Active Member
Okay so I just let a few gallons of water run through it before I plant? I'm planting in solo cups.
A few gallons of water if you are working with 3 gallon containers... To flush you run about the same amount of water as there is volume in your containers.


Well-Known Member
No if you already mixed it I wouldn't worry too much. If anything give it a good flush before you start to flower.

Aquashift, your information in incorrect.

When you flush you do so with 3x the volume of the pot it's for instance

1 Gal - Flush with 3 Gal
3 Gal - Flush with 9 Gal
5 Gal - Flush with 15, etc, etc.

When you flush be sure to pH the last 1/3 of the water you flush with, that way after the flush your soil pH will be ok.


Well-Known Member
And they do need nutrients within the first 2 weeks, but your FF soil has all they need for it's seedling life. I always use a drop of super thrive to 1 Gal of water as well.
Okay when should I start feeding? I read 3 weeks is best for FFOF but I figure since it's 50%perlite/coco it might need to be sooner. I'm planning on going with ff trio but I am a total noob so I'm very open to suggestion.


Active Member
No if you already mixed it I wouldn't worry too much. If anything give it a good flush before you start to flower.

Aquashift, your information in incorrect.

When you flush you do so with 3x the volume of the pot it's for instance

1 Gal - Flush with 3 Gal
3 Gal - Flush with 9 Gal
5 Gal - Flush with 15, etc, etc.

When you flush be sure to pH the last 1/3 of the water you flush with, that way after the flush your soil pH will be ok.
MM, don't wanna disseminate bad info, but flushing with 3x the volume of the soil is overkill in his case.. You only wanna flush like that when you're about to harvest or if you have nute burn.
Sorry for the confusion.


Active Member
And they do need nutrients within the first 2 weeks, but your FF soil has all they need for it's seedling life. I always use a drop of super thrive to 1 Gal of water as well.
Sorry, but I disagree. Plants do not need any nutrients whatsoever the first 2 weeks. In my plant physiology class we did experiments on this.. and all plants have enough nutrients from their seeds for the first 14 days..
If you don't believe me germ a bean in a paper towel with no nutrients, and you'll see it grows fine for the first 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Forget Fox Farm and all those other expensive soil additives. Find a big commercial nursery that will sell to the public. Hell it doesn't even have to be a big one. Find out what soil they use and buy some from them. Typically they'll have high quality soil for cheap that may or may not be widely available to the public. I use Sun-Gro soil. This is the same company that produces Sunshine soil. I found a nursery to sell it to me for VERY cheap. Only 12 bucks for a 2.5 CF bag. Nearly the same price that Lowes charges for Miracle Gro. The only difference is that this shit has NO sticks in it. LOADS of chunky perlite, and grows plants like a motherfucker.

I was on the Fox Farm train for awhile but got off. IMO Fox Farm is a rip.