First Week In Flower


Active Member
12.jpg1105110722.jpgmms_picture_3.jpgmms_picture_4.jpgBeen having this issue since about week 2 of its life.Strawberry diesel.Browning yellowing and dry bottom leaves.I believe it was given too much nitrogen giving it the claw.Quick run down.Half and half ffof and light warrior botonicare pro grow and bloom,liquid karma,cal/mag,sweet.Only used veg nutes 1 time.added cal/mag once also(caused the claw)Last feeding was 1/4 strength bloom and sweet about 400 ppm.was using distilled now using purified poland spring.Phing water to 6.5-6.8.runoff is very inconsistent 5.3-6.0.Added 2 tbs of lime to top of soil and watered it in last feeding.Also using a 250 hps about 5-6 inches from tops.temp is 79 during day 68 at night.Shes growing about an inch a she measured 18 inches.Also new growth is small and deformed.having a difficult time figuring out.My first grow by the way.any ideas would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
need a bigger pot bro...and looks like overwatering ;)

Oh, and when you repot make sure you mix plenty of perlite into the soil to give it good drainage :)


Active Member
Dont think its overwatered.I water every 4-5 days as per moisture meter.There a bit droopy cause it was at the end of the day.Wow i thought 3 gal pots would do the trick.


New Member
Dont think its overwatered.I water every 4-5 days as per moisture meter.There a bit droopy cause it was at the end of the day.Wow i thought 3 gal pots would do the trick.
Your 3 gal is fine, not sure why the sudden surge of 'needs a bigger pot' is appearing so much lately. General rule, 1 gallon of medium per foot of plant height. Also once transition is over and flowering is well underway up canning is of little value, root growth has slowed to a crawl at that point. And those downward curling leaves indicate a wet root system. Toss the moisture meter and go by pot weight.


Well-Known Member
Your 3 gal is fine, not sure why the sudden surge of 'needs a bigger pot' is appearing so much lately. And those downward curling leaves indicate a wet root system. Toss the moisture meter and go by pot weight.
Just the size of that plant and how bushy it is vs the pot size seems a bit disproportional and i think it will start getting rootbound he needs better repotting with extra perlite will help him out there :)


Active Member
The claw only started when i first added grow and cal/mag.I didnt notice that cal/mag rating was a 2-0-0.So i think i gave her too much n.The claws never got worse.As far a overwatering i still find hard to believe because i do feel the wieght of the pot and really is light and dry.I will try to go a little longer in between waterings.


Active Member
I would agree, over watering, give yourself a couple more days in between waterings, make sure you're checking the under soil!


Active Member
dont mind the crookedness.was doig slight lst.dd.jpgmms_picture.jpgmms_picture.jpgwell here she is.grew another inch in dark period.bottom leaves dead.Now that i look at it again..i just maybe overwatering.


Active Member
Definitely lack of oxygen in the root zone. I'm with massah on up potting and adding perlite. Also, that hook looks like over nute to me.


Active Member
Im afraid to transplant at this stage.remember im in 1/2 ocean forest 1/2 light warrior plenty of perlite and drainage.Going to go a couple extra days of not watering.hopefully its not a case of root rot.was reading about hydrogen peroxide but its a no go in organics.shes still growing like a champ and is a stinky little bitch.


New Member
Im afraid to transplant at this stage.remember im in 1/2 ocean forest 1/2 light warrior plenty of perlite and drainage.Going to go a couple extra days of not watering.hopefully its not a case of root rot.was reading about hydrogen peroxide but its a no go in organics.shes still growing like a champ and is a stinky little bitch.
Its a bit spending but in your soil grow Hygrozyme would be a much better option to clean your roots up if you feel the need. I myself have been lucky enough to keep Springtaills(beneficial insect)alive in the garden to keep rotting organic matter policed and recycled in the medium...


Active Member
6th day no water.look pretty much the same.bottom leaves wilting away.grew another inch tho.moisture meter indicated dry and pot wieght indicates dry.gonna go 1 more day.Gonna feed her bloom calmag and sweet.


Well-Known Member about the "repotting" I said have an ok size pot...the issue is you didn't put shit for soil in it ;) I looked through as many pictures as I could to see the level of soil you've way thats enough soil...yes you are in a 3 gallon pot...but you've only got 1.5gallons of soil in you can either upsize to a 5 gallon and fill it in good, or take the rootball gently out of your 3 gallon pot...put more soil in the bottom of it and place it back down in and fill it in around it to take advantage of your pot size...I think it would be more benificial to just go buy a $2.50 5 gallon bucket...drill a bunch of holes in the bottom(and make holes in the bottom lip to allow water to drain out instead of pooling up below it)...

just my .02 :D


Active Member
Yea after a couple of watering the soil sank alot.When she wakes im going too add to the bottom.hopefully it goes well.Been reading that its not good to transplant during flower.I would go to a 5 gal pot but i dont have enough room.wish me luck.I just dont want to fuck up.


Active Member
333.jpgmms_picture24.jpgmms_picture_2.jpgOk..added some soil on bottom.Roots looked great.Not even close to rootbound.Soil was REALLY dry.Added water and nutes about 400ppm.Hope she doesnt go into shock.