Barney's F - Vanilla Kush / TGA Subcool - Ace of Spades = Waterfarm - 600w


Well-Known Member
Nice Information To Know.I Tried To Rep You On This But I Was Informed That I Need To Spread It Around.:blsmoke:
No prob man - I'm glad to be able to help!

I Just Finished looking Over Your Pic's And Didnt See Any Of The Pinching And Twisting You Mention.Could You Post A Pic Of Your Technique.Thanks the Dawg.Peace Out :peace:
Yo - I actually did all of the super-cropping after those pics were taken. I don't abuse them so much that the tops bend over, just enough to break the cellulose in the stems in a few places... and I didn't 'twist' these ones, just pinched this time. I've twisted in the past, but didn't find it necessary yet for these. If they really start to get out of hand, I may reconsider that though. If I can, I'll try to get a closeup of a top that's been pinched...

Ur ace looks like my fav pheno. The berryincense.
They don't need much support either due to thick strong stems. Mine has forearm long grapefruit wide buds I'm sure urs will if u get a cherry soda pheno it will purp up nice ESP where ur fan hits even in hot temps. I got one it's good too but the b I pheno mmm. Keep a cut it's a keeper
I'm intrigued to say the least!! Can you post some pics here of her? I had the feeling this one was something special - just crazy strong branches and super healthy. She's starting to stretch now a little, but I supercropped her this evening now as well - we'll see how she reacts! I wish I could keep a cutting of this, but I'm not sure I have the time or space to do that this time... Did you keep a cutting from yours? Please expand on the 'berry incense' and why you named it that... =) +rep for the awesome info!


Well-Known Member
It's an honor getting props from you! Thanks hellz! Cheers for the rep as well - back at ya!


Well-Known Member
You have some talent with your camera not everyone captures the angles you did so well.
Of course amazing looking plants and such detail you could easily test for TGA bro.

I will follow along this should be interesting that AOS is beefy in water my lord!



Well-Known Member
look at u, got the breeder on your thread. lol still looking amazing dayzt, cannot wait for week five pics.

The Dawg

Well-Known Member
Ive Been Reading Your TD Journal.Very Cool 2 Leaves Up :weed:.I'm Will Be Starting My Own Grow Journal As Well.I've Had A Couple Of Set Backs.My Girls Are In Tuperware Sitting In The Fridge.My Hydroton Has Been Rinsed And Re-Rinsed Countless Times.Just Waiting On My 12VDC 5A Power Supplies To Arrive Then Its On Like Donkey Kong :joint:I'm Looking Forwards To The Scootyballs Grow Clubs Advice. :leaf:


Active Member
Subbed for this one. Read your entire TD grow start to finish and it basically taught me everything I know about growing so far as well as inspired me to replicate some of your set up. I'm just starting my grow with a 400W MH/HPS and a waterfarm, but I have a question that I can't seem to find the answer to anywhere. When do you start adding nutes to the res? My plant is very young still and only has the cotyledon leaves and is starting to show its first serrated leaves. I'm running tap water so my PPMs are about 120 right now. Should I just leave it for a little while and when should I introduce the nutes?


Well-Known Member
You have some talent with your camera not everyone captures the angles you did so well.
Of course amazing looking plants and such detail you could easily test for TGA bro.

I will follow along this should be interesting that AOS is beefy in water my lord!

Hey SUb - thanks for checking out my grow! I'm a fan of your 'Dank' photo novels, so a photography compliment like that...well I really don't know what to say about that!

I appreciate the compliments - yeah the Ace is super healthy, and responding very well to the waterfarm medium and the heavy LST applied thus far. She's got some strong 'arms' that are just flexible enough to keep pulling back every few days here and allow the plant to open up nicely. It has such large tops, that it appears they'll be shoulder-to-shoulder most of the way through flowering...

As for testing for TGA - I'll send you a pm... :leaf:

look at u, got the breeder on your thread. lol still looking amazing dayzt, cannot wait for week five pics.
Yep, more pics coming soon - going through the coming stretch, there will bo doubt be plenty to see! :weed:

Ive Been Reading Your TD Journal.Very Cool 2 Leaves Up :weed:.I'm Will Be Starting My Own Grow Journal As Well.I've Had A Couple Of Set Backs.My Girls Are In Tuperware Sitting In The Fridge.My Hydroton Has Been Rinsed And Re-Rinsed Countless Times.Just Waiting On My 12VDC 5A Power Supplies To Arrive Then Its On Like Donkey Kong :joint:I'm Looking Forwards To The Scootyballs Grow Clubs Advice. :leaf:
Cool man - can't wait! Let us know how it goes!

Subbed for this one. Read your entire TD grow start to finish and it basically taught me everything I know about growing so far as well as inspired me to replicate some of your set up. I'm just starting my grow with a 400W MH/HPS and a waterfarm, but I have a question that I can't seem to find the answer to anywhere. When do you start adding nutes to the res? My plant is very young still and only has the cotyledon leaves and is starting to show its first serrated leaves. I'm running tap water so my PPMs are about 120 right now. Should I just leave it for a little while and when should I introduce the nutes?
Hey md - thanks, I'm flattered! Please remember that these journals are my way of 'learning' these techniques and sharing my journey, but be careful not to follow my steps too close, some have been wrong decisions - but you can learn from my mistakes as I do! =)

As for adding your nutes - don't worry about adding ANY nutrient for at least the first 2-3 weeks. The seedling doesn't use anything yet at that point, so starting on them too soon will burn them little ones! Give it a chance to develop a stronger, longer root down in the grow chamber before giving it any food. Straight water is all she needs that early on. Especially if you're using tap water - the ppm isn't 'terrible' at 120, but you'll need to be careful when you start giving nutes, as you will always need to take into consideration of the existing ppm of your base water... Also check the pH of your tap-water to make sure it isn't too hot.


Well-Known Member
Ive Been Reading Your TD Journal.Very Cool 2 Leaves Up :weed:.I'm Will Be Starting My Own Grow Journal As Well.I've Had A Couple Of Set Backs.My Girls Are In Tuperware Sitting In The Fridge.My Hydroton Has Been Rinsed And Re-Rinsed Countless Times.Just Waiting On My 12VDC 5A Power Supplies To Arrive Then Its On Like Donkey Kong :joint:I'm Looking Forwards To The Scootyballs Grow Clubs Advice. :leaf:
hey champ, i dont know what other options u have maybe dayzt or someone else can help u out with that but my advice is dont trust your hydroton i seasoned mine by soaking it in nutes, washed it thoroughly about 10 times till it was clean as then even ran my waterfarm for about 2 weeks with clean tap water and it still burnt my seedlings. they have come good now but probably about a week behind where i would have liked. maybe start in rock wool cubes the first time or something im not sure im a mega novice at the indoor stuff.


Well-Known Member
Completed most of the lower trimming on the VK plant this evening and took some quick snaps with my older camera - nothing fancy, just wanted to log some pics of the leaf piles and her bare legs... enjoy! :leaf:

...also a few pics of the AoS canopy and some closeups of the developing tops.

For everyone out there thinking about growing the AoS, make note that this plant is 'primo' at the 400-450 ppm range at the end of veg and at least during the first week of flower... she's loving it right now, so I'm just going to keep her at that level until the end of the week or so before increasing her nutes more - most likely after it's next rez change this weekend.

At this rate (the VK is also sitting at about 430 ppm right now), I don't anticipate these plants even reaching 1000 ppms during this grow. I'm trying my best to listen to the plants, and they appear to be very happy so far... and as I've already mentioned, I'm bound and determined not to get any root rot this time!

The Dawg

Well-Known Member
hey champ, i dont know what other options u have maybe dayzt or someone else can help u out with that but my advice is dont trust your hydroton i seasoned mine by soaking it in nutes, washed it thoroughly about 10 times till it was clean as then even ran my waterfarm for about 2 weeks with clean tap water and it still burnt my seedlings. they have come good now but probably about a week behind where i would have liked. maybe start in rock wool cubes the first time or something im not sure im a mega novice at the indoor stuff.
Thanks Forget=Rep's.I Have Read Alot Of WF Journal's And That Was My Conclusion Also.This Will Be My First Grow And I Havent Rushed Into WF With A Blind Eye.I'm Using Rock wool With The Conditioner Also To Stabilize The Ph Of The Rock wool.bongsmilie

Daytz Your Girl Is Looking Real Sexy (YEA BABY) :weed:


Well-Known Member
Right on Dawg... it's true, new hydroton is a PITA causing high ppms and such early on during it's first use. Don't sweat it! Your seedling will pull through, and be STRONGER because of least that's what I've seen happen. Try not to worry too much about it, and push through to that day when you start to see the roots poke through the bottom of your grow chamber... if you need a reference, take a look at my AoS - she went through the same thing - the TD as well... :leaf:

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
DayzT, your plants are getting enormously beautiful! thanks for all the amazing documentation and clear consice explanations ...Once again you have been able to answer a new question of mine in these last few posts.. i love the pictures you just posted some of the leaves , the way they are positioned look like they are connected in a huge spiralling circles. very trippy. Im looking foward to the massive amount of leaves i will get with the to make hash and butter with.. looks like your on your way as well. take it easy D!


Well-Known Member
You can take cuttings from your plant as soon as it's big enough to 'spare' losing a few shoots. When the right time is to do this would depend on the reason for doing it though I suppose... if you're taking them to root and force-flower in order to determine sex, then you obviously want to do that as early on as possible. If you're just wanting to 'expand' your plant count, or start a perpetual grow - wait until closer to flowering so you can safely cut a larger number of them without causing too much stress, and try to take your cuts from the lower part of the plant. In my experience, cuttings 5-6" or bigger will have the greatest success rate...

As many will agree, taking cuttings after you start 12/12 will be more difficult (since it would mean reverting them back to veg temporarily in order to root properly), and has proven to take longer with a higher 'casualty' rate.

I'm definitely no expert on cloning though, as I've never grown out a clone - always worked with seeds so far. I've rooted clones successfully a few times though, just to see if I could do it. The best advise I can 'pass along' from what I've read though, is to remember that 'Temperature' (use a heating pad under the clone-dome) and humidity (clone dome) are primarily what determine your cloning success rate.

Here's a great article by Subcool on cloning...


Well-Known Member
You can take cuttings from your plant as soon as it's big enough to 'spare' losing a few shoots. When the right time is to do this would depend on the reason for doing it though I suppose... if you're taking them to root and force-flower in order to determine sex, then you obviously want to do that as early on as possible. If you're just wanting to 'expand' your plant count, or start a perpetual grow - wait until closer to flowering so you can safely cut a larger number of them without causing too much stress, and try to take your cuts from the lower part of the plant. In my experience, cuttings 5-6" or bigger will have the greatest success rate...

As many will agree, taking cuttings after you start 12/12 will be more difficult (since it would mean reverting them back to veg temporarily in order to root properly), and has proven to take longer with a higher 'casualty' rate.

I'm definitely no expert on cloning though, as I've never grown out a clone - always worked with seeds so far. I've rooted clones successfully a few times though, just to see if I could do it. The best advise I can 'pass along' from what I've read though, is to remember that 'Temperature' (use a heating pad under the clone-dome) and humidity (clone dome) are primarily what determine your cloning success rate.

Here's a great article by Subcool on cloning...
Good advice here. Only thing I will add is clones root the fastest when the medium is kept slightly warmer than air temp. 75-77 air temp ideal, medium 80-82. Also use a rooting hormone to increase success rate... I have a 99% success rate using large healthy top shoots in 2-2.5 weeks.


I was more so talking for extraction for hash and whatnot, but that is also information that I've been seeking out too!


Well-Known Member
I was more so talking for extraction for hash and whatnot, but that is also information that I've been seeking out too!
OH!! Wrong type of 'clippings'. Okay, now I'm on the same page as you. :smile: I've started keeping my leaf cuttings as soon as the trichs start to develop on them. I just keep them in a paper bag close by the tent, in a dark corner. They dry up real fast that way and then go into the freezer to be stored until we use them to make hash or butter. There's no point in keeping the straight green leaves in the stages before that though, they're of no benefit other than good compost!

The Dawg

Well-Known Member
Dayzt I Have A Question.Have You Or Anyone Else Ran A Lite Nute Solution To Season Their Hydroton :idea: :leaf: