this is my and my X-gf argueing please what does one think from this arguement I feel like a dam animal bc of her we broke up because she couldn't understand me fuck my life.... and well just read it and tell me your thoughts on our arguemtn
this is all very trivial
me: please dont take anything i say in offensive
I just really dont appreciate any of it
me: so every thing im saying you dislike then?
the 'help' stuff
me: ugh every thing i do is to try and help you, but you do not relise it
I do realize it
again I just dont want it
me: okay
me: can i ask you a question?
I suppose
me: Why is it you choose to live a life of un-knowing when the knowledge is right in front of you me: and why do you choose to not be happy over being truly happy. what makes you want to me: live a life of "not knowing".
You aren't some fully enlightened being
I will go about life as I am
me: i never said i was
I know
but it sure seems like you're implying so
me: where in there did i?
me: point out where i implyd it
"the knowledge is right in front of you" makes it seem like you're talking about you
me: no i wasent im telling you that because the answers are within you
me: your answer?
Your question
is an opinion of me
You dont know how my life goes
me: no its not
you can only speculate
me: you want to know why i asked i?
me: it*
i dont give a fuck
me: beacuse i am ceriours why you arnt cerious
i dont know if that says curious or serious and it makes me mad
me: curious
me: look at you i asked a few questions and what did i even do?
me: your mad because i am makeing you think
It's not the questions
It's you
I'm irritated because YOU'RE asking me them
I don't want to think for you
me: i think you hold a grunge agenst me
me: wow i dont want you to think for me
I don't think it's a grudge
me: i want you to think for your self.
I just don't want to be so thoughtful with you
I think plenty for myself
Im inspired
and creative
I don't know why you think otherwise, still dunno who you think you are
me: i think of my self as a person, who do you think you are i asked you a simple me: question on a "why do you not seek knowledge" like most man kind does and me: you start flipping out on me
me: that WHY i asked it
Why do YOU think I dont seek knowledge?
Im flipping out being you are misjudging me so much
me: i want you to point out where i even started to juge you
"why dont you seek knowledge"
me: thats a dam question *****
implying i dont seek knowledge
i do a lot for myself
and my body
me: dont we all?
i think im so mad because again Im soooo uncomfy with you
me: i dont see why
i dont want to share deep thoughts with you
you scare me
stick to talking about anime or some shit
me: what about me scares you?
i know that isnt fufilling at all
I dont want to talk about it
me: am i a fucking animal?
me: you treat me like one
I do not
Im just being honest
me: "stick to talking about anime or some shit"
me: thats like giving a animal a order
I didnt say you had to
I suggested it
me: and i all i asked was a question
me: yepp
me: the fact you dont want to share deep thoughts means you are insure about me: your self
I can share them with people I love
In fact
mmy deep thoughts only go to one person
Because that's where they are safe
I can distribute thhem as I wish
me: so you never think about questions only around those you love? thats a lie you me: do it with teachers and home work all the time
well we're tlaking in a totally different sense
I dont know what you want from mne
it's useless
me: an answer
Well, enough of this
it all comes down to
You make me uncomfortable
It's all you need to know
me: thats ur falt not mine
Explains my actions towards you and such
No it's not
It's a shared thing
I dont like this feeling
me: prove why its my fult i cant just fucking change who i am
me: derp?
you are the biggest false intellectual
me: how so?
zerg rush kekeke
I dont want to be on this terms
im done
good-bye and take care
this is all very trivial
me: please dont take anything i say in offensive
I just really dont appreciate any of it
me: so every thing im saying you dislike then?
the 'help' stuff
me: ugh every thing i do is to try and help you, but you do not relise it
I do realize it
again I just dont want it
me: okay
me: can i ask you a question?
I suppose
me: Why is it you choose to live a life of un-knowing when the knowledge is right in front of you me: and why do you choose to not be happy over being truly happy. what makes you want to me: live a life of "not knowing".
You aren't some fully enlightened being
I will go about life as I am
me: i never said i was
I know
but it sure seems like you're implying so
me: where in there did i?
me: point out where i implyd it
"the knowledge is right in front of you" makes it seem like you're talking about you
me: no i wasent im telling you that because the answers are within you
me: your answer?
Your question
is an opinion of me
You dont know how my life goes
me: no its not
you can only speculate
me: you want to know why i asked i?
me: it*
i dont give a fuck
me: beacuse i am ceriours why you arnt cerious
i dont know if that says curious or serious and it makes me mad
me: curious
me: look at you i asked a few questions and what did i even do?
me: your mad because i am makeing you think
It's not the questions
It's you
I'm irritated because YOU'RE asking me them
I don't want to think for you
me: i think you hold a grunge agenst me
me: wow i dont want you to think for me
I don't think it's a grudge
me: i want you to think for your self.
I just don't want to be so thoughtful with you
I think plenty for myself
Im inspired
and creative
I don't know why you think otherwise, still dunno who you think you are
me: i think of my self as a person, who do you think you are i asked you a simple me: question on a "why do you not seek knowledge" like most man kind does and me: you start flipping out on me
me: that WHY i asked it
Why do YOU think I dont seek knowledge?
Im flipping out being you are misjudging me so much
me: i want you to point out where i even started to juge you
"why dont you seek knowledge"
me: thats a dam question *****
implying i dont seek knowledge
i do a lot for myself
and my body
me: dont we all?
i think im so mad because again Im soooo uncomfy with you
me: i dont see why
i dont want to share deep thoughts with you
you scare me
stick to talking about anime or some shit
me: what about me scares you?
i know that isnt fufilling at all
I dont want to talk about it
me: am i a fucking animal?
me: you treat me like one
I do not
Im just being honest
me: "stick to talking about anime or some shit"
me: thats like giving a animal a order
I didnt say you had to
I suggested it
me: and i all i asked was a question
me: yepp
me: the fact you dont want to share deep thoughts means you are insure about me: your self
I can share them with people I love
In fact
mmy deep thoughts only go to one person
Because that's where they are safe
I can distribute thhem as I wish
me: so you never think about questions only around those you love? thats a lie you me: do it with teachers and home work all the time
well we're tlaking in a totally different sense
I dont know what you want from mne
it's useless
me: an answer
Well, enough of this
it all comes down to
You make me uncomfortable
It's all you need to know
me: thats ur falt not mine
Explains my actions towards you and such
No it's not
It's a shared thing
I dont like this feeling
me: prove why its my fult i cant just fucking change who i am
me: derp?
you are the biggest false intellectual
me: how so?
zerg rush kekeke
I dont want to be on this terms
im done
good-bye and take care