I've heard to mix it 25%-50% but 50/50 sounds a little high and wouldn't it affect the nutrients in the soil? Or do you just feed sooner? Thank You in advance!
I add 4 ounces to every 1.5 cuft bag, and I also add 1 cup of dolomite lime too. Works for me and I haven't had any probelems. I prefer to have the soil dry a little faster anyways too keep the bugs down that lay eggs in the soil.
Your going by weight I'm going by volume.
That's like apple and oranges....
How many gallons or cubic feet is that?
The 1.5 cuft bag is about 10 gallons~
I have had nothing but nuet lock problems with ffof. I mixed 6oz of perlight to each 5 gallon pot and 7oz of peet as well. The soil with half the nuets of the ff 3pack is making the leaves turn krispy. next time is roots organic in 2 gallon pots for 12/12 grow for me with 9 plants under a 600hps. ffof has wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to many nuets in it.
I have 3 bags of Foxfarm Ocean Forest soil. The bags are 12 Quarts each. I am going to put 2/3 gallon fabric pots in my 32/32/63" Grow Tent with a 600 LED Light. How much Perlite should I use for each bag? Ranman.
I don’t even use extra perlite in my ffof but I’m sure e it helps ... I wouldn’t worry about putting too much or too little ,maybe like just a cup or 2 per pot
My plants are over 4 Inches tall and starting to lean. They are only 9 days old should I put them in my Fabric grow pots and get them in my 32/32/63" tent with my 600 LED light. They are still in the Jiffy Pellets???
Transplant to 1gallons if possible... let them max .that out before they go in 3s or 5s ....600 wtf ...??? You got a gavita pro lol .... 4 inches is to small to be having problems dude get with it... pronto
I have 3 bags of 12 first FFOF But I am only going to use two 3 gallon Fabric grow pots. I was told to use 4 quart s per bag Ranman. Should I put my Jiffy Pellets in the grow bags now? Only 8 days old and four inches tall, starting to lean bad. Ranman.
Take it easy the ffof is packed with nutes... that all I use for the first month personally, if you have to you can do 3 gallons but the spread will not help with lighting . Moving from 1 galllon to 3 or close too will help ... just transplant the stem a bit under dirt to hold it up and prune the bottom if possible.
Here is what they look like at 8 days old. I have been putting them in Tent a hour max two hours a day last three days. First time indoor grower and lost. My tent is 32/32/63" 600 w LED LIGHT HELP. Should I put Jiffy Pellets in the 3 gallon bags & just start the 18 on 6 off light s schedule? Or should I just put them in 1gallon pots. Using FFOF SOIL& some Perlite. Ranman.
I’m confused with this light ,,, just make sure you have roots as you can transfer into party cups or 1 gallons watever ... I didn’t realize they were so small ... 18/6 works great.
I doubt it’s 600 watts but at seedling stage they do t need much