Ok...a thousand watt light, craigslist it for 200, a used inline fan, 50-75 bucks, exhaust tubing...depends how far you gotta go. Get 9 5-gallon pots,30-50dollars. A bale of promix 35-45 dollars. nine 10 inch pot bottoms, 10 bucks. Xnutrients or cutting edge solutions 3 part series 30 bucks. A liquid ph tester 10 dollars, 2 circulating fans from a thrift store....5 to 10 a piece. A digital timer from home depot 15. A measuring syringe-3 dollars. Botanicare cal mag...20 bucks? Any leftover money sh ould be spent on supplemental t5 flouro strips, 15 to 25 each at home depot. That is everything you need, maybe some air freshener. People worry about the smell a lot, and its a valid point, but remem be r, you're a stoner, your place already smells like weed.