My girlfriend ate a dog....


Well-Known Member
depends, did she specifically want to eat dog or just accidentally ate it or just didnt want to be impolite? :)

did she just taste it or wolfed it all down and asked for seconds and is now hungrily eyeing all the dogs in the neighborhood?

is this going to be a regular thing, or just a one time thing?


Well-Known Member
If you feel that strongly about her eating dog I'm not sure the relationship will last...
Dude me and her are perfectly happy. I clearly stated I would not leave her for this and said it would be stupid to do that. I could have sworn every couple has their disagreements that they work with each other to come to an agreement, well that's what I'm trying to do. My opinion of her doesn't change at all, it's just strange to me.


Well-Known Member
depends, did she specifically want to eat dog or just accidentally ate it or just didnt want to be impolite? :)

did she just taste it or wolfed it all down and asked for seconds and is now hungrily eyeing all the dogs in the neighborhood?

is this going to be a regular thing, or just a one time thing?
Not to sound like a dick, but what would it matter if it was a one time thing or a weekly thing? Either way she has eaten a dog.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
well to answer your question if cannibalism wasn't illegal but you found it to be immoral to eat an other human being then yes it would be perfectly fine to dump her... for eating an other person...


Well-Known Member
Not to sound like a dick, but what would it matter if it was a one time thing or a weekly thing? Either way she has eaten a dog.

well, wouldnt it matter more if she Kept on eating dogs? (as opposed to having Tasted a dog once(it was dead and not a pet and allready cooked and probably smelled delicious (humans are called long pork, cause, guess why?)


Well-Known Member
well to answer your question if cannibalism wasn't illegal but you found it to be immoral to eat an other human being then yes it would be perfectly fine to dump her... for eating an other person...
Do you believe in an afterlife? If not then you should believe that are bodies will return to earth, so neither a dogs life nor a humans life holds any more importance than the other.

Oh BTW I'm not starting a religious debate....


Well-Known Member

well, wouldnt it matter more if she Kept on eating dogs? (as opposed to having Tasted a dog once(it was dead and not a pet and allready cooked and probably smelled delicious (humans are called long pork, cause, guess why?)
Calling someone a dick is like calling someone an asshole. Calling someone an asshole is like calling someone mean lol.

If she just grew a dog for the purpose of eating it, then it was never a pet so it shouldn't be morally wrong.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Your body is just a vessel for the soul... it is the soul that comes back to inhabit an other form as far as reincarnation goes... and even in the bible king Solomon states that nobody knows if animals have souls and if they do if they went to heaven or to hell...

Lets say cheating on your girlfriend... is it illegal..? no... is it immoral..? to most people... would she be right to dump you for a perfectly legal but immoral by her standards action..? of course she would be...


Well-Known Member
Calling someone a dick is like calling someone an asshole. Calling someone an asshole is like calling someone mean lol.

If she just grew a dog for the purpose of eating it, then it was never a pet so it shouldn't be morally wrong.
lol, i do know the definition of calling someone a dick :)

just dont consider someone a dick for thinking contrary to myself (Well, depending on some things :))

it would be morally wrong if you considered killing living beings wrong (though then better step back from any animal (i dont really considering neutering and other such methods, that fantastic an alternative to living free and possibly hunted)

is killing wrong? well we sure dont like to be killed (anything)

but we all die and even humans are just meat to something else, in the end.

lets just say i prefer to reserve judgement on this. i dont know.


Well-Known Member
Your body is just a vessel for the soul... it is the soul that comes back to inhabit an other form as far as reincarnation goes... and even in the bible king Solomon states that nobody knows if animals have souls and if they do if they went to heaven or to hell...

Lets say cheating on your girlfriend... is it illegal..? no... is it immoral..? to most people... would she be right to dump you for a perfectly legal but immoral by her standards action..? of course she would be...
i hope I don't come back as a dog lol, I wanna be a badass fire breathing dragon. That was a joke, but not a joke towards your beliefs. If I offended you, I'm sorry and that was not my intention.