Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

Do you support the global "Occupy" protests?

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Well-Known Member
Now you're talking.
The secrets are long and deep.
It's impossible to make 200 years of bad decisions even if you tried.

I've thrown that concept around myself and I know where you are coming from.
It wasn't until I deduced exactly what "Career Politician" really means, that I was able to connect to the next level.
In classrooms across the world there are people practicing, grooming, and breeding con-men and women.
That might cause you to smirk at it's most superficial layer, but read on.
Staged all over are these Mock trials, and Mock debates. Here people are taught the tools they need to CONvince the crowd they are right.
Intentionally these young minds are told to argue points they don't agree with, in order to receive praise.(Conditioning)
Those who are best are groomed and picked by clubs, or "Secret Societies".
This is how they pick them, next they corrupt them with an illusion of power, that is only as real as the illusion of matter itself.
Once they've been vetted, it's only a matter of lighting for the stage hands after that!
For instance, Obama was bought long ago, and sat in arguably the most corrupt city in the country!

Speaking of 200 years ago...
Our Vice President Aaron Burr and President Andrew Jackson had it right then!
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I know about the "Illuminaiti" and Masonic stuff.
I mention a Masonic lodge to whoever I'm with, whenever I pass one.

I don't think they're ANY smarter than us though.
There ARE LOTS and LOTS of greedy shit fucks in there. But that is the definition of "Politics" all over the world.
I don't think the secrets go as far as we think.
Yes they choose certain people.
Yes they have certain ideas.
But I'm pretty sure the Jews could wipe them out in one fell swoop, and I bet there is something bigger than the Jews...Hindu's? There's some deep, deep REAL shit.
Business and and modern "Politics" is a joke. The Cartells, and Celebrities are making more history than them. The cartells actually came into Texas, and were taking control of entire cities. (In the Western Hemisphere, so not the war in the Middle East) They aren't really much, And there's probably MUCH bigger stuff going on in other countries.
And that's what really matters. Who's making history...

It's not reeaaaalllly "Secret Societies"
It's "Politics", and "References", making up most of the "Illuminati" work.

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
It's not reeaaaalllly "Secret Societies"
It's "Politics", and "References", making up most of the "Illuminati" work.
It most definitely is Secret Societies!
Bohemian Grove, and the Bilderberg Group, stick out in my mind , but there are others like the CFR, and the G20.
No, not every mason, or for that matter, Illuminati member has knowledge of the inner workings of TPTB.
Jews, Hindu's, Christians, they don't care what affiliation you have segregated yourself into.
Just as their ancestors before them, they have been worshiping the latest evolutionary leap of Human beings.
These bloodlines go back farther then you may realize and others have never fathomed.
10,000 years ago a Man was born with Blue eyes and his lineage has been worshiped ever since.
Any Human with Blue eyes can trace his genetic code to the Pharaoh's of Ancient Egypt.
And like those Pharoah's these Elitists worship hidden Gods, like Moloch.
But, it's not like Blue Eyes mean you are a member of their club.
And it's not like they agree concisely, they fight for power like any other club.
Maybe you should ask to who do we owe the favor for the collapse of the British financial market during the war of 1812?
Where did that financial power go?
Who funded Hitler?
Questions that take you down the rabbit hole?

Would you believe Obama is related to Dick Cheney and George Bush, and that George Bush is the queen of England's second cousin!
It goes back throughout our history.

I theorize, that after the Terror of the French Revolution, they decided to put alot more effort into covert controls.
Basically instead of just watching it slip through the fingers of what they thought was an iron grip.
They decided to place it in their palm.
Unfortunately they are now moving back in the overt controls of the so called Iron Grip.


Well-Known Member
someone unrelated to occupy Oakland got shot and killed within occupy oakland today. the mayor has called for everyone to leave immediately. shits about to go down.

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
someone unrelated to occupy Oakland got shot and killed within occupy oakland today. the mayor has called for everyone to leave immediately. shits about to go down.
Rumor, "the wound was self inflicted."! :?


Well-Known Member
it's starting to rain pretty hard in oakland right now. certain people could use the weather to their advantage.

"they" are saying that criminals are using the occupy area to hide from police. the police are afraid to go in there. sounds like propaganda to me.

santa rosa city council just gave their occupiers the right to stay. they say they want them to "stay focused on the reason they are their and to work on getting their message to sacramento".

Occupy Santa Rosa wins right to camp

Occupy Santa Rosa's encampment on the lawn of City Hall will be allowed to stay for now after the City Council agreed to grant protesters camping permits following a dramatic and emotional emergency meeting Thursday.


Conditions for a camping permit

The conditions for a permit include: Proposed permit conditions for Occupy Santa Rosa campers include:

--Every adult camper has to give the city his or her name.

--Every tent owner has to get a separate permit and a tag to be affixed to the tent.

--Tents need to be contained to the two northern lawns of City Hall.

--Tents must be 20 feet away from buildings, and spaced at least five feet apart.

-- Each tent must be limited to four campers.

-- No pets except service dogs allowed.

-- No cooking, open fires, generators, space heaters or storage of flammable material such as propane.

-- No smoking, drinking, drug use or glass bottles.

-- All trash must be removed from the site.

-- No digging, trenching or disturbing landscaping.

-- No disruption of City Hall operations or nearby businesses.

-- Campers under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

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After 4½ hours of testimony and discussion, the council agreed to pass an urgency ordinance that goes into effect immediately and makes it possible for individuals to obtain 15-day camping permits that come with a long list of conditions.
“I think this movement has come a long way in a very short time,” Councilman Gary Wysocky said. “I think you've learned that you need to focus and you need to have some achievable goals.”
Councilman Jake Ours, who was heckled at the previous council meeting for telling protesters they needed to remember they were “guests in our home,” said he was gratified to see the group got his core message to take control of the protest. He said he has high hopes the movement could create real change in the nation.
“I think that you all are the beginning of a unique movement that can set the tone for politics and set the tone for the presidential election, and I would truly like to see that,” Ours said.

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