I'm ON FIRE!! -----> LIVE


Well-Known Member
I totally had the idea of taking a large chemistry beaker, and a test tube, cut the test tubes bottom off, drill a hole in the beaker and put in a rubber grommet and drop in the test tube and a slide/bowl and call it the mad scientist :D


Well-Known Member
When it's a mere thousand odd, i just tend to write that money off once spent. It doesn't cause me any issue to do so so i just take it as spent, and start breaking even from there. The alternative would have been for the thousand odd to pay for a new television or some other item that doesn't ever pay itself off.

I'm excited i am, i've a day of glasswork tomorrow, one of the items the company helps you to make is large vases, of your own design, so i'm half tempted to see whether i can turn a vase into well, maybe something more practical than a vase :D Think i'll even take my downstem from my bong with me just in case :D
i strive for the day i can make vases. :cool:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, not quite what i want around my flat, but that's partly what the company specialises in, and hey, i reckon if you got proficient at vases and found the right area, they'd fly like hotcakes. I'm not sure how a hotcake flies but that is something i'd like to find out. They sell their own vases for around £100 a go, and a simple candlestick they sell for just under £50, although it's quite a famous company over here so that would account for some of the price. Still good enough for me :D I just want to trade a piece of glass for a box of apples, that kind deal :D

Although saying that, i think i'd be happy to make anything regardless of use to me so long as it's pretty :D


Glassblowing Moderator
i spent 2000 to start up and made my monet back in 6 months. you just got to learn something people buy and in 6 months you can make a profit. i sucked for three years but still made money selling my janky spoons to gas stations. and friends. its not that hard...


Well-Known Member
i spent 2000 to start up and made my monet back in 6 months. you just got to learn something people buy and in 6 months you can make a profit. i sucked for three years but still made money selling my janky spoons to gas stations. and friends. its not that hard...
Whats a janky spoon? The gas stations buy them from you? How much are they worth? How much is the meterial to make glass peices? Like once you own equipment, how much do materials cost? How much of a peices price is just to cover costs? Gas and glass and stuff?


Glassblowing Moderator
Whats a janky spoon? The gas stations buy them from you? How much are they worth? How much is the meterial to make glass peices? Like once you own equipment, how much do materials cost? How much of a peices price is just to cover costs? Gas and glass and stuff?
a janky spoon is a pipe shaped like a spoon but not the best shaping. crooked or something. gas stations and smoke shops but them. worth around 5-10$ depending on jankyness, roughly $1.50 a pipe depending on time and what not. i bought boxes of glass with my 2000$ order and made all my money back with it. 14$ to fill my oxy tank and 30 to fill my propane.

then you gan get 18 5 foot tubes for 70$ of china clear to practice with. make about a pipe every 4 inches give or take. so about 15 pipes a tube at about 4$ a tube. so thats $0.26 a pipe with no color or gas. i can make 30 pipes in one tank easy if there production pieces. and my propane lasts about every 5 oxy tanks.


Well-Known Member
Can you do this in your house? Or is the heat to much of a fire risk? Any links for good places to buy equipment? Any advice on brands to buy or to avoid? Any good youtube videos that show how to blow glass and whats needed and whats involved- Thanks


Glassblowing Moderator
i do it in my loft above my garage and have had in 2 other garages previously. i have seen people do it. just run your tank lines outside to be safe.. i buy my shit from glasscraft in colorado because i get a discount. i dont really know if there are any businesses close to URANUS but the closer the cheaper the shipping. talkglass.com has a glassifieds where members sell there used equipment. i see full setups alot on there from people that quit the biz. chinese is best for practice imo. just cause its cheap. mountainglassarts is another one i order from. but mainly glasscraft. i bought my kiln from ABR because its only a state away and it was freight. youtube is full of lamp working videos. search it.
you need a torch, regulators, tanks, graphite, some tools (can make most of them), i started with the 420 kit from ABR. its a start. you can use fiber blanket untill you get a kiln


Well-Known Member
i do it in my loft above my garage and have had in 2 other garages previously. i have seen people do it. just run your tank lines outside to be safe.. i buy my shit from glasscraft in colorado because i get a discount. i dont really know if there are any businesses close to URANUS but the closer the cheaper the shipping. talkglass.com has a glassifieds where members sell there used equipment. i see full setups alot on there from people that quit the biz. chinese is best for practice imo. just cause its cheap. mountainglassarts is another one i order from. but mainly glasscraft. i bought my kiln from ABR because its only a state away and it was freight. youtube is full of lamp working videos. search it.
you need a torch, regulators, tanks, graphite, some tools (can make most of them), i started with the 420 kit from ABR. its a start. you can use fiber blanket untill you get a kiln
What do you meen run tank lines outside? Like put the tanks outside and run hoses through a window? Is it safe to have them inside? I meen they don't blow up do they? I'm in an apartment and not sure if I would be allowed to have tanks outside and hoses running in through windows. do you need lots of ventalation?


Glassblowing Moderator
Oh yeah. Def. Need exhaust. I used a fan in a window. Fir a while.. I just get leary of having propane inside my house.. just out them as far away from the torch as u can.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Glass blowing is super fun! I'd recomend everyone trying to do a day workshop sometime somewhere. Ended up making lots of stuff, didn't get around to making a bong but it would have been incredibly easy. I was able to blow out the main bong shape in about 10 minutes but sorting out a thing for the downstem would have been a bit trickier. As it is i made myelf a bunch of wine and beer glasses and spirit decanters. I tried for a captains decanter but my underside was ever so slightly uneven so would have flopped over whel allowing to collapse on itself.

Great fun though, although i don't envy you folk doing it in your american weather, it get's warm :D


Glassblowing Moderator
just got another laptop so i can have on in the glass shop. just a little netbook but its good enough for stickam. i'm gonna be live soon. just got banned from some little girls site. i clicked on it cause i wanted to see it work and it was on the main page. then i realized there was a little video on the side of me ripping out of my bubbler.. oops. im a newb at this and think i just took a huge rip infront of some 15 year old emo chick.... no more looking around that site... ill stick to my page. it says ur online kitty.. wasssup