Ever fake being hurt?


Well-Known Member
Do you ever fake being hurt so you can get out of something or for people to feel bad for you?

I hurt my foot last night, but not that bad, so I played it up a bit so my wife would give me a foot rub.


Well-Known Member
I fake getting laid at time's a pretend my hand is a nice warm wet pussy. does that count?


Well-Known Member
Do you ever fake being hurt so you can get out of something or for people to feel bad for you?

I hurt my foot last night, but not that bad, so I played it up a bit so my wife would give me a foot rub.
why did you have to bring that up? windy as fuck day at school the whole sky was amber with dust, tryed to build a hide out in the middle of a sand pit and tryed to get sympathy to go to the office and go home, nothing happened so i stuck more sand in my eye. i fucken hate myself as a little kid.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I fake hurt in the form of pains and illnesses, alas I work in an environemnt where explaining that you can't get up the stairs from the kitchen because of a vicious hangover doens't go down too well :D


Ursus marijanus
I try to do the opposite. Got enough real hurt going, and I try to hide some of it. Faking pain under these conditions would offend my sense of propriety. cn


Well-Known Member
I've faked out a few doctors over the years.
i hate hospitals, dont like some docs, but for my current contestant he's very well educated (why do people pronounce it edjewcate). though i would never fake one cause if god forbid something happened id be fucked


Well-Known Member
I try to do the opposite. Got enough real hurt going, and I try to hide some of it. Faking pain under these conditions would offend my sense of propriety. cn
horrible having people constantly worrying about you yeah, pity pity pity :)

but yeah, ive done both, faked or exaggerated pain (to get out of something :))

and hidden it at other times :) (some long ass shit that im fine with dealing on my own thank you very much,)

they say pride goes before a fall, guess im tripping over myself sometime in the future lol


Well-Known Member
I try to do the opposite. Got enough real hurt going, and I try to hide some of it. Faking pain under these conditions would offend my sense of propriety. cn
I feel ya on that...I'm all fucked up...back in the day I would fake a small back pain to grab a few vicodin from the doc....now, with a broken back, I hate those fuckin pills. When I got hurt...everyone was telling me how lucky I was to not have to work. Fuckin idiots!...I miss laying brick, SSD don't pay shit, and I STILL have to work anyways...but now, I don't get paid the big $$ I used to make.


Well-Known Member
horrible having people constantly worrying about you yeah, pity pity pity :)

but yeah, ive done both, faked or exaggerated pain (to get out of something :))

and hidden it at other times :) (some long ass shit that im fine with dealing on my own thank you very much,)

they say pride goes before a fall, guess im tripping over myself sometime in the future lol
i always trip over myself if im moving to fast. ill tell the truth on allot of shit and still get the yeah fucken right

Total Head

Well-Known Member
once when i was about 11 i got in a fight with a cousin and he was whoopin my ass so i pretended like i was real fucked up and he got his ass beat and i got hot cocoa :clap:


Well-Known Member
Mine r Diffenent every time I get hurt I have to play it off and keep workin so I won't have to do a UA
LOL, I had to try and play it off after stepping on a nail one time so i wouldn't have to drop...I kept saying I twisted my ankle...fuckin shit hurt.