Lets Stop Immigration To Help Eliminate Unemployment And Raise The Standard Of Living


New Member

Do you have reading comprehension problems?

"Americans will cheat and steal to exploit their illegal worker"

Maybe should put down the pipe before you post?

Americans who hire them exploit them. Why do I have to work hard to pay for cheaters?

Again, the illegals aren't our friends. Their loyalty is mother Mexico. But some loyalty huh? They're like a fair weather friend to both our countries. No matter their reasons, that's not very honorable. Let's see how many come here if when caught are sent over seas as our military cannon fodder. The Marines could then change their motto to, "the few, the proud, the illegal immigrant."

On this veteran's day, I salute our troops, even if I don't agree with the job they do. But unlike our illegal "friends," the troops are victims of a corrupt government and ordered to invade and occupy. The illegals are ordered by no one but themself.
First of all, why do you think you work hard for cheaters?

Also, most illegals I have known were very honorable people.....work hard every day, pay their bills, and send money home to their family (who still lives in poverty in mexico, since they do not have enough money to move yet). Really, what could be more honorable than that?

Why would we not offer them citizenship if they want to be citizens? They probably resemble the American dream more than most Americans. Most of our immigrant forefathers did the same thing, especially in the early 1900's. Men would come over to work in America, and send money home and try to move their families here as soon as they could.

I think the most Un-American thing to do is to hate these people. These people ARE LIVING the American Dream, and want it more than we do, apparently. Why not let them have some pride in being an American?

Really, most of it comes down to racism, sadly. Most folks will argue otherwise, but, like I said, these people resemble our forefathers, the only difference is that they are brown and speak Spanish. And conservatives hate that.


Well-Known Member
there's illegal immigrants from all over the world. not just mexico... lol

are all the illegals in china town mexican?? lololol


Well-Known Member

Do you have reading comprehension problems?

"Americans will cheat and steal to exploit their illegal worker"

Maybe should put down the pipe before you post?

Americans who hire them exploit them. Why do I have to work hard to pay for cheaters?

Again, the illegals aren't our friends. Their loyalty is mother Mexico. But some loyalty huh? They're like a fair weather friend to both our countries. No matter their reasons, that's not very honorable. Let's see how many come here if when caught are sent over seas as our military cannon fodder. The Marines could then change their motto to, "the few, the proud, the illegal immigrant."

On this veteran's day, I salute our troops, even if I don't agree with the job they do. But unlike our illegal "friends," the troops are victims of a corrupt government and ordered to invade and occupy. The illegals are ordered by no one but themself.

First off you assume I read your post before posting mine...wrong... Maybe you should take your own advise and put the pipe down.....2nd I never said you have to work hard to pay for the cheaters but you do,and why is that because of the greedy americans looking for higher profits,lets blame the gun when I kill someone,that always easier but illogical just like your way of thinking........you prove my point with your own statements "Americans will cheat and steal to exploit their illegal worker"....ever heard of supply and demand.....if there is no demand by the greedy for cheaper wages for maximum profit then there would be no illegals taking these jobs..and last I don't know about you but my loyalty is for my friends and family....the hell with patriotism...... if you really think illegals come over here blindly looking to destroy an economy then you are lost in the propaganda.....the opportunity created by the greedy causes what any demand creates supply......and fyi everybody is my friend.....

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Your "Racist's"...:eyesmoke::finger:
I'm racist? My jobs included:

Driving along to the gas station while I lined up my fleet of Mexican fitters in their work trucks I would then use the company credit card to pay for the gas. I would write down the mileage and keep the reciept. At that point I would hand the driver their day's itinerary. This was done because the owner didn't trust them and didn't want them colluding to waste time in order to cheat his cheating pay.

This still didn't stop the cheating illegal from not working hard enough. They would take improper lunch breaks. I was put on the task of fixing this. My solution was to use cell phones which stored all routes and stops. This was later downloaded and would make an automatic report.

The boss was tired of losing inventory. I was put to the task of fixing this. I came up with control system where I separated duties of who checked what out to whom and back in. These records had to match.

But these small business owners are heros? Providing a service that without the illegal our whole country would fall apart? Bravo!


Well-Known Member
I'm racist? My jobs included:

Driving along to the gas station while I lined up my fleet of Mexican fitters in their work trucks I would then use the company credit card to pay for the gas. I would write down the mileage and keep the reciept. At that point I would hand the driver their day's itinerary. This was done because the owner didn't trust them and didn't want them colluding to waste time in order to cheat his cheating pay.

This still didn't stop the cheating illegal from not working hard enough. They would take improper lunch breaks. I was put on the task of fixing this. My solution was to use cell phones which stored all routes and stops. This was later downloaded and would make an automatic report.

The boss was tired of losing inventory. I was put to the task of fixing this. I came up with control system where I separated duties of who checked what out to whom and back in. These records had to match.

But these small business owners are heros? Providing a service that without the illegal our whole country would fall apart? Bravo!
You are a racist!now everything you said makes sense.....just because the bunch you worked with were dishonest it's okay to just label all mexicans cheaters.....since you are a racist whatever nationality you are it's okay for me to say all of you are like this.......it's not...I have what you call common sense maybe you heard of it


Well-Known Member
Yes the people hireing them are to blame- and they are scum screwing over their country men while taking advantage of illegals, and yes illegals are wrong for being here illegaly- but I don't blame them or hate them, if their here to work who can blame them for that? It's those who hire them and rent to them and it is the beauocracys of govt that call them illegal and have rules and agencys against immigration but instead of keeping illegals out they let them in while they collect pay from our work- Do you really think they couldn't close the border? or deport illegals? They want them here, so if there going to let them in then stop calling them illegals and fire all the people getting payed to enforce immigration policys and stop charging us for their pay, maybe they can pick fruit.
Or cut off the supply of immigrant workers- if the demand stays but the supply gets cut off- guess what these greedy ass illegal hireing companys will have to hire Americans and with way less real workers unemployment would go way down and your value as an employe in the US would go WAY UP.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
The fact of the matter is both sides aren't paying their proper share of taxes. Just because you're not a citizen, doesn't give you a get out of paying taxes free card. The fact they stole or didn't do work, makes them cheaters just the same. If an American citizen didn't file taxes, they'd be thrown in jail. Even Al Capone was put in jail for not paying taxes. I don't cheat. I pay my taxes. But horray for the illegal and their equal opportunity employer who are both tax cheats? Bullshit! Then they get access to food stamps and free medical. I have to pay for insurance and my own food. That's a cheater to me. If want to call me a racist, so be it.


Well-Known Member
The fact of the matter is both sides aren't paying their proper share of taxes. Just because you're not a citizen, doesn't give you a get out of paying taxes free card. The fact they stole or didn't do work, makes them cheaters just the same. If an American citizen didn't file taxes, they'd be thrown in jail. Even Al Capone was put in jail for not paying taxes. I don't cheat. I pay my taxes. But horray for the illegal and their equal opportunity employer who are both tax cheats? Bullshit! Then they get access to food stamps and free medical. I have to pay for insurance and my own food. That's a cheater to me. If want to call me a racist, so be it.
They want them here to do work for cheap and make us work for less and accept a lower standard of living, some of it is part of a pshyc op on us but thats another thread, They also want them here to vote and to pay sales taxes and to make babys and increace population to increase competition and increase military recruitment. They also want it to become such a problem its a lost cause so they can create the north american union

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
They want them here to do work for cheap and make us work for less and accept a lower standard of living, some of it is part of a pshyc op on us but thats another thread, They also want them here to vote and to pay sales taxes and to make babys and increace population to increase competition and increase military recruitment. They also want it to become such a problem its a lost cause so they can create the north american union
I work fucking hard. I'm trying the best I can. I support this pathetic country with everthing I got. Then I get called a god damn racist. I don't support us invading other countries taking away their freedom. I also don't support our country from being invaded either. We didn't get permission to invade Libya. Whether in the end we helped, doesn't matter. We didn't ask. Illegals didn't ask either. Whether from Mexico, China or Sweden. Doesn't matter what good comes. What intentions, we or the illegals have for invading. It's not right. It's expliotation. Yet, now I'm patriotic too. You just can't win for losing.


Well-Known Member
all of us work hard man......but playing the blame game doesn't solve anything....finding the root to the problem then try to create a plausible solution is what we need to do.....fighting with each other is what they want.....like that nothing gets fixed.......the rich keep getting richer and the middle class and poor die making their pockets fatter..


RIU Bulldog
God it's hard being mexican american. I honestly feel strongly about both sides of this argument, but imo some people convieniently forget how the country was built now that the economy is gone to shit though. I live in a 99% hispanic neighborhood, and they wouldn't admit it to your face, but they really do love this country. Not to mention the huge percent of Hispanics that protect this country in the military.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Rp 2012>>>>>
That's right! It has nothing to do with being racist. I'm an American. I have American friends who happen to be mexican phenotype. They hate the Mexican nationalist who isn't an American. They say they're living the American dream. They too pay taxes. The cheating Mexican nationalist, they tell me, gives them a bad name. They get particularly offended when a Mexican nationalist talks to them in Mexican Spanish and they don't speak it. The Mexican nationalist will them chastise them for abandoning their culture. To which they respond, the haven't. Their culture is being an American. I know nothing about being French, Russian nor Finnish. I know more about being Japanese than any of those, since I'm an American too. If the Mexican nationalist feels so poorly treated, go home. If you feel the same way, join them. See how the Mexican people treat you as an expatriate American. I've fed Mexican nationalists when my neighbors hired them to exploit their labor. They spoke no English. See how often that happens in Mexico with your American accent and you speak no Mexican. Let's also see how often you get the chance to be exploited with labor there too.


Well-Known Member
That's right! It has nothing to do with being racist. I'm an American. I have American friends who happen to be mexican phenotype. They hate the Mexican nationalist who isn't an American. They say they're living the American dream. They too pay taxes. The cheating Mexican nationalist, they tell me, gives them a bad name. They get particularly offended when a Mexican nationalist talks to them in Mexican Spanish and they don't speak it. The Mexican nationalist will them chastise them for abandoning their culture. To which they respond, the haven't. Their culture is being an American. I know nothing about being French, Russian nor Finnish. I know more about being Japanese than any of those, since I'm an American too. If the Mexican nationalist feels so poorly treated, go home. If you feel the same way, join them. See how the Mexican people treat you as an expatriate American. I've fed Mexican nationalists when my neighbors hired them to exploit their labor. They spoke no English. See how often that happens in Mexico with your American accent and you speak no Mexican. Let's also see how often you get the chance to be exploited with labor there too.
Aww you fed a hungry mexican,so now you deserve a humanitarian award..pshh please,your so full of it brother........Have you ever been to mexico....I have many times,I guarantee you if you are a good natured individual in need someone over there would feed you even if you are american...it's called being a compassionate human,but they probably would not feed you ....you obviously don't know what you are talking about,not one bit,......and speak mexican......come on!! you my friend is why this country has become what it is.......

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Aww you fed a hungry mexican,so now you deserve a humanitarian award..pshh please,your so full of it brother........Have you ever been to mexico....I have many times,I guarantee you if you are a good natured individual in need someone over there would feed you even if you are american...it's called being a compassionate human,but they probably would not feed you ....you obviously don't know what you are talking about,not one bit,......and speak mexican......come on!! you my friend is why this country has become what it is.......
I wouldn't go there in the first place. They're hypocrites and even their president said America needs to relax their immigration law and just let Mexican nationalists in whenever. Even though Mexican immigration law is much harsher. It has nothing to do about brown people either. If I can ever save up enough money, I'd love to retire in Costa Rica. But I wouldn't be there telling the natives how they're superstitious with the Virgin Mary, gay haters and sexist because the don't let women travel alone. It's not my country and I have no right to judge. I'd pay taxes. I wouldn't sneak in. But apparently Mexican nationalists don't think that way and think it's their right to spout their mouth off, sneak in and be treated with respect doing so. I personally think it's insulting and rude. If I did what Mexican nationalists do to us in Costa Rica, I'd deserve any bad treatment they gave me.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
God it's hard being mexican american. I honestly feel strongly about both sides of this argument, but imo some people convieniently forget how the country was built now that the economy is gone to shit though. I live in a 99% hispanic neighborhood, and they wouldn't admit it to your face, but they really do love this country. Not to mention the huge percent of Hispanics that protect this country in the military.
I have nothing against you being a Mexican American. I would invite any American of good nature over to toke it up with me. It doesn't mater what phenotype our appearance may be, accent or mannerisms. We're all Americans. And I welcome everyone and anyone who wishes their fellow man goodwill to become one. But I don't condone anyone who thinks America owes you just because you breathe. That insults everything all past Americans lived and died for.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't go there in the first place. They're hypocrites and even their president said America needs to relax their immigration law and just let Mexican nationalists in whenever. Even though Mexican immigration law is much harsher. It has nothing to do about brown people either. If I can ever save up enough money, I'd love to retire in Costa Rica. But I wouldn't be there telling the natives how they're superstitious with the Virgin Mary, gay haters and sexist because the don't let women travel alone. It's not my country and I have no right to judge. I'd pay taxes. I wouldn't sneak in. But apparently Mexican nationalists don't think that way and think it's their right to spout their mouth off, sneak in and be treated with respect doing so. I personally think it's insulting and rude. If I did what Mexican nationalists do to us in Costa Rica, I'd deserve any bad treatment they gave me.
1....Your statement is full of judgement.....2....you keep implying a whole race is 1 thing based on your personal observations of a few dishonest immigrants........I wont respond to anymore,you obviously don't have a clue of how and what is fueling the economic crisis......you are just another looking for an easy answer to a complicated situation....

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
1....Your statement is full of judgement.....2....you keep implying a whole race is 1 thing based on your personal observations of a few dishonest immigrants........I wont respond to anymore,you obviously don't have a clue of how and what is fueling the economic crisis......you are just another looking for an easy answer to a complicated situation....
I dumped a very attractive Venezuelan because she bitched at me about not being required to feed a personal contractor she hired for painting and he didn't bring a lunch. That was cold. So no, not everyone is a humanitarian. Browns don't have exclusive on it. It has nothing to do with race. Those who bring it up are the problem. Those like you.

You have no idea who I am. I'm a kind person. I just don't like those seeking easy ways out.

It's not complicated. Just get permission. It's not nice to take, no matter your reasons, or how desperate.

If you see a beautiful woman in her window and just sneak in to take her without her permission? America is that woman.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Seriously, what do you think is so unfair about becoming a US citizen?

Is the test too hard? Everything that's on the test is sold on US government supplied flash cards for under $10. English fluency isn't required, only what's on the cards.

The fees for taking the test? Finger printing, etc? What investments don't cost money? If that's your reason, you're a thief.

Not enough people accepted? Not an excuse either. If you want it bad enough, a four year contract in the military and six month wait will give you free citizenship.

If you're adopted by a citizen and under 18, you automatically become a citizen.

If you have a grand parent who is or was (death) a citizen, you automatically become a citizen.

If you're born in the US and neither of your parents are citizens, you're a citizen.

If you're born out of the country, but your parents are citizens, you're a citizen.

How many other countries are that easy?

Japan only allows automatic citizenship to people who have Japanese phenotype. Chinese and Koreans born in Japan must naturalize. Naturalized citizens' children must also naturalize.

Living in Japan is very hard for an outsider. Even if you have permanent resident status, you don't get to enter Japanese only public facilities. There are curfews for foreigners. It's not fun. Japan has their stereotypical bad guy illegal who sneak in, the Chinese. So the US,isn't alone with immigration problems.


None of that happens in America. Yet you accuse me of not understanding. You tell me the situation is complicated. Try telling that to Japan. Be mad at Japan for being racist too.