Fuk it! Out with old in with the new!!!

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New Member
I did but don't make it around to a lot of posts! My profile was set to not subscribe to threads even if I post in them, so I don't always follow them that closely! Kev even PM's for updates on his thread, and that's the one I check most often (next to the cali patients section)!
no bother, im find it hard trying to help peopler with dwwc :lol:
if you want ill message ya wen updates are on :)


Well-Known Member
lovely roots but small :lol:
just wait for a few more weeks and they will be triple that :)
Well she was only 2 weeks from seed at the time so those roots are pretty cool. I know that I will soon have a res full... She is growing like mad!


Well-Known Member
try it mate is easy once you understand it and ITS EASIER THAN SOIL!!! IMO!
But it doesn't leave you with enough to do...I like to be "involved" and I'm running both soil and hydro right now to see which I like better. So far, I really just love running both.

dnt get me wrong pal, they lovely. was just saying!
Oh, I didn't take it as bad! I know exactly what you're saying!


Well-Known Member
well im great its my moms bday and were having 30 ppl over for a party!! im going to get by drink on! how about u what wiimb doing tonight?


New Member
work soon mate sick as foooook :lol:
wish ya mam happy B-Day m9 from WIIMB!:)
Hope you have a good party! :)
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