Well-Known Member
I decided to make a vegging box, that way I can always have buds on the way by using simple cloning. It all worked out perfect and you should def. check this out, pretty inivative if I don't say so myself. lol! (stoned ) I put the speaker "box/housing" on top of my homemade flower cabinet and it seems to work out great. Everything is explained in this tutorial, I WISH I would have done one with my cabinet... pretty sweet! Please excuse my explanations and such of the photo(s) and their quality, I LOVE photography and taking photos... anyways, here we go.......
First, (obviously) strip your box down to its bare shell like so.....
Secondly, drill a hole for your "indoor extension cord" to go through so the power source is now in the box's insides (i drilled through the plastic housing that used to be for speaker hookup. You can't tell it from the pics but I cut the cord so I didn't have to drill a huge hole for the ext. cable end to go through. I then just rewired the cable and electrical taped it off! Easy stuff....
Next I used the grinder to cut out the holes for my inlet and outlet fans. It sucked because that "wood" (aka tar/plastic/resin/presswood/cancer) smokes like hell with a grinder and it's hard to get a clean cut. Somehow or another, I managed to get pretty damn close and what sections WERE off were taken care of by some thick M3 Single Sided "padding/stop leak tape". See what I mean? vvv
After the fans were installed, it was time to figure out a lighting situation. I decided to just go with a lot of Soft White CFL's and maybe ONE daylight bulb (since THIS IS the veg box and all!) The CFL's are just all kinda tangled in a mess (not as bad as I make it sound really) hanging out of a hangable surge protector. There's splitters (for 2-3 bulbs) where they'd fit and single bulbs where they wouldn't, the bulbs are using those wall plug to light bulb convertor things. You can get them anywhere... I also made a pretty cool reflector that bends upwards over top of the lights, facing the plant. I made it out of house siding of all things, it works though and is aluminum. Not too shiny and not too bland, plus you can make it as big as u wish! As follows...
Here's the reflector I made (I also painted the entire inside a white semi gloss btw)
And here's quite a few pics of how the lights are hooked up, tried to hit every angle! Sorry if I missed something....
What the plant see's... kinda scary looking actually! lol
Where the plant/stack of books will sit until it doesn't need a "booster seat"
Here's what it looks like without the top "speaker" in....
Here it is WITH the top and bottom speaker in, seals nicely with ONLY 2 screws (easyy access)
This is with the closet door shut and just a small crack in the door.... NO WAY IN HELL the flowering plant can see this tiny bit of light, as tight of a "safe" grip it has!!
Well you might ask yourself how I'll keep the light from the flowering plants fans in the back.... solution, books! This is ON TOP of the books, what should be shining down in the flowering plants box from the vegger who's on a 20/4 schedule. Books save lives... lol. Or BUDS!
This is under the books, the only place the light could penitrate the flower box...
YEA.... PITCH BLACK!!!! Here's what's behind there, the fans.........
First, (obviously) strip your box down to its bare shell like so.....
Secondly, drill a hole for your "indoor extension cord" to go through so the power source is now in the box's insides (i drilled through the plastic housing that used to be for speaker hookup. You can't tell it from the pics but I cut the cord so I didn't have to drill a huge hole for the ext. cable end to go through. I then just rewired the cable and electrical taped it off! Easy stuff....
Next I used the grinder to cut out the holes for my inlet and outlet fans. It sucked because that "wood" (aka tar/plastic/resin/presswood/cancer) smokes like hell with a grinder and it's hard to get a clean cut. Somehow or another, I managed to get pretty damn close and what sections WERE off were taken care of by some thick M3 Single Sided "padding/stop leak tape". See what I mean? vvv
After the fans were installed, it was time to figure out a lighting situation. I decided to just go with a lot of Soft White CFL's and maybe ONE daylight bulb (since THIS IS the veg box and all!) The CFL's are just all kinda tangled in a mess (not as bad as I make it sound really) hanging out of a hangable surge protector. There's splitters (for 2-3 bulbs) where they'd fit and single bulbs where they wouldn't, the bulbs are using those wall plug to light bulb convertor things. You can get them anywhere... I also made a pretty cool reflector that bends upwards over top of the lights, facing the plant. I made it out of house siding of all things, it works though and is aluminum. Not too shiny and not too bland, plus you can make it as big as u wish! As follows...
Here's the reflector I made (I also painted the entire inside a white semi gloss btw)
And here's quite a few pics of how the lights are hooked up, tried to hit every angle! Sorry if I missed something....
What the plant see's... kinda scary looking actually! lol
Where the plant/stack of books will sit until it doesn't need a "booster seat"
Here's what it looks like without the top "speaker" in....
Here it is WITH the top and bottom speaker in, seals nicely with ONLY 2 screws (easyy access)
This is with the closet door shut and just a small crack in the door.... NO WAY IN HELL the flowering plant can see this tiny bit of light, as tight of a "safe" grip it has!!
Well you might ask yourself how I'll keep the light from the flowering plants fans in the back.... solution, books! This is ON TOP of the books, what should be shining down in the flowering plants box from the vegger who's on a 20/4 schedule. Books save lives... lol. Or BUDS!
This is under the books, the only place the light could penitrate the flower box...
YEA.... PITCH BLACK!!!! Here's what's behind there, the fans.........