UK Outdoor Grow


Hi all, from nothern england looking for some advice on planning for a outdoor grow?
Any help would be great,
Strains ? ive read abit about people growing feminized auto's in cold weather like Lowryder#1 disiel ryder ect.. not too sure, any ideas ?
Also is it worth digging holes and filling with a mix, perlite and some good soil mix ?
any tips or tricks to help them out when doing it outdoors ?
ive got a spot that'll protect it from wind and plenty of sun just worried about the damn cold ? any advice ?


Well-Known Member
if i was you i would grow femi auto's and plant them around mid may next year. it will be the best weather for them. As for digging a hole, you could start them off inside on a window ledge then about 2 week in move them outside (thats what i did) just be careful for the first 3 week or so. if your starting them from outside , like you say dig a hole around 15inch deep and 15 inch round, put some mix in the hole , then the plant. dont feed it within the first 2-3 week or so it dont need it because of whats already in the soil.
I started a grow in August , was a good idea at the time, they was fine but they just didnt bud very well due to the poor english weather and im from midlands. Ill try to grow again next year but i will without a doubt plant them around may time.


Well-Known Member
Strains ? ive read abit about people growing feminized auto's in cold weather like Lowryder#1 disiel ryder ect.. not too sure, any ideas ?
Also is it worth digging holes and filling with a mix, perlite and some good soil mix ?
any tips or tricks to help them out when doing it outdoors ?
ive got a spot that'll protect it from wind and plenty of sun just worried about the damn cold ? any advice ?
I hope you mean next spring right ? but yes you could start your plots now dig in some bone meal and lime too, let it "cook" 'till late spring.
Start your plants indoors if you can. Autos are probably you're only choice but you might want to try an earler maturing one also.


if i was you i would grow femi auto's and plant them around mid may next year. it will be the best weather for them. As for digging a hole, you could start them off inside on a window ledge then about 2 week in move them outside (thats what i did) just be careful for the first 3 week or so. if your starting them from outside , like you say dig a hole around 15inch deep and 15 inch round, put some mix in the hole , then the plant. dont feed it within the first 2-3 week or so it dont need it because of whats already in the soil.
I started a grow in August , was a good idea at the time, they was fine but they just didnt bud very well due to the poor english weather and im from midlands. Ill try to grow again next year but i will without a doubt plant them around may time.
cheers man, what strains did you try ? any that worked really well ? Any nutrients youd recomend ? or you anti nurients ? if i did think id deffently stay organic

I hope you mean next spring right ? but yes you could start your plots now dig in some bone meal and lime too, let it "cook" 'till late spring.
Start your plants indoors if you can. Autos are probably you're only choice but you might want to try an earler maturing one also.
yeah or there abouts maybe little later mate, yeah cheers how much bone meal and lime would you say and how often ?


Well-Known Member
how much bone meal and lime would you say and how often ?
a handful of each should do you depends how big your holes are. Dolomite lime is the one you want. Bone meal will attrack animals as it smells like rotting meat when it decomposes so you don't want it around plants that's why it's best to get it in way ahead of time. The lime you redo in spring and every 6 months from then on.
Here's the Scots grow club there's one for the UK in that section too it's just showing on the first page so I don't have the link.


a handful of each should do you depends how big your holes are. Dolomite lime is the one you want. Bone meal will attrack animals as it smells like rotting meat when it decomposes so you don't want it around plants that's why it's best to get it in way ahead of time. The lime you redo in spring and every 6 months from then on.
Here's the Scots grow club there's one for the UK in that section too it's just showing on the first page so I don't have the link.
Cheers for the advice man, so handful of each in each hole, will the smell go before spring ? Or should I think of pest control ? Do I redo the lime before or after the crop in spring? Oh forgot to ask could you recomend any early maturing strains ? Nothern lights auto? Probably wrong got a lot to learn, ill check em both out man, think the scot thread will be helpful, how long you been growing mate must take some skill up there


Well-Known Member
how long you been growing mate must take some skill up there
I'm in Canada but similar grow seasons as we're at the same latitudes.
Redo the lime as soon as the ground thaws out and warms up.
Foget about the bone meal if you are at all concerned and use rock phosphate (if you can find it) otherwise you'll have to use cheimcal nutrients.
The Auto Iranian from here is a top notch one and cloanable if left on 24 hours of light, quite pricey though. The G13 Iranian would probably finish in time too.
Look for stuff that matures around the end of August early September.


I'm in Canada but similar grow seasons as we're at the same latitudes.
Redo the lime as soon as the ground thaws out and warms up.
Foget about the bone meal if you are at all concerned and use rock phosphate (if you can find it) otherwise you'll have to use cheimcal nutrients.
The Auto Iranian from here is a top notch one and cloanable if left on 24 hours of light, quite pricey though. The G13 Iranian would probably finish in time too.
Look for stuff that matures around the end of August early September.
awh canada never been mate, been doing a little research n well ive found a couple of auto fem strains,seem good outdoors and may-sept "La Blanca" n "BCN Diesel" both Kannabia Seeds, heard anything bout em ? seen a new one "Little cheese" think its ghs but well theres no info on outdoor, would love some cheese tho :)


Well-Known Member
heard anything bout em ? seen a new one "Little cheese" think its ghs but well theres no info on outdoor, would love some cheese tho :)
yeah, you limeys like yer cheese don't ya, lol ? it should work too. I'm not up on any autos except Dr Greenthumbs
Here's that UK thread if you haven't found it yet.
here's a brand new forum that you may wish to follow


Well-Known Member
who doesnt love abit of cheese
I grew a hybrid cheese (cheese X flo) that's my strongest and tastiest weed to date.
I'd give it a try as cheese is just skunk #1 that smells like cheese, so it will be a good producer and (I'm not 100 % sure about this) have good mold resistance.


I'd give it a try as cheese is just skunk #1 that smells like cheese, so it will be a good producer and (I'm 100 % sure about this) have good mold resistance.
yeah mate ive been looking at the genetics and Ruderalis seems a good outdoor strain in cooler climates, thats really one of my main concerns about this grow ... mould, but ive been reading up on stuff to help keep it at bay. got any tips ? ive heard gently shaking them after heavy rain will reduce moisture. thanks for all the advice tho man, appreciated owe u one :)

"Little Cheese" Ruderalis X Skunk#1 X Blueberry


Well-Known Member
got any tips ?
(I just checked and corrected my 100 % statement, that's what I was intending to say)
Well if it was me I'd be using a systemic fungicide called Benomyl because I still have it, it's now banned.
I've heard Neem oil will add some mold resistance to weed and there's Safers anti fungal product, the name escapes me.
Even a greenhouse is no escape from mold.