I was thinking of growing some hot peppers for my boiled peanuts indoors and started to explore lighting schedules, etc. I couldn't help but laugh when I came across this http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20091118220210AAEQ6aT
The lack of grammatical punctuation these days casts a large, dark shadow over our current education system. It makes me sad.
Two corrected options; take your pick! cnThe lack of grammatical punctuation these days casts a large, dark shadow over our current education system; it makes me sad.
Bro, they arent a native english speaker obviously. Thats mean to make fun of them for that. I'm sure they are self conscious about their speaking or writting ability but put themselves in a vulnerable position to help someone out. Dont make fun of them.I was thinking of growing some hot peppers for my boiled peanuts indoors and started to explore lighting schedules, etc. I couldn't help but laugh when I came across this http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20091118220210AAEQ6aT
Ya ya ya, I just accidentally pressed the semicolon key, I didn't leave punctuation out all together.Two corrected options; take your pick! cn
I'll never buy that as an excuse, it's called Spell Check. It's one thing to speak differently than someone else, but they're typing. There isn't absolutely a wrong way to speak, but there is a wrong way to type text. No excuse.Bro, they arent a native english speaker obviously. Thats mean to make fun of them for that. I'm sure they are self conscious about their speaking or writting ability but put themselves in a vulnerable position to help someone out. Dont make fun of them.
How fluent are you in other languages?
Theres a lot more to a language than spelling, one of the most arbitrary points of the language. I get a strong feeling it wasnt her spelling being laughed at but her grammar. Again, how mmany laguages do you speak? Do you always speak them perfectly too?Ya ya ya, I just accidentally pressed the semicolon key, I didn't leave punctuation out all together.
I'll never buy that as an excuse, it's called Spell Check. It's one thing to speak differently than someone else, but they're typing. There isn't absolutely a wrong way to speak, but there is a wrong way to type text. No excuse.
grow peppers and cauliflower, 18/6 the peppers and cauliflower, when peppers are done switch to 12/12 and grow MASSIVE cauliflower. I know you want to.Vindicated!!! Heeeyaaaah! ~giggle~
Here's a link about "long day" v. "short day" plants.
Tomatoes are the prototypical "long day" plants, which is why they fruit so well throughout summer. Veging weed is "long day" and can be switched effectively to bud by adopting a short-day lighting regimen.
I looked it up: peppers are "long day' plants and will fruit most effectively under, say, 18/6. They don't grow well next to indoor cauliflower, which needs 12/12 to set flower. cn