Odor control for under 30 bucks, had fun with this one!


Allright guys Here is the final part of the build! So today i went to Ace hardware, Picked up some of the stuff below, well, the 4 inch diameter duct and another roll of cheap duct tape. The duct was 4. 99 and the roll of tape was a 2.50 roll. relatively low cost and still under our 30 dollar mark.

I then went over to the lumber yard and picked up a foot of this wire to hold in my dryer sheet carbon filled tube. I paid 3.99 for a foor of semi fine wire, it was the finest they had but i would have preferred a bit finer to be honest.

I drilled holes in the top of the coffee can,(no pic sorry) i figured this would bounce some air around in the canister a bit longer more than just a straight flow through, and in turn purify it more. But after doing so i fastened the can onto the ducting and sealed it up with good ol' duct tape!

You can sort of see the holes drilled in this one actually, but i cut out a circular piece of the wire to hole in my tube of carbon.

Here is the tube that would hole the dryer sheets to house the carbon inside the can.

The fully enclosed tube ready for the activated carbon to be poured in.

Activated carbon, Petco brand, Picked it up for 5.00 on sale though, it would have been like 9 dollars so thats cool i guess.

The tube being filled with carbon, i had just enough to fill the whole thing.

I then prepped toe fan and housing to be attached with the ducting and filter tip.

The bottom of the filter tip, where air will go through the dryer sheet, through the can full of carbon, and then ultimately out of the end which is covered with another dryer sheet to make the deodorized air smell good!

The finished product up in my veg room which will be transformed into a flowering room eventually.

All in all the price list goes as follows
Fan- any decent fan with a nice high speed- 10-15 bucks (i already had this one so that was not an expense for me)
Ducting- around 5 bucks
Tape- most have a roll of duct tape if theyre in the DIY section but 2.50 if you need more
Any can that fits will work so that price i am not going to list as i have a bunch of usable diameter cans at home
Wire mesh- 4 bucks for a foot by around 3 foor. More than enough!
Activated carbon- Around 5-6 dollars if youre lucky.
This brings us to our final cost OF! 29 dollars! for me that is, i had tape, and usable cans to use, however i did factor in 15 to my price so i came in far under budget. If you have to buy a fan it will be around my price then assuming you have tape and a usable can or filter solution!

One of my little babies

Feel free to follow my 4 plant grow which will soon be a 6 planter!https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/485815-250-watt-hps-indoor-grow.html



Active Member
HAHA looking good CM :hump:.

Any idea how well it works? Point it at a fresh dog turd (or order some extra strong curry [not a rascist I love curry, just it stanks worse than weed]) and see how it smells the other end. Like seriously test it out you know :).

Personally I recently went for a fruity strain and I use this:

Pick up a pack of 4 from costco for $10. Its a odour neutralizer, works swell, just put it above my cab and it kills all odours. I can spark a ciggie in my room and 30min with the window open smells fresh again :). I have no idea how it works but god I love it. Then also if your growing some skunk, this probably wouldn't work, so yeah some activated carbon should work :)

Nice job CM

Also when you switch to flower the fan should be up higher since, hotter air goes to the top.


HAHA looking good CM :hump:.

Any idea how well it works? Point it at a fresh dog turd (or order some extra strong curry [not a rascist I love curry, just it stanks worse than weed]) and see how it smells the other end. Like seriously test it out you know :).

Personally I recently went for a fruity strain and I use this:
View attachment 1886112

Pick up a pack of 4 from costco for $10. Its a odour neutralizer, works swell, just put it above my cab and it kills all odours. I can spark a ciggie in my room and 30min with the window open smells fresh again :). I have no idea how it works but god I love it. Then also if your growing some skunk, this probably wouldn't work, so yeah some activated carbon should work :)

Nice job CM

Also when you switch to flower the fan should be up higher since, hotter air goes to the top.
Thanks man! Dude those smell so good i love those things. It will be tested, yes, i just walked in my room and it smells absolutely delightful, of fresh laundry.


Well-Known Member
I saw a show about "activated carbon".. never gave much thought to it but it is a must for making certain things like explosives. All of the stuff was made from cocunut husk until the Japanese severly cut the supply down. The USA discovered they could make it from coal. After burning and removing the impurities the coal is turned to carbon...the C is somehow turned to round pellets about the size of a period at the end of this sentence. Hundreds of cracks are then created through out accomplishing what pleating does for the fabric/paper inline filters..two tablespoons equals the surface of a tennis court. Needless to say the carbon in gas mask and portable water purification systems are more effective than that used for a fish tank...the downside to the smaller sized pellets is that it processes less/slower and takes more back pressure.


Well-Known Member
P.S. Stay away from Ozium spray..unless you like the smell of gas station bathrooms.