First Time Grow...CA Prop215....400w HPS/400w MH...Soil....Balls Out BagSeed..!!!


Well-Known Member
OK, so I got my new 60x-100x microscope today from amazon and of course came RIGHT home and fired her up...this thing is AMAZING...I was peepin' my skin and coins and all kinds of stuff...anyway on to the important stuff...below is a pic i snaped of my trich's off one plant...I plan on taking a little cutting off each to check for ripeness on each plant...anyway can anybody tell me does it matter where i check the trich's on the plant? and is it better to check the buds themselves or leaves or what..? ok now for the fun :peace:

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Check the leaves, take a clipping from as close to a bud as you can, I can def see amber already so couch lock will already be creeping in lol, def what I would be looking for ;) You can also check the bud just take a small clipping or if you are good you can check it on the plant without disturbing it much ;) I prefer mine to be more amber, but def listen to everyone else's opinon and read that link i posted above!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
SWEEEEEETT...!!! Thanks so much Kona...I have to say that I was kinda thinking the same thing as far as the couch lock goes...that is why I wam in such a hurry to have you and some other peeps give their opinion...cause if you all agree...i may start-a-whackin' TOOOONIGHT baby...!!!!!! LOL!!! Thanks Again Kona...:peace:
No need to tell us when you go "whackin" lmfao!! looks good man!!


Well-Known Member
No need to tell us when you go "whackin" lmfao!! looks good man!!
LMAO!!! Scupra!! Whats up hommie..!!!Been a minute since I have heard from ya.... How are your ladies lookin BTW...? Thanks for stoppin' what do YOU think...should I chop..? To Chop or not to :peace:


Well-Known Member
OK is lady number two...i will edit this post and add the Micro shot in about twenty minutes or so...i have to charge my phone so i can us it for the pic cause believe it or not it actually works better than the camera i have which is not a bad camera anyway here are the pics...



Well-Known Member
I say wait until you think they are ready and then chop 24hrs from that point :) I just gave them their second watering since I have put them in solo cups. Cole train picked up and is showing some nice leaves beginner leaves now so I think she will recover. Other then that all is good!


Well-Known Member

Well...I guess one out of my latest seven I have put into flower isn't bad....what I don't get is how this thing showed female allllll this time and then now here and there this Ball Sack lookin' things are showin' up here and there...anyone wanna tell me what the fuck is goin' it a Herm or Male...should I kill it now..? Please help peeps...I dont want it to ruin my eight girls in the middle who are just like a week or two from getting chopped...:wall:


Well-Known Member
How do you think that happened man?

I would Hate having to retrace every one of my steps to figure it out.

Once figured out though, you'll only be a stronger, wiser grower.


Well-Known Member
How do you think that happened man?

I would Hate having to retrace every one of my steps to figure it out. I can figure is light leaking from my veg closet. ...that plant is one of three that are on the side closest to the veg closet...when its all closed up for the night its fine...but there is a short period of time at the end of the day when the lights in my flower room are off and because I am not home from work yet the door to my veg closet is open till I get is on 24/0 soooooo I am thinking that is what caused it maybe...? The other two look OK...but they are also a week or so behind this I guess I will keep my fingers crossed and see what happens....wish I could just pick them off...Lmao! :wall:


Well-Known Member
Pick them off so they don't pollinate the rest of your room.
My advice would be to figure out the time when you think that your flower room might be getting light from the veg room, and turn back the veg room from 24 to 18/6. That should fix the problem from ever happening again. Or throw a big ass black trash bag over the side of your flower room where it might be getting light. Lol


Well-Known Member
like i said, just reposting in your thread.
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6620771 said:
if you only had one plant i would recommend cutting off the balls to prevent pollination as much as possible but you dont want to pollinate your other pure females. so either you can kill it and make butter or you can cut off the balls and expect some pollination on all plants(if you get all the balls it wont be too much of pollination). so basically one extra plant for bud but some seeds in all plants or one less plant and pure females left


Well-Known Member
aw god damn fuckin nuts.... sorry its been a minute since ive been here, but looks like RIU got you buddy. good luck fixin that herm man sounds like the light issue shudnt be terribly hard to fix..