Bizzlers First Grow (Indoor)


Well-Known Member

I decided to start a journal. I just want to thank everyone from this forum...I leaned so much from here..
So Thank you Roll it up!!!

This is my first grow ever. I tried to germinate several ways. I had a lot of seeds. Just from regs been saving for years. So I figured I could experiment. The paper towel never worked for me.. I read on here somewhere to put your seeds in a cup of water. The next day the ones that sank I dropped in a small hole in soil…They all sprouted…

My grow Box
36" Wide
16" Deep
53" High. Right now its 28" with shelf in

3 Cool White 18" T8s 15 watts each 825 Lumens 4100K each
3 Warm White 18” T8s 15 Watts each 740 Lumens 3000K each

I Vegged for 7 weeks…Had problems with nute burn during Veg, had learned to flush them and how to PH Balance the water, Added CO2 with water, yeast and sugar. Added small exhaust and intake fans…It has been a Fun Experimint.

I am now at 1 week into flowering. So far I had 1 male and I found Out I have 2 Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:weed:
I am so Excited!!!!:mrgreen:

[FONT=&quot]For Flowering I Have 5 Warm white Bulbs with one Cool White down the middle…

So I disposed of the know male...
The Pictures are weekly 1-4



Well-Known Member
The 2 small plants on the Right I were only 18 days old when I switched to 12/12.
I think thats way too young to go 12/12. They seem to be thriving though.


Well-Known Member
They are Looking good..Got 4 Females.....
week 3 of flowering.

More Pics soon...

Bad news is I had to move this week ..Their temp at my old house was holding in the low 80's. Now the temp is around low 60's....

A quick question..I want to transplant now to bigger containers..Is this a good time? And what soil should I use?

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
If you have access I would try to get fox farms Light Warrior or if this is the final transplant I would use Ocean's Forest. They have both been great for me. I started in Miracle grow and I can see a real difference using the better soils made for farming.

I'm no expert but I would wait for the plants to adjust to the new environment and changes before transplanting them. Might be too much shock. But then again its a weed and will often grow in spite of your efforts.


Well-Known Member
Ok...It's been a while. They are around 5 weeks into flowering. The plants are looking great. The 2 that I flowered at 18 days are just as nice as the 3 that vegged for 8 weeks. 5 females total. I figure I have 3 weeks left of flowering then I can dry.



Well-Known Member

My Little Babies are getting Fat....One is starting to get brown hairs. I hear when theres 70% brown Tricomes? then they are done..

My question for anyone is:
Are the White Hairs what i am looking to turn brown? Are the white hairs the same as the tricomes? I don't need a pocket microscope for that right? or is there something else that I'm looking for?


Well-Known Member
I cant be more excited!!!!!!! Week 8 of Flowering and they look beautiful.
And off of my lighting system...... Still using Fluoros and 2 cfls to Flower with..
Only added Ferts 1x in flowering.....



Well-Known Member
Can Anyone comment on how the bud looks? I know i have bad pics but off my set up. is it good?


Well-Known Member
So I tasted them for the first time..Great Smoke..Very impressive.
But Some seeds....Did I wait too long to remove the Males? Did one turn hermi?
The smallest plant is very seedy. I thought I killed the males quick..
Any suggestions? I'm sexing my 2nd grow right now. I don't want to get any seeds. How do I protect myself?


Well-Known Member
how much did your yeild weigh out to? Im hoping mine goes this well.
Not as much as It looked Like. The Buds were fluffy. Not very dense. Thats because of the flours for Flower. Thats why I bought the HPS. Im guessing it weight in around 2oz. but looked like 3-4oz

I use that cabinet as a clone and Veg chamber. those flours for the clones. CFL's for veg and Mothers. Hps for in my new Cabinet for Flowering.



Well-Known Member
I hear when theres 70% brown Tricomes? then they are done..

You are talking about the white hairs that will turn brown during maturity.

Are the White Hairs what i am looking to turn brown?

This is one way, not the most accurate. Get a Mini Microscope at Radio Shack...$11...Priceless!

Are the white hairs the same as the tricomes?

No. Trichomes are the crystals people speak about that cover frosty weed (check my signature). These "trikes" change as the bud matures. They begin clear, then turn milky/cloudy and finally amber. While they are clear, it is too early to harvest. Once they become milky, the bud will produce an up buzz. Once they are amber, the bud will produce a "couch lock" buzz. Harvest when you have 50/50 milky/amber trikes. Look through the mini scope and be amazed. I have seen a plant covered with red hairs and all the trikes were still clear. Pull this plant and miss out on its full potential.

I don't need a pocket microscope for that right? or is there something else that I'm looking for?

Yes, get the Mini. :peace: