Hey Ghopzz,
I am looking into that to ,been reading reviews for couple off days now, and found some interesting reviews and tests down to answer the exact same question on what to use...but i Izoc said its your skills and style that adds up the over all yield and taste..
Still if we take all as constant , that all your variables that hurt the plant are constant and you test different Nutrients ... on the same strain and you compare you can know
and thats what a guy did thanks to him i was able to make my choice...he compared the following products :
Test 1 - Earth-juice full line Grow - Bloom - Micro-blast - Catalyst - Meta K
Test 2- Neptune's Harvest/Marine based nutrients Alaska fish fertilizer - Neptune's harvest fish and seaweed fertilizer - Neptune's harvest fish fertilizer -
Neptune's harvest Crab shell - Neptune's harvest seaweed fertilizer
Test 3 - Earth-juice/Marine based nutrient blend Alaskan fish fertilizer - Neptune's Harvest seaweed fertilizer - Neptune's Harvest fish fertilizer - Earth-juice Bloom - Earth-juice Catalyst - Earth-juice Micro-blast
Test 4- Fox Farm full line Grow big - Big bloom - Tiger bloom - Open Sesame - Beasties Bloom - Cha ching
Test 5- Advanced nutrients Sensi line Sensi grow 2 part - Sensi bloom 2 part - Sensizyme - Bud blood - Carboload - Voodoo juice - Overdrive - B-52 - Final phase
Test 6- Dyna gro Dyna grow - Dyna bloom - Protekt
Test 7- Bio-Canna Vega - Flores - Bio-boost -Rhizotonic - Cannazyme
Test 8- General Organics Bio-weed - Bio Thrive Grow - Bio Thrive Bloom - Bio-bud - Bio-weed - Cal/mag
no one wants to reveal what works for them?? im looking into earth juice products, dyna, foxfarms, flora nova. just want something that is easy and produces, trying to pick something up this weekend. what are everyone's thoughts