The All-Mix is awesome, it has loads of micros and some NPK in it and is buffered to pH 6.6. It's 30% perlite too so it's hard (relatively speaking) to overwater.
I'd stray away from Bio-bizz nutes tho, I used them for 2 years then tried normal chemical nutes and I ain't looking back (1L of the Canna I use is the same price as the 1L Bio-bizz)...I just used the rest of the Grow and Bloom for my outdoor tomatoes and it was decent enough tho.
I'd definately go with All-Mix tho, no need to feed for 3-4 weeks and it's packed with Calcium (1g per litre) and Magnesium (600mg per litre) so you shouldn't ever have CalMag issues.
Hope this helps.