My Lazy Arsed Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Don't think I have ever been here robbie, just browsing riu before I start trimming. few more girls need to get watered first. Nice lazy day with nothing going on! Love it!! Another week of near record highs in the ne kingdom but today it's back to normal. Little chilly to be sitting out here on the porch without bundling up more but this bowl topped with some bubble hash has me pretty comfortably numb lol

Cool hang out mate, lots of good peeps! Talk to ya!

You can take those bottom 2 or 3 branches right off and start focusing on the upper growth now.I don't think the plant will mind and the upper growth will start taking off. She's looking great though man, nice job! Kool beans that you have fingerez here, he should know that bitch inside and out lol ; !)
wow the master is here !!
along with you , las , don , pukka , jig , cgg, dizzle and some tosser i cant get rid of called newuserlol i think im in good hand , if i fuck any grows up with you lot helping me out i might aswell pack in and grow watercrest instead !!!!!

P.S ... love you really Sambro ;)

EDIT : forgot to add my main man dizzle in the list of peeps ;)


Well-Known Member
How's your DOG fairing ?
Not too well , i kind of fucked it up , i got quite a few dog seeds anyway and tbh i got no room to grow it at minute ;) preferring seeds to cuts as they save space lol , shame i cant get these clone onlies in seed .. but hey ho !

hahahah dead. lol you should start spamming journals like kev murphy with update notifications :lol:
lol , fuck that im too lazy ! i post updates on UK thread but thats about it ... im not really bothered about how many people read my thread , i have a few peeps here and they are all pro's who inspire me (you included) and my grows (yes even you sambo!!)
My post was refferring to the endless amount of crap on riu that gets loads of replies and likes ... i actually read i thread the other day that simply said rep me if you like the color blue ... it had shit loads of replies and likes ... then you get people posting questions or needing advice or posting some nice bud porn and they get ignored ... just find it strange ! lol

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Not too well , i kind of fucked it up , i got quite a few dog seeds anyway and tbh i got no room to grow it at minute ;) preferring seeds to cuts as they save space lol , shame i cant get these clone onlies in seed .. but hey ho !

lol , fuck that im too lazy ! i post updates on UK thread but thats about it ... im not really bothered about how many people read my thread , i have a few peeps here and they are all pro's who inspire me (you included) and my grows (yes even you sambo!!)
My post was refferring to the endless amount of crap on riu that gets loads of replies and likes ... i actually read i thread the other day that simply said rep me if you like the color blue ... it had shit loads of replies and likes ... then you get people posting questions or needing advice or posting some nice bud porn and they get ignored ... just find it strange ! lol
im gonna like and reply to this crap lol


Well-Known Member
''and some tosser i cant get rid of called newuserlol''

you no ya love me really ya cockmuncher, hows ya day been?


Well-Known Member
''and some tosser i cant get rid of called newuserlol''

you no ya love me really ya cockmuncher, hows ya day been?
hahah i said i loved you on another post ;)
days been good man , this new job is pretty good .. cant wait to get paid though !
hows you matey? PM me ya ps3 tag again i forgot it !

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
High Robbie,:leaf: Im really impressed by your creative experimental gardening approaches. Here you have done the unthinkable.. transplanting that girl at later growth into the waterfarm and then i just read on delboys journal that you are goint to clone an auto and 12/12 her. wow wow wow. your a wild chile ..i respect that .. that was a hyserical convo about the BIOTCH in that crazy thread! you watch your mouth BOY! lol...:-P did you do your poster yet son?:clap:
i see a little bandage here. I hope she heals up quickly for you, She looks really nice and healthy.
going for any more hikes this weekend mate? take it easy:leaf::-Pand cheezy as usual:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
im good amber thanks alot , i think i might go on a hike at weekend if it isnt throwing it down heavy , not designed a poster yet ... ive got a idea im thinking about but not sure just yet :) have a good weekend :)

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
am i ? news to me lmao !!
LMAO.. ahaha, yeah i guess not.. what was i thinkin..? ahahha
im good amber thanks alot , i think i might go on a hike at weekend if it isnt throwing it down heavy , not designed a poster yet ... ive got a idea im thinking about but not sure just yet :) have a good weekend :)
yeah me too, have a really nice weekend Robbie. love to see more hiking photos if you do go please take some for us.
take it easy. glad to see you garden is thriving.


Well-Known Member
well everyone , how are all ya's ?
quick question ... i have about a oz of quite heavily covered trim , any ideas what i should do with it ? i normally make bubble hash or iso but any other ideas , fancy trying something diff , pref something that will knock me out and last awhile ??


Well-Known Member
iv been wanting to try some butter , its a idea :) does it have a weed taste about it or does it just taste like normal butter ? like on toast or a ham sandwich ?
no m8 it dus have a weedy taste i couldnt imagine spreadin it on toast lol but most cakes will last 7days in the fridge and you can also freeze the butter n save it for a dry day.

and it will mess ya up.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
iv been wanting to try some butter , its a idea :) does it have a weed taste about it or does it just taste like normal butter ? like on toast or a ham sandwich ?
butter is jus whipped honey oil, so when you smoek it , it melts back to honey...if it clogs yur pipe so will butter....jus get a lil plumbing torch and a good knife, heat it up and drop a pin nof oil on way to smoke it or butter and its clean


Well-Known Member
no m8 it dus have a weedy taste i couldnt imagine spreadin it on toast lol but most cakes will last 7days in the fridge and you can also freeze the butter n save it for a dry day.

and it will mess ya up.
I got so fucking high off a cookie once. It was actually about 40% of the cookie actually. I was so high it wasn't even fun. My friends laughed a lot though, haha.


Well-Known Member
butter is jus whipped honey oil, so when you smoek it , it melts back to honey...if it clogs yur pipe so will butter....jus get a lil plumbing torch and a good knife, heat it up and drop a pin nof oil on way to smoke it or butter and its clean
you americans are crazy u smoke butter??? carnt imagine it tasteing too nice bit burnt i should imagine that is if ya can get the fucker alight lol


Well-Known Member
PIC update :)

Anyone help me out with the scrog i have no fuckin idea what im doing lol , the only to stems that are twisted into the screen are the main top 2 , all the other side branches i LSTd slightly , there big enough to get up to the screen but i pulled then down from the screen to make them grow up more , what i cant get in my head is how you spread them out on the screen correctly , to me it just looks like theres going to be too much growth too close and its all just going to be a over run mess in the middle ..... need someone to convince me its going to work lol

well heres she is :)
