For all the newbs.....don't believe the hype!


Well-Known Member
When I first started this little hobby I must have read this forum for like 6 months straight before I germed my first seed. I'd be on here for hours reading about how you have to have this exact pH and this exact light and and have all these tightly controlled (and sometimes even computer regulated!) conditions. I scoured the DIY's for every little contraption, bought CO2, pumps, hoses,'s gotta be exact! I gotta get this right! The truth is you don't need a whole bunch of fancy equipment and calculated feeding schedules with nutes that cost as much as my car payment. All you need is some kind of light, some kind of growing medium, a bucket to put it in and a fan or two.

Soil vs. Hydro: It doesn't matter. <gasp!> Each has its pro's and con's. I like to keep things simple. I dump a bunch of peat moss, perlite and potting soil into a big bucket and mix it all up. You can use pretty much anything for a pot, as long as it drains well. Hydro sounds really cool when you say it.

Nutes, Water and ph: Buy the most expensive stuff you can find. Wait..don't do that. Jack's classic is like 5 bucks and works like a mexican. Schultz isn't bad and miracle grow works in a pinch. Use quarter strength of whatever the label says and work up from there. I used to buy distilled water and ph balance it and all that shit before I realized tap water works pretty good too. I barely let the chlorine evaporate.

Lights: I think there's more arguments over this one subject than any other combined. The thing is...any HID light will do. You can veg and flower with HPS or MH. I personally think flueros are weak but they're good for clones and keeping moms alive. You dont have to drive yourself crazy trying to decide how big of a light you can cram into a box. My first light was an old 150w hps flood light. It cost 7 dollars at a flee market. I still use it to veg with and it works awesome. I flowered with a 400w MH that used to be in a basketball court and my colas were super fat, hard and sticky, and by colas i mean my penis err..i mean colas. Are these things ideal? No. The point is you can still grow super sweet nugs under less than ideal circumstances. Everything doesn't have to be perfect.

Fans: Buy them. If you want to be particular here's the place to do it. Keep air moving. If you can, put your bulb in a tube, if not point a fan at it. Get that heat away! You want to see your leaves moving a little.

That's pretty much it. If you find you like this hobby you'll want to get more refined. You'll get better as you me. Then you can start testing and experimenting for better yield and faster growth etc. but to get started just keep it simple, have some patience and don't tell anybody.


Well-Known Member
I like your words ... They flow well... But like a bike or a car better equipment can help emmensely .... It is all about the operator of the said equipment .... Use what you got an make that shit pay .... Growing your own smoke is where it's at..


Well-Known Member
hydro i believe is more sensitive so you do need a few extra tools but it is pretty simple once you learn basic's
Give those in the correct portions and presto you have a bud. I read a couple month before i started and did some tomatoes awhile before i tried the real thing


Well-Known Member
This thread was pretty much for beginners like me who wanted to get their feet wet and their hands dirty. I wanted to take some of the intimidation factor out of growing. My brown thumb is getting greener every day :)


Active Member
true that,ive seen some PC grows on here with some very nice looking nugs.


Active Member
Dude, everyone knows that. But you get the gist of what he's saying!! He's 100% spot on there. This is Botany and Biology 101, NOT rocket science.
Precisely. People make it sound so complicated, and it can be but it is pretty simple. After all it's just a weed..


Active Member
I see the point you're trying to make, but I think what you're saying is also a bit misleading really. While it's true that spending gobs of money won't necessarily grow you superior buds, buying the cheapest available equipment and materials is just as silly. You really need to do your homework and make your purchases wisely. Sure, you can grow marijuana using some cheap soil you found at Walmart and you can feed your plants with one of those "all-purpose" chemical fertilizers, but don't kid yourself, it's far from ideal.
It's also true that plants can be vegetated and flowered under either HPS or MH lamps, but optimally you would use a combination of the two. The MH is much stronger in the blue spectrum and better suited for vegetation while the HPS emits more light in the red spectrum, so is better suited for flowering. If you're on a tight budget and can only afford one or the other, then HPS is the preferred lamp.
If you're just screwing around and growing for the hell of it, than I suppose cutting corners is fine. However, if you really want to grow some serious weed, take the time to do it right. You don't need to break the bank, just spend your cash in the right places. Get some seeds with strong genetics (not bagseed) and provide them with the proper environment and you'll be rewarded.


New Member
I think what the OP is saying is that cannabis grows wild in nature with no help from anyone. No, I don't think throwing some seeds in some dirt and putting a light on it is the way to go. But, spending $1000.00 or more is also not required. I have read post after post from newbies using multiple nutes, alternate grow mediums which are more difficult than soil etc etc. And asking why their plants are dying. I am a big fan of the K.I.S.S. Theory. I use FF Happy Frog 3:1 with inert perlite, Recipe for success nutes, and a switchable 250w HID. Never had issues with overages, underages, molds, fungi, critters etc. And I grow some major dank budz. Why over complicate? Nothing has caused more harm to plants than their over zealous parents loving them to death. Just my .02

For all newbies reading this thread please click on the link in my sig, tons of great info fer ya!

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I see the point you're trying to make, but I think what you're saying is also a bit misleading really. While it's true that spending gobs of money won't necessarily grow you superior buds, buying the cheapest available equipment and materials is just as silly. You really need to do your homework and make your purchases wisely. Sure, you can grow marijuana using some cheap soil you found at Walmart and you can feed your plants with one of those "all-purpose" chemical fertilizers, but don't kid yourself, it's far from ideal.
It's also true that plants can be vegetated and flowered under either HPS or MH lamps, but optimally you would use a combination of the two. The MH is much stronger in the blue spectrum and better suited for vegetation while the HPS emits more light in the red spectrum, so is better suited for flowering. If you're on a tight budget and can only afford one or the other, then HPS is the preferred lamp.
If you're just screwing around and growing for the hell of it, than I suppose cutting corners is fine. However, if you really want to grow some serious weed, take the time to do it right. You don't need to break the bank, just spend your cash in the right places. Get some seeds with strong genetics (not bagseed) and provide them with the proper environment and you'll be rewarded.
I personally have run some pretty good sized grows under just MH, and under just HPS, and under both. ANY difference in yield that I was able to see would be measured in grams at best. If I were to choose between the 2, I'd go with MH, just because it's easier on the eyes to work under, and gives a more accurate color rendition for seeing any possible deficiency symptoms.
In an ideal world, personally I think that both spectrums throughout the entire grow would be best.


yes it is possible to grow weed like shit yay! now fuck off with it cause ur that guy
Not the place... We all get his point and he is right.

I got a 1000w HPS in a tube, a few fans... Pro-mix, mostly organic nutes. Heater, dehumidifier, ph meter and a thermometer!

I think it's simple enough, just above gettho grow set-up. Been a smoker for 15 years. Smoked all kinds of homegrown, commercial, professionnal and exotic buds and I grow the best stuff I smoked. I am biased but... I still pass as a weed god when I share this stuff so I know my stuff is good.

I believe that if you are going to do it, try to do it right. The legal risk, the effort it requires and the energy costs that it involves are not worth it if you are not going to do it properly.

Simple but good grow medium, nutes, lightage, air flow and overall conditions will take you a long way. Don't forget the genetics. Reputable seeds or clones are preferrable. Personnaly, I have had a tremendous success with seeds bought from a professionnal local grower. Not everyone may have this kind of opportunity. The second best option are the many reputable seed banks. It's a much better idea than buying seeds from someone who is not a grower/breeder.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
yes it is possible to grow weed like shit yay! now fuck off with it cause ur that guy
You're right of course. Excuse me, Oh Mr Grow God, for even thinking I could possibly say something here that could be relevant. You are right of course, I grow shit weed. I just can't seem to get more than one Cola. Can you please, please help me to do better??

Now fuck off with it your own self, PRICK!!!


Active Member
I don't believe in the exact(ness) either. Just got to keep reminding yourself that it is a "weed". Give it a good grow medium and a decent environment and anyone can grow "weed".