Any advice?

Hello Im new to growing. My grow envirement is not the best, but its a weed, it will grow anywhere. but from what you guys r seeing, any advice? It looks like it might be reaching for more light? Also a buddy of mine said that I should cut somewhere so it would start to grow width, and not height? What does he mean by this? Also Should this plant be transplanted? I have grown in that bucket since day 1.

Thanks guys



Well-Known Member
Ok so here are a few questions for you to answer:

1) How old is this plant from breaking ground?

2) What is your soil comprised of?

3) How far away is that light, and what is the light?(it is stretched a bit)

4) What is the temperature in there?(slight purpling of a fan leaf stem is why I ask...probably no big deal, but good to know what your temperatures are)

5) How deep is that soil currently in that bucket? Are there lots of holes drilled in the bottom? Do you see any roots starting to come out the bottom holes?

So in a nutshell we need alot more info from ya to give an educated response. Your friend was talking about "topping" when he said to cut somewhere. Here is a tutorial:

Also if you do not have a small oscillating fan in there currently get one to move it around a bit...the stem is very thin and the air movement will beef up the stalk :)


Well-Known Member
The concept that the plant is a weed and it'll grow anywhere is fairly accurate with a notable exception. While it will grow almost anywhere and under a wide variety of conditions, developing the end product (bud) that everyone wants is a bit of an art. With too little light, the bud will be airy and fluffy at best with very little ability to 'uplift'. With no nutrients your plant will show deficiencies and possibly result in a dying plant. With no 'zero light' period during flowering your plant may turn hermaphrodite (develop both male and female sexes).

If you need any help, the whole RIU crew will do their best to assist you with tried and tested knowledge from books, internet, the forums and personal experience.

So welcome to the forums and I hope you have a long and happy grow.
1. Do you just mean how is old is the plant? It is about 2 and half months old.
2. miracle grow organic
3. Every other way I use Miracle gro liquid houseplant food 8-7-6
4. I'm not sure, if I had to guess I would say it stays about anywhere from 55-80 degrees (I dont have anything to test the temp) lol At night the cooler is on so im not sure how cold it gets at night.
5. The soil is about 4-5 inchs. Is it too late to drill holes in it? I knew that it needed the holes (but i been lagging) lol Cant find my freaking drill
When it comes to drilling holes in the bucket. How many holes? Where do i drill them? how big?

The lights our on 24/7. I have 2 lights (one is just a basic bulb that are just normal light bulbs) the other one im not sure about ( like I said im new to this growing thing).
Like I said this is a shitty grow environment but its the only place I can grow it. lol
I did take a picture of the light that Im not sure what it is. Maybe someone can tell me? lol But this light stays about 2-4 inchs from the plant. I know I need a better light system, cuz the bottom leaves are not even getting light. And for temp I would say an avrage of about 65-70 in the closest. Like I said though a night it prob drops down. If theres any other info that I need to give let me know.

And hey thanks guys for welcoming me here and taking the time to help me out. I use marijuana for medical purposes and buying it is just to expensive

and i also know that MG is not the best soil to use from what I read online. But hey im broke. lol


yeah its real. just a crapy grow. i dont care if it produces shitty bud (well i mean of course) but Its my first EVER. I dont want it to die. lol


Well-Known Member
1. Do you just mean how is old is the plant? It is about 2 and half months old. Your plant is craving a pot upgrade
2. miracle grow organic Bigger pots will make a bigger plant
3. Every other way I use Miracle gro liquid houseplant food 8-7-6 It's not the best but will do for this learning excercise
4. I'm not sure, if I had to guess I would say it stays about anywhere from 55-80 degrees (I dont have anything to test the temp) lol At night the cooler is on so im not sure how cold it gets at night. Dollar stores have cheap thermometers, since MJ doesn't like excessive heat it may be something to consider
5. The soil is about 4-5 inchs. Is it too late to drill holes in it? I knew that it needed the holes (but i been lagging) lol Cant find my freaking drill
When it comes to drilling holes in the bucket. How many holes? Where do i drill them? how big? It is never too late to drill holes in the bucket although if you buy a 3 gallon plant pot, this will be a non issue.

If your going to continue to use the same bucket, you should have 2 holes roughly a 1/2 inch in diameter and a drill is not needed, an exacto knife will cut just fine with some patience.

The lights our on 24/7. I have 2 lights (one is just a basic bulb that are just normal light bulbs) the other one im not sure about ( like I said im new to this growing thing).

You can save power by switching to a 18 hours of light, 6 hours of darkness schedule

Like I said this is a shitty grow environment but its the only place I can grow it. lol
I did take a picture of the light that Im not sure what it is. Maybe someone can tell me? lol But this light stays about 2-4 inchs from the plant. I know I need a better light system, cuz the bottom leaves are not even getting light. And for temp I would say an avrage of about 65-70 in the closest. Like I said though a night it prob drops down. If theres any other info that I need to give let me know.

I would recommend buying a 150w MH/HPS light with reflector, their small and don't throw alot of heat and cheap as all get out to run.

And hey thanks guys for welcoming me here and taking the time to help me out. I use marijuana for medical purposes and buying it is just to expensive

and i also know that MG is not the best soil to use from what I read online. But hey im broke. lol

No worries mate, your plant can still be fantastic if you put a little more effort into the process.
This is all opinion, plants will grow at different rates for different folks and this is my best suggestions for new growers.


New Member
the way your going u might get a joint........ u have to do better on that enviroment u can set up something that will work pretty cheap
Thanks for the all advice. Excellent advice. Any idea how much a 150w MH/HPS light with reflector would cost? and where can i get one of those from?

Searching online they look like there 100 bucks? wow ok....

Its not lack of effort. Its lack of money. lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
If that plant is two and a half months old give up now, read up on how to grow cannabis, buy the right equiptment and you'll be at the stage you are presently at within a week or two. That plants size has nothing to do with the size container is in, most likely it is due to little to no lighting. You are however lucky not to have encountered real issues as a result of having no drainage holes, that is definately something to keep in your head for next time.


Well-Known Member
ok...sooo...the myths about miracle grow is mainly with the regular miracle grow potting mix with the time release nutrients...many new growers overwater causing time release nutes to burst prematurely burning the plants with too many can be used just fine growing MJ if used correctly ;)

miracle grow organic is fine, but it really need some extra perlite mixed up in it to add drainage...and dear god YES you need holes in the bottom of your pot...if you don't the water just sits in the bottom of it rotting out your root system ;)

Yes you need more lights. Plain and simple...goto the hardware store...pickup some 100-150watt equivalent bulbs(23-28watt real watts) and a few corded lamp sockets like these:

put the bulbs in there..and hang them right near your plant...

I would personally just throw that one out and start over instead of trying to salvage it...but if you are hell bent on trying to get some bud out of it pull the plant+roots+soil out of that container you have it in now...drill a shitton of 1/2" holes in the bottom of it, put more MG soil + perlite in the container, then place your plant back down in it and put more soil on the top of it...if you lose some soil pulling it out its fine, just have your soil mixture ready before you pull it out to repot needs more depth, it needs more air to get to its root system...

Go to the newbie section on the forums and look for a sticky that says "How to grow Marijuana" through that...its your best hope ;) good luck! :)


Well-Known Member
Amazon has lights for $80.99 for switchable electronic ballasts.
Ebay has complete 150w systems for even cheaper.

If your american I suggest getting some Fox Farms brand of gear (soil and nutrients)
If your Canadian then I suggest trying to find some General Organics nutrients (personal preference)

Lighting and temperature control is paramount on your list for a successful grow because the plant will pretty much eat anything you feed it. (Miracle grow, compost tea, horticulture nutrients) with the end product having a flavour that ranges from yummy to diesel fuel depending on your plant food.


New Member
Dude the way i see it if you are gonna take the risk and grow some weed ,you may as well grow it the best you can.The police won't care that you have a crappy plant that will only yeild a gram they just see a plant.Of course if your smart you won't get caught but just something to think about,visit your nearest hydro shop and get a proper grow light ,you don't need a 1000 watt just a 250 will do for a small plant.Then get a decent size pot and you will grow a nice plant.
k...sooo...the myths about miracle grow is mainly with the regular miracle grow potting mix with the time release nutrients...many new growers overwater causing time release nutes to burst prematurely burning the plants with too many can be used just fine growing MJ if used correctly

miracle grow organic is fine, but it really need some extra perlite mixed up in it to add drainage...and dear god YES you need holes in the bottom of your pot...if you don't the water just sits in the bottom of it rotting out your root system

Yes you need more lights. Plain and simple...goto the hardware store...pickup some 100-150watt equivalent bulbs(23-28watt real watts) and a few corded lamp sockets like these:

put the bulbs in there..and hang them right near your plant...

I would personally just throw that one out and start over instead of trying to salvage it...but if you are hell bent on trying to get some bud out of it pull the plant+roots+soil out of that container you have it in now...drill a shitton of 1/2" holes in the bottom of it, put more MG soil + perlite in the container, then place your plant back down in it and put more soil on the top of it...if you lose some soil pulling it out its fine, just have your soil mixture ready before you pull it out to repot needs more depth, it needs more air to get to its root system...

What is your reasoning on starting over? I mean you said you would just throw it away and start over? Whys that?


Well-Known Member
Ignore the people that tell you to throw your plant away, IGNORE THEM I SAY!

Your plant is still in it's vegetative phase and can remain in a vegetative state forever if you choose. It only has a lifespan if you put it into flower phase.


Well-Known Member
What is your reasoning on starting over? I mean you said you would just throw it away and start over? Whys that?
because its already 2.5months old...and it's the size of a properly grown 2 week old seedling ;) So instead of trying to salvage what life that little one has left in it I'd just start over with a nice healthy seedling from the getgo with proper conditions :)


Well-Known Member
Ignore the people that tell you to throw your plant away, IGNORE THEM I SAY!

Your plant is still in it's vegetative phase and can remain in a vegetative state forever if you choose. It only has a lifespan if you put it into flower phase.
^^ this is true, but that plant is already stunted...its going to take longer to get it back on track then it would be to start over considering how large it is so far...