Any advice?


Well-Known Member
Mas, you make my heart sad. It may be 2.5 months old but it's still in veg and can be salvages. Think of the awesome root system it has now and can easily survive a transplant.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Ignore the people that tell you to throw your plant away, IGNORE THEM I SAY!

Your plant is still in it's vegetative phase and can remain in a vegetative state forever if you choose. It only has a lifespan if you put it into flower phase.
and he doesn't have enough lights for the vetative growth as it is.

I say start again, this will give you time to buy what is actually needed and time to learn what is needed. You can certainly plough on from one unknown to the next though, by all means. I personally like to know what i'm doing.


Well-Known Member
Mas, you make my heart sad. It may be 2.5 months old but it's still in veg and can be salvages. Think of the awesome root system it has now and can easily survive a transplant.
You mean think of the stunted half rotted root system it probably has? I'm all for trying to save a plant, but with how well that's performed so far I'd just start over if it was me...but its up to the OP as to what he wants to do :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You mean think of the stunted half rotted root system it probably has? I'm all for trying to save a plant, but with how well that's performed so far I'd just start over if it was me...but its up to the OP as to what he wants to do :)
This is also a valid point, without drainage i think it'll be far from a awesome root system. And you dn't need to have an awesome root sytem for transplanting without killing it, it sohuld be damned near impossbile to kill a plant of any stage by transplant. Heck, i tansplant little girls from soil into DWc, that doesn't kill em or even stunt them. Ripping out roots under the bathroom tap and all.


Well-Known Member
*shuffles off to a corner*

I can't argue with them, their right. I come from a school of thought where all life has a spirit and despite the harsh conditions that your plant has survived I feel it is worth the effort for both you as a learner and your plant as a spiritual being.

If you want 'A' grade weed then you have alot of work ahead of you starting with going over the how to grow threads, If your interested in making this plant as good as it can be from where it is now a few minor tweeks can help you and it will also prepare you for your next grow.
so even if i transplant it and get a better light and another pot (with drainage) this plant wont grow any bud? thats what some of you are saying?


Well-Known Member
Not at all, this plant has the possibility to grow bud if it is a female. The bud it could produce may not be the best that another plant with the same genetics can produce but you do have the possibility to get bud.
So why in the world would anyone say to throw it away? LOL I can understand if they have a perfect grow environment with the right lighting and all that to start over. But i should be getting some money soon so I shoudl be able to at least get a new pot to put it in and a new a light. I have a feeling its a female plant. It could just be me wanting it to be a female. lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
so even if i transplant it and get a better light and another pot (with drainage) this plant wont grow any bud? thats what some of you are saying?
Not at all. I'm saying that by all reckoning this whole grow might jsut be issue after issue after issue after issue. Growing cannabis is one of the easiest things that can be done, by not doing prior research to understand what you're doing or what you need to do, you're just making things pointlessly difficult. By all means keep it but put the majority of yoru effort into learning about growing not worrying about what you're presently trying to grow.

I'd say that by taking your time and learning to grow, instead of putting your efforts into growing this out, you could easily end up harvesting twice as much bud in nearly the same predicted harvest window.
so what would be the cheapest but still at least some effecive that I can buy on a really cheap budget?Like if i wanted to get it at walmart or a hardware store maybe.
Not at all. I'm saying that by all reckoning this whole grow might jsut be issue after issue after issue after issue. Growing cannabis is one of the easiest things that can be done, by not doing prior research to understand what you're doing or what you need to do, you're just making things pointlessly difficult. By all means keep it but put the majority of yoru effort into learning about growing not worrying about what you're presently trying to grow.

I'd say that by taking your time and learning to grow, instead of putting your efforts into growing this out, you could easily end up harvesting twice as much bud in nearly the same predicted harvest window.
Yeah I do agree, but Im working on a budget here. lol I have read a lot. Just sounds like I need better environment for the plant

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Go and get a job. That is how most people do it. And move out of your parents house and find a flat where you can grow properly :)

By environment what you mean is lights, you need lights, more, lots, many, better, bigger. POWER!!

Define cheap budget. You could do one days work and that would near pay off an HPS unit.


Well-Known Member
I can't argue with them, their right. I come from a school of thought where all life has a spirit and despite the harsh conditions that your plant has survived I feel it is worth the effort for both you as a learner and your plant as a spiritual being.
This is where we differ philosophically...I believe in survival of the fittest and natural selection :D


Well-Known Member
@OP - First, lets figure out where you want to be in 4 months with your grow.

What is your vision on this, what would you like your plant to look like.
@OP - First, lets figure out where you want to be in 4 months with your grow.

What is your vision on this, what would you like your plant to look like.
4 months. No idea. i mean I would love for my first plant (this one) to preduce. all over the internet its about growing REALLY GOOD pot. I dont care if its not the best. at long as its not brown, I dont care, lol. U know what i Mean? i dont care if the thing takes 4 more months, i just want to succed on little too none budget. I mean whats the simplest way to grow just a small plant, that would produce like a ouce? u know what i Mean? not this hyrdo krnoick shit. lol that would be nice, but I dont have 1,000s of bucks to spend on a grow opertation lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
The point being at your present stage of not caring you'll end up will bollocks. They will nt be buds, they will be whispy pointless things you might as well have not spent the time growing. You will ont be producing anything like an ounce at your current state. You will barely be harvesting a few grams, and most of that will be leaves.

Growing pot has ntohing to do with spending thousands of bucks. how about $50, and if you can't afford that given the reutn 3 months down the line then soemthing tells me you're not emant to be on this site.


Well-Known Member
I understand where your at and thank you for serving by the way. I understand it must have been rough.

Your first step will be lighting and reading. Take the time to understand what kind of light the plant needs and the best way to provide that type of light for your plant. Keep in mind that your plant may never grow huge, it may be stunted, root rotted or root bound. I can help you take your plant from the twig it is now to a plant with bud (or balls, depending on sex).

I am a harsh task master and demand obedience.....(snicker)....not really but i'll help you out if your willing to give it your best shot and invest more time (alot), money(roughly 200 over a span of 4 months) and energy to your plant.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to take a personal moment here to mention something.

Tiptop, your services are no longer required in this thread. If you feel you want to help this person learn and make things better for themselves as is and not what could be then feel free to stay and help. If your going to continually be negative then fuck the hell off.
The point being at your present stage of not caring you'll end up will bollocks. They will nt be buds, they will be whispy pointless things you might as well have not spent the time growing. You will ont be producing anything like an ounce at your current state. You will barely be harvesting a few grams, and most of that will be leaves.

Growing pot has ntohing to do with spending thousands of bucks. how about $50, and if you can't afford that given the reutn 3 months down the line then soemthing tells me you're not emant to be on this site.
50 bucks huh? How is that when ppl are saying almost 100 bucks for the lights alone? Im new to this. I never once said I was gods gift to growing pot. im new bro. i just need like a basic grow equitment advice ( alist of things that I need to grow 1 plant) it doesnt have to be skunk shit, just wheel

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You could spend 50 bucks, you could spend 100, you could spend 200, you could spend 25, all depends on where you shop and what deals you get. But growing does not need to be expensive. Even just having the ocorrect type and colour bulb could have you a long way further ahead than you presently are.

By reading i mean reading by which i mean if reading has been done i do not need to instruct you what you need to grow a plant ;) all of tose items are generally pointed out clearly in tutorials and videos. Yes, you can even learn via video's such as Mr Green I grow Chronic etc. While he teaches a hydro setup, a lot of the principals are the same with regard to the environmental setup etc.