Parents see plant as pot please help!!!!!


Active Member
Ok so my plant is in a pot in my room and has pretty much just gotten out of the seedling stage and today my parents come up to me and tells me that they think my plant looks like weed. What should I do the entire time they couldn't notice a thing and out of nowhere they come up to and the thing is that it only has three blades on just 2 sets of leaves!


Well-Known Member
So you think this is a forum of "Instruct underage kids to grow weed and hide it from their parents" eh? Good luck getting advice on that...


Well-Known Member
guess what kid, keep that up and youll find yourself on the street pretty soon. gluck to yah fucking up your relationship with your family for a plant lol.


Well-Known Member
Ain't worth risking mate. My parents come round after educating em after several months and they now show interest in my grow. But had to kill 2 girls when trying to hide it. It's pointless mate. Bin em and wait till got your own place

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Ok so my plant is in a pot in my room and has pretty much just gotten out of the seedling stage and today my parents come up to me and tells me that they think my plant looks like weed. What should I do the entire time they couldn't notice a thing and out of nowhere they come up to and the thing is that it only has three blades on just 2 sets of leaves!
what ever happened to your Xbox grow dude? you where that guy, weren't you? :lol:


you need to realize that you are not only risking your own freedom but theirs by growing in their house. If you really think its a good idea to do this, go spend just one night outside. Now realize that when they figure out you lied to them and it is weed, they are going to kick your ass out and that is where you are going to be living. You are still living the good life at home with your parents, is it really worth it to lose it all over a plant?
If i was to take what i pay for my mortgage, electricity, water, trash, sewer, cable, food etc, i could buy way way way more weed than i could smoke. Thats the way you should look at it, right now you are broke with a place to live, beats the hell out of being broke and homeless.
Good luck but realize your parents don't have to put up with you anymore, your 19!


Well-Known Member
only 2.5 weeks? thats nothing...if you are 19...move the fuck out...get a job...move the fuck out...moral of the story is...don't grow weed in places that you don't own...and move the fuck out lol :D


Well-Known Member
Ok so my plant is in a pot in my room and has pretty much just gotten out of the seedling stage and today my parents come up to me and tells me that they think my plant looks like weed. What should I do the entire time they couldn't notice a thing and out of nowhere they come up to and the thing is that it only has three blades on just 2 sets of leaves!
"Out of nowhere" your parents notice that your openly displayed cannabis plant is starting to resemble a cannabis plant?

Obviously, they're geniuses. Maybe you should ask them if you're adopted.

Does this mean you're NOT going through with the Xbox grow?

I'm 19 but still live with parents I'm just going to tell them it's cleome for the time being
Cleome, huh?


Yeah, they'll never suspect a thing, what with your sudden interest in growing plants that look exactly like marijuana, but that you claim aren't. Sure, why don't you go with that one.

You want my serious advice? Either get rid of the plant, or move out of your parents house, or preferably both. Forget the fact that you're asking for a beat-down, you're simply nuts if you think you're actually going to grow that thing in your room for the next three months and harvest anything. The sooner you give it up, the less you'll have invested in that plant, and the less unhappy you'll be with the inevitable bad outcome.