Garden Knowm's POON thread


100% Authentic A$$Hole
I just like to play with me self.......If girls dont like me doing it they can step in and hand me some cheetos..But some times it just needs a scratch...I seen a fat lady scratch under her tit and sniff her hand at IHop 3 days ago....It was funny...
lmao you should have krept up on her and asked her what it smelled like:hump:


There's treachery afoot
I just like to play with me self.......If girls dont like me doing it they can step in and hand me some cheetos..But some times it just needs a scratch...I seen a fat lady scratch under her tit and sniff her hand at IHop 3 days ago....It was funny...
Under a tit is one thing but did she cradle her penis in her hand...nooooooo
did she do the hip shift and scoot thing...noooooooooo
Now the sniffing thing is pretty gross but at least the lady has enough hygeine sense to try to assess her own odor but damn...I have never been to Ihop and don't think I will ever....eiuuuuwwwwww:spew::spew: