Did the Government Win?


Well-Known Member
This past year has been crazy. It looked as if we were winning this crazy fight over cannabis. Cali had dispenseries and the state had less crime and more income and jobs. Canada even looked like it would turn too.

I'm sorry to inform but with the currents events, we need a stand or we will lose.

They took marc, prince of pot; they took cali dispenseries away; they made a mess of our world cup; planning to build more jails rather than save money from marijuanna industries and improve the health or school system. We need rallies, movement, media coverage and annonymous to help.

We can keep writing and watch them take everything and complain after, or we can get people involed, call your news anchor friend, call your brother the lawyer, tell everyone. If we continue to sit back, rest assure the goverment will take away cannabis from our grasp.

This affects everyone who has smoked cannabis, who will for medical and recreational purposes. Basically the entire population.... I know many of you won't bother with this stand because it doesn't benefit the once a year smoker, but rest assured, when your caught your going to wish you took a stand when we still had a chance to make it right.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Me too.... Lots of dispensaries. They arent winning by a long shot. Google "extinction burst" fuck it, we have already wo., just havent gotten the spoils of war. We saw how effective they were In The worst of it, which was not at all, its going to take more than a nail on the track to derail a train this size. I agree we need to activate, but we arent losing. They just want you to think we are.


Well-Known Member
If they are making everyone believe they are winning, aren't they?

I'm just worried it will be to late when everyone realizes they should of made a stand. How exactly are we winning if the federal goverment keeps stepping into state laws? How are we winning when cannabis is still illegal? We haven't won until its regulated like wine or alcohol. I'm a vet with pdst and anxiety and I cannot find 1 doctor where I live to prescribe it, but hey they are quick to prescribe substances that will hurt my body?

Why is there even still laws if over 50% support it? Can't the population call for a revote on the drug policy? Can't we schedule a court hearing ? What's our options and how do we win?


Well-Known Member
If they are making everyone believe they are winning, aren't they?
It starts with the individual. TAKE YOUR POWER BACK. They can't MAKE YOU do ANYTHING. BELIEVE WHAT YOU KNOW IS RIGHT. They WIN IF YOU GIVE IN. You are on the fence. I can sense it. It's not just about what your beliefs are, but the WAY you CHOOSE to FEEL about it.


Well-Known Member
BE encouraged. Be INSPIRED. Listen to what others here are saying. They are not giving in. They believe in the power of the heart to overcome and trascend the fascist control schemes. THAT is EXACTLY what it TAKES. EACH person, must do their part. Hold tight. We are WITH YOU.


Active Member
as long as one person in the US is growing, selling, buying, or smoking pot, then we are not defeated. so as i say in almost all of my posts, stay smokey my friends :leaf:


Well-Known Member
To quote Phil:
They just want you to think we are.

To quote you:
If they are making everyone believe they are winning, aren't they?

He did not say that they are making anyone do anything. What he said was that they WANT you to think that we are losing. That is NOT the same thing as "making everyone believe it". No one can make you believe anything, man. You have to feel the power of the truth and what is right.

This is about self invigoration... this is about inspiration. This is about a CHOICE. FEAR, OR LOVE? I don't KNOW about "everyone" but I know about ME and I know that *I* DO NOT believe it for a fucking SECOND. Propaganda and influence are always a force to be reckoned with, and this is no different than any other time in that sense.

IF they even COULD make everyone believe they are winning, YES, THEY WOULD WIN. BUT, they have NOT done that. And I don't even think they're CAPABLE of that. In fact I KNOW that, because I AM ONE OF THE EVERYONE, and I will not ever believe such tripe. If you BELIEVE THEIR BULLSHIT, YOU ARE GIVING UP YOUR POWER.


Divide and conquer will ALWAYS be their method, and all you have to do is see beyond that.

We are WITH YOU.

Pushing things underground is hardly defeating them. Look around this world. Legalization means DICK. It means that conservative fascists approve.

We will not and cannot be stopped unless we surrender our own freedom. They cannot take it.

Forgive my fervor and my passion. I speak firmly because WE WOULD HATE TO LOSE YOU.


They WANT you to panic. They WANT you to think that they're succeeding in influencing the masses because THAT is the only way they win, by influencing YOU PERSONALLY.

Kick 'em in the nuts by KNOWING that you have no reason to panic. KNOW that the truth shall ALWAYS prevail.

We are united.
We stand tall.


Well-Known Member
BE encouraged. Be INSPIRED. Listen to what others here are saying. They are not giving in. They believe in the power of the heart to overcome and trascend the fascist control schemes. THAT is EXACTLY what it TAKES. EACH person, must do their part. Hold tight. We are WITH YOU.
yes we are. :) IMG_4116.jpg

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
You know how when your computer freezes on you...you press a.button and wait. Then again. Andd wait. Then you press it a bunch of times rapidly. Then you give up. Its called an extinction burst. The process of your mind letting go of the connection between your efforts and the effect it has on your environment. Thats where the gov and world is at right now, the rapid pressing of buttons juuuuuust befor giving up. Its inevitable. Sure, a few people are gonna get burned befor its done unfortunately, but we're almost there.

The reason we will win is our conviction. The knowledge of the truth, the uncompromisability and unnegotiability of our truth, that our truth is what it is despite peoples desires or efforts, we will win simply because we are right and will not recognize anything less as acceptable. There.is no comprise in truth, only in recognition of such. Our stance will force this recognition. Lies can only exist for so long, and these ones have for soooo long. The time has come, the wall of lies is crumbling and what will stand in the rubble is the immunity to entropy in truth. It is simply a matter of time. I predicted 15 years ago this happening around this time as the reeferadness era died off and having the highest voting demographic of the elderly being those who were in their prime in the 60.s and 70.s. Basically as those people become our oldest, our laws can change. The open mindedness towards weed can allow them to see the economic implications of its prohibitionand contribute toward its legalization.

It is imminant, dont waiver in your faith


Well-Known Member
You know how when your computer freezes on you...you press a.button and wait. Then again. Andd wait. Then you press it a bunch of times rapidly. Then you give up. Its called an extinction burst. The process of your mind letting go of the connection between your efforts and the effect it has on your environment. Thats where the gov and world is at right now, the rapid pressing of buttons juuuuuust befor giving up. Its inevitable. Sure, a few people are gonna get burned befor its done unfortunately, but we're almost there.

The reason we will win is our conviction. The knowledge of the truth, the uncompromisability and unnegotiability of our truth, that our truth is what it is despite peoples desires or efforts, we will win simply because we are right and will not recognize anything less as acceptable. There.is no comprise in truth, only in recognition of such. Our stance will force this recognition. Lies can only exist for so long, and these ones have for soooo long. The time has come, the wall of lies is crumbling and what will stand in the rubble is the immunity to entropy in truth. It is simply a matter of time. I predicted 15 years ago this happening around this time as the reeferadness era died off and having the highest voting demographic of the elderly being those who were in their prime in the 60.s and 70.s. Basically as those people become our oldest, our laws can change. The open mindedness towards weed can allow them to see the economic implications of its prohibitionand contribute toward its legalization.

It is imminant, dont waiver in your faith
Wow, beautiful Phil! Thank you so much for your inspiration!!! I'd never heard of this "extinction burst" and I appreciate you taking the time to explain it. Certainly seems to be exactly what is happening!

Gandhi Said:

First they ignore you.
Then they laugh at you.
Then they fight you.
Then, you win.


Well-Known Member
It is a tricky thing States rights VRS Federal Domain.

It is also what our Country is founded on.


Well-Known Member
yes that was a great rant!
in my opinion the govt will never have won if they continue to back misinformation. the truth always shines brighter and all they can do is slow the inevitable like you say. i think that they are pulling harder on the rope now that we have 50% support and multiple initiatives to legalize - this is their response to having lost consecutively - i hope also that their oppressive tactics won't sour the air and create a vibe of apprehension surrounding pot - they are very good at psychological manipulation and lies.. they don't tell us, but everything that we hear about pot in the news is what they want us to hear - Obama was there in Holland when they signed the no 15% pot deal - he was physically there - did everyone notice that? and then weeks later they disrupt the cannabis cup.. they close the cali clubs and simultaneously open the border to NAFTA trucks... what else aren't they telling us? and what are people going to think after there is no more 'Dam and all weed comes from Mexico's death squads? it seems like brainwashing to me...

i hear they are handing down 20 year sentences in Montana for the club operators... it's all over the world - everywhere that agreed to our no hemp policy is cracking down.. but, i won't call it a win..

"The founder of New Zealand's first cannabis club, Dakta Green, has had his jail sentence more than doubled following an appeal by the Solicitor General. Green, 61, who ran The Daktory in New Lynn, Auckland, for more than 30 months, was sentenced in June to eight months' jail for selling cannabis, possession of cannabis and allowing a premises to be used for commission of a crime against the Misuse of Drugs Act.
The charges followed a police raid on Green's Delta Ave clubhouse.
The Solicitor General appealed the sentence last month and in a decision recently released the Court of Appeal quashed Green's original sentence and increased his jail term to 23 months.
The Solicitor General argued that in sentencing Green the judge gave him too much of a discounted sentence, from a starting point of 27 months to 12 months, ''for factors relating to the circumstances of his offending''.
The reduction occurred because the sentencing judge considered Green's case was different, ''this situation could not be likened to a tinnie house'' because Green wasn't selling cannabis covertly or for personal gain, rather to maintain The Daktory.
The Daktory, although now closed for business, is the headquarters of the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party.
Green, who changed his name from Ken Morgan in 2008, is the Waitakere regional coordinator for NORML - the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.
He stood for the Aotearoa Legalize Cannabis Party in the 2009 Mt Albert by-election and is the driver of Mary Jane the Cannabus - a mobile marijuana reform education centre."


Well-Known Member
Wow very insperational. I understand it a bit better now. What I would like to know is how do we speed up the process? We submit those white house questions and they don't respond. I have a feeling some sort of event needs to happen to make this ball rolling so what will it be?


Unfortunately, I do not see Federal legalization anywhere in Americas future. Despite the the extensive research on revenue gain, a decrease in drug related incarceration, and other benefits proposed to the government, It falls on deaf ears. The United States is an extremely strong player in the United Nations, with whom we must be in accordance with for obvious reasons. It is no secret that countries belonging to the United Nations must play ball in order to gain certain "benefits" provided by the other nations within it. The United Nations has an even stiffer view on the legalization of cannabis than our own government. In short, the Federal government of the United States wouldnt want to rub the United Nations the wrong way for fear of losing support. Therefore, in order to peacefully rally against our own government to gain legalization, we must also take into consideration why they would oppose it, and who above them might feel about that decision. Its something ive been curious about myself, I stumbled upon this article a while back that proves my point:
However, I think legalized, state wide use of cannabis is in the near future of almost every state. Just my two cents


Well-Known Member
i am pretty sure that when most states have legalized then the federal ban with fall or be lowered to schedule II. that is how alcohol prohibition ended - definitely not feds first..

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, I do not see Federal legalization anywhere in Americas future. Despite the the extensive research on revenue gain, a decrease in drug related incarceration, and other benefits proposed to the government, It falls on deaf ears. The United States is an extremely strong player in the United Nations, with whom we must be in accordance with for obvious reasons. It is no secret that countries belonging to the United Nations must play ball in order to gain certain "benefits" provided by the other nations within it. The United Nations has an even stiffer view on the legalization of cannabis than our own government. In short, the Federal government of the United States wouldnt want to rub the United Nations the wrong way for fear of losing support. Therefore, in order to peacefully rally against our own government to gain legalization, we must also take into consideration why they would oppose it, and who above them might feel about that decision. Its something ive been curious about myself, I stumbled upon this article a while back that proves my point:
However, I think legalized, state wide use of cannabis is in the near future of almost every state. Just my two cents
Yes, because our government actually does give a fuck what ANY country in the world thinks about us. It is of the oppinion in many places outside the us that the UN stance was instigated by america.