Mormon's V.S. Black people (And more)


Well-Known Member
Let's start here: (Not black people and mormon's, but funny)

Black guy teaches Mormon's that "Joseph Smith" is their savior, not really Jesus:

Black Christians expose Mormon racism:

Mormon explains Mormons racism:

Cartoon explaining Mormon preachings:


Black dude breaks some shit down:

Explained from their perspective, still crazy...The years they preach (The guys on bikes) they can't even read newspaper.

An Ex-Mormon girl explains her transition:


Well-Known Member
by far this is the best thread u've ever made. are freemasons mormons or vice versa?
I wouldn't say they are exactly correlated, but I guess maybe more mormon's become freemason's than most regular people...I've never really heard of any connection though...


Well-Known Member
I wrote that because the compass and square are like the cross of freemasonry. It's their god damn sign.


Well-Known Member
I wrote that because the compass and square are like the cross of freemasonry. It's their god damn sign.
Oh, I'm looking up correlations right now...

But if you think about it, Mormon's aren't good even if they AREN'T Illuminati. And there are like 3-5 Mormon's in the race for president right now. Imagine if we had like 6 consecutive Mormon presidents or something. America would go batshit crazy, and I'm talking about more-so than we are now...


Well-Known Member

The Mormon's are "Unknowingly" or very purposefully into pagan and "Satanic" things (Looked at from a Christian perspective)
The pictures above are of their Temple in Utah.


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Do you follow the book of Mormon "to a T"?
There is no T in Book of Mormon. Most of those little videos are half truths and outright lies. This shit has been going on for decades. But keep it going. Anything that discredits Mitt Romney has my vote. It will all die down again and the Church will still be going strong.


Well-Known Member
There is no T in Book of Mormon. Most of those little videos are half truths and outright lies. This shit has been going on for decades. But keep it going. Anything that discredits Mitt Romney has my vote. It will all die down again and the Church will still be going strong.
Some of them may be considered "Half truths" as a lot of them have Christian Authors, BUT they are talking about REAL things going on. Whether it be widespread or individual occasions, these things have been found out...

And the Mormon racism is real, that's not a half truth.

"Thin, Straight, Yellow hair, light skin for priesthood. Dark skin, and dark and curly hair is a 'curse'."

But yes Mit Romney doesn't need to win for sure...

I'm not saying ALL Mormons are bad, I'm just saying some bad things have happened, and it doesn't have too solid of a backstory, for a religion...