HERMIES!! Can We Save This?

OK here is the deal, we started with seeds we found in some really good quality bud.
We maybe found 1 seed pr oz or two of this shit, anyway we planted them and have 7 females in the end stages of budding (about 2-3 weeks left) we cloned from these plants a month or so ago, so now we have bout 15 clones (from our original 7) and another 15 started from shitty seeds bought over the internet. >So now we get to the problem. about 4 days ago i noticed that there were seeds developing.
We took all of them out and on 2 of out 7 I found male flowers, not on their own branch but right in tight with the buds, and lots of 'em. I pulled about 15-20 flowers off of each plant and they are in quarantine- I am sure there are more flowers on them just too far inside the bud for me to see without cropping/trimming (we are flushing and finishing these two NOW so we can still get some bud out them) most of the seeds and flowers were on the lower branches. We figure that the original 7 are all going to go to seed, but are wondering if we can save the clones with this 'dutch master reverse' how early can the girls be pollinated? some are still in veg, so if there are no hairs they cant be pollinated -right? or wrong? can we save any of this grow? or do we need to start all over again? Please help


Scientia Cannabis
Male flowers will pop open at one point, and if just one does, your entire garden will be fucked.

Get rid of the plants showing signs of pollen sacks even though you might have some time before it all goes to hell.

If you took clones from a hermy plant your clone will most likely also hermy.

My advice would be to take a few pictures of the sacks, and or the other plants you are suspecting to give us a bit more to look at, will help the diagnosis.
If you plants are 'herming' there is not much you can do but try to salvage what bud you have, being 2-3 weeks off flowering end will not leave you with a very high quality smoke though, I'm sorry.
I just went over them today and pinched off every flower/sack i could find, so sadly there is not much to take a picture of. the flowers i found have ALREADY opened. I have laready come to terms with the fact that my 7 mature ones are fucked. even though i dont see signs of seeds on a few of them I believe, as you said, if there is even one flower they are all going to go to seed at one point.
thinking about making oil with the immature bud.
but i am wondering if the pollen will affect plants not yet showing signs of their sex (seedlings / young clones)
is it worth it to try the dutch master reverse on the clones? its either that or I scrap everything. and it would be a shame, cause i have all these little ones just starting in to veg.


Active Member
i would say the clones taken from hermie have a 50/50 chance of being a hermie watch them carefully when you flower them because you may get lucky. I just had a hermie in my flower that had polin sacs were open and luckily that was 3 weeks ago???? give or take a few days and my other girls show no sign of being poilnated so ill cross my fingers for you. the dutch master i believe i was told only use if it IS a hermie for sure. so wait it out dont stress them out at all and pray to the bud gods :)
Got dutch master reverse. It worked like a charm.
I would highly recommend it to anyone having similar problems. It Kills off the male flowers, as well as it halts seed production. The immature seeds were actually "pushed out' by the plant! It was crazy.. D M reverse...Great shit:)


Active Member
why would you think the clones will be messed up?. your in veg you say so dont even worry. kill the seeded crap and move on


Active Member
im having a similar problem, i pinched off all the balls, but it appears that seeds are already being produced, i was gonna just let em bloom out, whats the worst thatll happen, ill just have some MJ with seeds in it, right? thats not what i want, but its whatever for this go around. i was concerned that they would pollinate my seedling that are 4 weeks old, but i was informed that if its in veg, it doesnt matter. only concern, that if the pollen sacks opened, then the whole room will contain pollen and it may not be able to get rid of, with fans blowing, you may pollinate your next batch, but im not 100% on that. i would love some feedback also. good luck bro.
when you took the clones, it sounded like you took them when they were flowering, true or false?


Active Member
i mean when you pulled the seeds outta the MJ you got to start these, that would make that plant a hermie too right? and im sure it was good smoke, so wouldnt what you have there be the same?


Active Member
I have had hermies and took clones off them and had no sighns of hermies on the clones later and still have the same strain and no hermies. the flowers that opened in my room just polinated the bud it was on not the whole room! and i have some of the seeds growing that came out of them and they are nice healthy plants with no sighns of hermie. about every 4th grow i will pollinate a few branches in my main room and i dont have any problem get it cleaned out at the end and flowering in there again without new seeds. i had one crop with 2 hermies in the room and i never pinched the flowers or did anything with them and they were the only 2 that had any seeds in them and only had a few in each plant so i wouldnt stress out on it to much. iv you are in veg and have no pistils showing the sex of the plant they will be fine if there are some pistils showing they will still be fine just will have a seed in the calxes that had the pistil showing. hope this helps and happy farming
im having a similar problem, i pinched off all the balls, but it appears that seeds are already being produced, i was gonna just let em bloom out, whats the worst thatll happen, ill just have some MJ with seeds in it, right? thats not what i want, but its whatever for this go around. i was concerned that they would pollinate my seedling that are 4 weeks old, but i was informed that if its in veg, it doesnt matter. only concern, that if the pollen sacks opened, then the whole room will contain pollen and it may not be able to get rid of, with fans blowing, you may pollinate your next batch, but im not 100% on that. i would love some feedback also. good luck bro.
when you took the clones, it sounded like you took them when they were flowering, true or false?


Well-Known Member
OK here is the deal, we started with seeds we found in some really good quality bud.
We maybe found 1 seed pr oz or two of this shit, anyway we planted them and have 7 females in the end stages of budding (about 2-3 weeks left) we cloned from these plants a month or so ago, so now we have bout 15 clones (from our original 7) and another 15 started from shitty seeds bought over the internet. >So now we get to the problem. about 4 days ago i noticed that there were seeds developing.
We took all of them out and on 2 of out 7 I found male flowers, not on their own branch but right in tight with the buds, and lots of 'em. I pulled about 15-20 flowers off of each plant and they are in quarantine- I am sure there are more flowers on them just too far inside the bud for me to see without cropping/trimming (we are flushing and finishing these two NOW so we can still get some bud out them) most of the seeds and flowers were on the lower branches. We figure that the original 7 are all going to go to seed, but are wondering if we can save the clones with this 'dutch master reverse' how early can the girls be pollinated? some are still in veg, so if there are no hairs they cant be pollinated -right? or wrong? can we save any of this grow? or do we need to start all over again? Please help
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Mist your plants daily to get rid of pollen that may be on them or floating around.