Simple SETUP question, Please help!


I'm ordering a 400 watt High Pressure Sodium light for 1-2 plants is that a enough? I'm also wondering how big the pot (gallons) should be, and is it okay to grow in a bedroom, with open space? or do I need some kind of tent? because I just wanted to grow in the corner of my bedroom. thanks for reading this!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I'm ordering a 400 watt High Pressure Sodium light for 1-2 plants is that a enough? I'm also wondering how big the pot (gallons) should be, and is it okay to grow in a bedroom, with open space? or do I need some kind of tent? because I just wanted to grow in the corner of my bedroom. thanks for reading this!:leaf:
You can grow in the corner of your bedroom if you want but the light is gonna be really bright. You could also make a tent with sheets and tacks. And a little ventilation and your good.

400 is good for 2 plants. Make sure to get cfl for seedlings.


Well-Known Member
I gotta agree with this guy that light is going to be so bright it blinding
It will bring a lot of unwanted attention!!!


Okay, I'm going to try to make a tent because I don't need the attention lol, and could I use the 400 HPS with the seedlings? because some person said it's okay to use through the whole cycle


Well-Known Member
Okay, I'm going to try to make a tent because I don't need the attention lol, and could I use the 400 HPS with the seedlings? because some person said it's okay to use through the whole cycle
If you use sheets you may need to line it with black trash bags too.


New Member
if you want to build a tent buy some 1/2 inch PVC and some fittings and build a box, then cover it in panda film. I bought a 50 foot roll of panda for $50. Only thing is they say PVC can release toxic chemicals after several years, but they use it in houses and buildings all the time even today so it can't be as bad as they say.


Well-Known Member
Imo a seven gallon pot would be ideal but a five gallon should work fine. I also would definitely build some kind of tent not only for light issues but it also a shit ton easier to completely control a smaller environment.
you can make your ten out of mylar... Walmart sells emergency blankets and you can buy them really cheap on ebay... Walmart has there's where the camping stuff is.