Smoking weed/tobacco around plants?


Well-Known Member
Hmm that's an interesting idea, so you're saying the meth wasn't directly increasing my focus, it just made everything awesome therefore I wasn't bored? That could actually be possible.
well, i wasnt going directly there, but thats a very interesting idea.
And I've wondered that myself about pure meth. Doing it always deteriorated my physical health rather quickly, and I know that's from all the nasty shit it's cut with rather than the actual amphetamine itself. If I had access to pure meth and just used a little bit and didn't abuse it, it would probably increase the quality of my life alot. But a big emphasis on use and not abuse. And I guess that's pretty much ADD meds isn't it, pure pharmaceutical grade amphetamine? I've never had it though so I don't know how different methamphetamine is to regular amphetamine.
i think most add and mania people are attracted to meth, which should say enough about it.
maybe the world was just so awesome because you had something you needed? but yes, im not fond of the blackmarket.
maybe you could get ritalin or something like that from a doctor? how is meth made anyway? in its most natural form? is it something you could do?

I'm growing raspberry cough from nirvana. It's a sativa but I dunno about geographic origins.
the southeastern asian sativas im talking about are pure sativas, tiny buds, long flowering time and tall plants. (and the leaves are quite smokable so it makes up for the tiny buds)

ive never tried anything like it in the west but i hear some seedbanks have similar, though i havent tried them, vietnam black and stuff like that, some thai´s and cambodian strains.


Well-Known Member
this world really sucks sometimes, we have Everything we need, but we fuck it all up through greed and stupidity :)

amazing really..


Well-Known Member
but yeah, i would think all the health problems might have come from bad meth and perhaps overdoing it. (probably stimulated by the blackmarket, prices and then society, your tendency to overdo it, that coupled with finally having something you really needed (100% focus eh?)


Meth is really easy to make, but to actually make good pure meth the ingredients you need are pretty hard to acquire. That and if you ever got caught it's like 10+ years in prison. Even though they pay people with chemistry degrees to do the same thing.


And ya it really did give me crazy awesome focus. I saw every little detail on everything. I play online poker and I would just play for like 24 hours straight and it would feel like it had been 10 minutes it was amazing for making money. Now that I'm clean I can only play for a few hours at a time before I get bored and have to take a break (even though I love it so much it still gets repetitive, I think playing in person it wouldn't cause you'd be talking and interacting and not just looking at a screen). And sometimes I feel like I was a better player while high just cause of how focused I was, when I play now my mind will wander sometimes from the lack of interactivity (just looking at a screen) but with meth I was totally completely content and awesome my mind never wandered and I never got mentally fatigued from playing. It gets tiring playing for a long time cause you're constantly thinking and stuff but with meth that never happened my mind was always sharp and alert even if I had been playing for a really long time.


Buuut even though it helped with focus, it completely destroyed other areas of my life and was extremely detrimental to my life overall. I wish I could just not have ADD then I wouldn't even want it lol.


Well-Known Member
Meth is really easy to make, but to actually make good pure meth the ingredients you need are pretty hard to acquire. That and if you ever got caught it's like 10+ years in prison. Even though they pay people with chemistry degrees to do the same thing.
hmm, yeah , thought so.might be some herbs around doing similar things though?
And ya it really did give me crazy awesome focus. I saw every little detail on everything. I play online poker and I would just play for like 24 hours straight and it would feel like it had been 10 minutes it was amazing for making money.couldnt that have been responsible for lots of the health deteriation? the 24+ hour stretches of doing something? Now that I'm clean I can only play for a few hours at a time before I get bored and have to take a break (even though I love it so much it still gets repetitive, I think playing in person it wouldn't cause you'd be talking and interacting and not just looking at a screenoh i can see you at a table in the old west for sure :)). And sometimes I feel like I was a better player while high just cause of how focused I was, when I play now my mind will wander sometimes from the lack of interactivity (just looking at a screen) but with meth I was totally completely content and awesome my mind never wandered and I never got mentally fatigued from playing. It gets tiring playing for a long time cause you're constantly thinking and stuff but with meth that never happened my mind was always sharp and alert even if I had been playing for a really long time.
Buuut even though it helped with focus, it completely destroyed other areas of my life and was extremely detrimental to my life overall. I wish I could just not have ADD then I wouldn't even want it lol.
heh, yeah. though i wonder how you would feel about it, if it was totally legal and you were getting good stuff at fair prices.

have you tried something like mediation or yoga?


Well-Known Member
You know I used to meditate and it did help a lot. I haven't in awhile though, I dunno why =/
maybe you just dont need it so much anymore, you seem pretty well balanced (couldnt point out anything about you anyway lol)