My BlueWidow Cross...


Well-Known Member
What up Martin...Hope your girls are doing

My BlueWidow just woke up from their first
day of flower...They are still being fed with
Flora Nova Grow, but are only dripping twice
a day now because the light cycle has been
reduced. They have responded very well to
the veg. nutes...

The veg. nutes will be deluted every day with
fresh ph'd water for a couple days...After that,
Flowering nutrients will be used..details on that

Some 2" cubes have been soaking for a few
hours now, and more clones will be taken from
the confirmed females to make up for the ones
already taken from males that will be destroyed.

Back in a few...


Well-Known Member
not just because its cooler, i get off work at 4pm i want to be able to do my work while the lights are on (just coming on) and it also limits the chance of me having a fire(get out of control)


Well-Known Member
Thanks dudes...your comments are
always appreciated.

you do nice work.
Can't win contests doing half-ass work
right...Your girls are looking great koosh.

not just because its cooler, i get off work at 4pm i want to be able to do my work while the lights are on (just coming on) and it also limits the chance of me having a fire(get out of control)
I think your lost dude...It's alright, it

Current temps are 70F, and the humidity
is staying around 55%...I plan on picking
up a dehumdifier soon. If I can get the
money, I'll be looking into a halo type
Co2 system...Stayed tuned.


Well-Known Member
What's up Klunky...been lurking a while eh...
Glad you like it...

My girls have just woke up to day two of full
flower at 12/12...The natural stretch during the
first few weeks of flowering has already started.

Their veg. solution has been diluted to 650ppm
now, and I will flush them tommorow, then
follow with the flowering nutes...

My two Pheno BW have both taken off, now
measuring each at 18"...The three other
females behind are around 14".

This is the future flowering chamber for my BW
once these are done...It has a 600watt hps,
and an ebb and flood setup. Once these
Blueberry are done, my BW will be moved in
to finish under the better bulb...details on that
soon to come...


Well-Known Member
im calling dibs on the mini me!!!!

i wanna know what she finishes!!!!

did you lollipop her?
That's my smoke until my big girls
are done...She'll yeild about a half...
my guess...

She was far too short to lollipop...
I keep these little ones around, and
the bottom surprisingly fruits very
well with these midget clones...
That's something I noticed when
I did my SoG...

lookn good JB...when you switch to flowering nutes what ppm are you shooting for???
I'll start them out around 600ppm for the first couple
days and watch how they respond. If they remain
healthy and green, they will be bumped up every
day until they reach about 1200ppm.

Supplements will be added at that point, and the
final solution will be around 1600ppm...details on
that to come.


Well-Known Member
I can't think of words to describe those plants. i'll just say awesome plants damn i'm jealous:) you really know your stuff.