Just a little advice....I would not say "your not to smart are you" and misspell and misuse words while you are trying to insult someone's intelligence. It just does not come off looking good for you. Next time, try this, "You're not too smart, are you?" That might help you out in the future.
And, honestly, dude, I grow tired of you trying so hard to argue with me. If you think they gave you physical cards to hold so that cops would just use the database, I must say with a chuckle, that you are probably wrong. Think about it, mygirls. They did not need to give you an ID card if they were just going to have a database with your ODL on it. They give you the cards so that you can show the cops that you are legal. But by all means, keep arguing your point, and someone may eventually believe you, but it makes no sense. We have 2 sets of cards....ones for display within our grow space, and one that is the EXACT size for your wallet.....wonder why they gave us that? hahahaha.
Overall, mygirls, you just won't give up will you? I could tell you that weed is green, and you would argue with me. I think most people are figuring that out.
And again, just reading your post, it seems that you are thinking solely of having someone investigating if you are growing illegally or not. I am talking about a chance visit to your door for a neighborly reason, or a traffic stop where the cop smells pot. Please, dude, start paying more attention to the conversation within the thread, it helps you keep up.