Mormon's V.S. Black people (And more)


Well-Known Member
im too frazzled to watch this now, but i am intrigued!! ;)
My favorites are the ones where the black people tell them what's up :)
In both, the Mormon "elders" just leave because what they are saying doesn't go with the Bible, and Black people know them some scripture :)


New Member

The Mormon's are "Unknowingly" or very purposefully into pagan and "Satanic" things (Looked at from a Christian perspective)
The pictures above are of their Temple in Utah.

wow plus10


Well-Known Member
Just so EVERYONE knows, I am not Religiously aligned.
One day I was high, and wanted to know what Mormon's were, so I looked it up, and saw the racism stuff and was like "WOAH". Started watching more and was like "WOAAAAHHHH" So I made a thread.

I just don't want a Mormon in the White House...So I think it's my job to educate ya'll on what I found out about them :)


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say they are exactly correlated, but I guess maybe more mormon's become freemason's than most regular people...I've never really heard of any connection though...
my grandfather was a freemason...and he was not a mormon ;)


Well-Known Member
All seeing eye, pentagram and the fucking handshake.
Crazy right...Right? And not just "Stars" Upside down stars, and together, not in some kind of pattern with normal stars :)
AND the "angels" of Mormonism?
From Christian perspective, all those are is idols to a "Flase god"

my grandfather was a freemason...and he was not a mormon ;)
Yeah, I had never heard of a correlation before yesterday.

I looked it up though, and it seems the founder of the Mormon church, was in a Masonic family, and his membership in the Mason's DID have SOME effect on Mormonism in general :)

BUT not all Mormon's are Freemason's, or even know what a Freemason is...


Well-Known Member
No offense to those that ARE each their own. But it strikes me as odd that the whole religion is based on one guy claiming he found these records under a rock and creates a religion from it. The whole thing is based on one guy's story.


Well-Known Member
No offense to those that ARE each their own. But it strikes me as odd that the whole religion is based on one guy claiming he found these records under a rock and creates a religion from it. The whole thing is based on one guy's story.
Agreed. And to try to tie Jesus and the Judea-Christian god in with something that says you get to be a GOD??? In TRUE Christianity humans can't even become ANGELS, angels are celestial beasts created by god, and they have no will. To say now that WE can be gods is blasphemous to the Holy Trinity...


Well-Known Member
i would have loved to be at that burger king high as fuck walkin by that conversation so i coulda shitted on the whole group of em and continued inside to get me a whopper.

the third video kinda annoyed me. so you're a christian that looks like you're in pastor gear cussin and hangin with ignorant black people callin them crackas. lol god people are fuckin stupid. those crackas may believe in some crazy shit, but they fuckin pay to go out and do that shit for the church...thats some fuckin dedication that obviously those black dudes dont have with what they believe. im sure jesus would have antagonized people who think they're doin good in their heart...fuckin hypocrites.


Well-Known Member
i would have loved to be at that burger king high as fuck walkin by that conversation so i coulda shitted on the whole group of em and continued inside to get me a whopper.

the third video kinda annoyed me. so you're a christian that looks like you're in pastor gear cussin and hangin with ignorant black people callin them crackas. lol god people are fuckin stupid. those crackas may believe in some crazy shit, but they fuckin pay to go out and do that shit for the church...thats some fuckin dedication that obviously those black dudes dont have with what they believe. im sure jesus would have antagonized people who think they're doin good in their heart...fuckin hypocrites.
You don't think they know those scriptures, and live a life they feel falls in line with them???

Do you know what Gangs and stuff are?


Well-Known Member
You don't think they know those scriptures, and live a life they feel falls in line with them???

Do you know what Gangs and stuff are?
the black dudes? i feel they might know the scripture, but they follow it how they like. and ima watch it after i come back from mcdonalds mmmmmmmm


Well-Known Member
"They follow it how they like"

They Bible is up for interpretation, it is what you make of it :D
thats exactly why i believe its bullshit. to me the word of god shouldnt be able to be twisted into what people want. i really REALLY cant stand to see any black person be racist to people.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I don't like where this thread is going. Come on folks. The Mormons are evil. We have horns and cloven hooves. We sacrifice Christian babies by the light of the full moon. Mitt Romney is a tool of Satan. Actually he's just a tool but that's another topic altogether. Mormons are evil and Mitt Romney is the Anti-Christ. That is why Mitt Romney must win the GOP nomination ::waving arms and wiggling fingers to induce hypnosis::


Well-Known Member
Yea fuck the Mormons, fuck the latter day saints, fuck the pope, fuck the Catholics, fuck the Jews especially god damn Jews, fuck the Muslims, fuck the prophet mohammed, fuck isreal the israelis and fuck Barack Obama!!!


Well-Known Member
thats exactly why i believe its bullshit. to me the word of god shouldnt be able to be twisted into what people want. i really REALLY cant stand to see any black person be racist to people.
But that is the Jewish faith, and therefore the Christian faith
I'm pretty sure you're confused about who the racists are in the videos :lol:
I don't like where this thread is going. Come on folks. The Mormons are evil. We have horns and cloven hooves. We sacrifice Christian babies by the light of the full moon. Mitt Romney is a tool of Satan. Actually he's just a tool but that's another topic altogether. Mormons are evil and Mitt Romney is the Anti-Christ. That is why Mitt Romney must win the GOP nomination ::waving arms and wiggling fingers to induce hypnosis::
I don't mean it like THAT.

It's just like, "WTF mate?" is where I'm going, just like "What is this, and why is it, and what is it doing?"

Which was my original reason for even seeking out these videos :)

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
But that is the Jewish faith, and therefore the Christian faith
I'm pretty sure you're confused about who the racists are in the videos :lol:

I don't mean it like THAT.

It's just like, "WTF mate?" is where I'm going, just like "What is this, and why is it, and what is it doing?"

Which was my original reason for even seeking out these videos :)
Better be careful or I'll sick my magic underwear on you. grrrrr!!!!! :evil: