Joining the Military


Well-Known Member
like I said air force is known to be the easiest. They do less PE, and they aren't in combat unless your a captain driving the plane
Ya they PT at their own discretion. Must be nice. Joining the Air Force now a days is tricky tho. Got a few friends that are recruiter now talked to them time to time, they tell me air force is the hardest branch to get into now.
But once you do the 6 week boot camp is a breeze then you get out up in a barracks the size of the freaking hilton.
Heard you get a Asian buy me drinky girl with every room as well :-D


Well-Known Member
like I said air force is known to be the easiest. They do less PE, and they aren't in combat unless your a captain driving the plane
My uncle's in the Air Force and makes some serious money and he can't even fly because of his vision. There's so many different departments you can get into especially if you're intelligent.


Well-Known Member
Air force is my top choice.

What was the pay like sutra? After expenses, about how much would you have for an average month? Just to get a rough idea?

PTSD I'm not worried about, I wouldn't pick a combat position. I'd want to go either medical or something along the lines of engineer, a really skilled job. Are there waiting lists or anything like that? How secure is job placement?


Well-Known Member
LOLwhat the hell?? have you ever been in the service. Because to me it seem like you are talking out your ass here...
1st. I was given the choice to get out after my 4 no question asked but decided to stay in to get a another combat deployment under my belt. COMPLETE MY CHOICE...
2nd I was offered plenty of jobs making 45-65k starting a year once i got out. Just got another job opportunity 115k a year only available to combat deployments veterans, and that would consist me of getting my CDL 6 week course, Then driving a truck near my state moving oil from rig to refinery. Bearly any manual labor. Not gonna do it because the military also pays be 2grand to go to school to get my med degree sooo umm yeahhhh no job hmmm.

I also experienced PTSD from combat deployments most of us grunts do, umm so ITS VOLUNTEER people know what the hell they are getting them self into and they still sign the paper no body forced them to do it COMPLETELY free will.
Also to the ones experiencing ptsd symptoms. Coming back there is a LOT of help is offered at free of charge as well. I took advantage of it and can once again be back in public place with no problem at all.
this is 2011, not 1980...I have several people I've discussed their life in the army/marines/navy that are doing it now, hate it, want out, can't get out because of part of the contract you sign they can keep you on for another year(which they ARE doing to just about everyone because they are not getting enough recruits, so they "need" more people to sustain the wars they have going on)...

I have family that were in the military a decade ago that got an education after doing only the "4 years"...ones a nurse practitioner...3 more with bachelors and masters in various types of engineering...its not the same now as it once was...


Well-Known Member
Air force is my top choice.

What was the pay like sutra? After expenses, about how much would you have for an average month? Just to get a rough idea?

PTSD I'm not worried about, I wouldn't pick a combat position. I'd want to go either medical or something along the lines of engineer, a really skilled job. Are there waiting lists or anything like that? How secure is job placement?

ALL branches get the SAME pay, Its all rank determined. DOnt listen to crap that other branches get paid more. I got family thats been in all 4 branches and its all the same pay.
Go navy do blue side be a hospital man, the job placement is good as long as you dont fuck up in corps school, then you go green side and you get to deal with us grunts on a daily basis :-D


Well-Known Member
this is 2011, not 1980...I have several people I've discussed their life in the army/marines/navy that are doing it now, hate it, want out, can't get out because of part of the contract you sign they can keep you on for another year(which they ARE doing to just about everyone because they are not getting enough recruits, so they "need" more people to sustain the wars they have going on)...

I have family that were in the military a decade ago that got an education after doing only the "4 years"...ones a nurse practitioner...3 more with bachelors and masters in various types of engineering...its not the same now as it once was...
Umm k thats great my service time was 2003- 2009 what your point. I dont care what OTHER people told you this is all PERSONAL experience. I bet you they are all kid under 20 years of age bitching about it. Because that is the ONLY people that bitched about it once again ITS COMPLETELY VOLUNTEER...
Im assuming you use wikipedia as a primary sources for all your information as well huh ;)
DO a little research the marine corp is not trying to get rid of 20000 marines, same with the army but a little less. Navy and Air force there is a nice little wait list to be put on. the DEP program that is which is shit,.

Your also referring to the 4 year of Inactive duty you do after your 4 years of Active duty. This means they cal recall you back into the military if your services are needed. If your going to school or are disabled you will Not get recalled back in. I have not heard of anybody being recalled back in since 07.


Well-Known Member
Umm k thats great my service time was 2003- 2009 what your point. I dont care what OTHER people told you this all all PERSONAL experiences. I bet you they are all kid under 20 years of age bitching about it. Because that is the ONLY people that bitched about it once again ITS COMPLETELY VOLUNTEER...
Im assuming you use wikipedia as a primary sources for all your information as well huh ;)
DO a little research the marine corp is not trying to get rid of 20000 marines, same with the army but a little less. Navy and Air force there is a nice little wait list to be put on. the DEP program that is which is shit,.
Maybe they don't want the people from your section of the country to stay enlisted...the people that I associate myself with IRL are rather are the people who I've had the pleasure of discussing their military history with. And my "facts" regarding the lack of new recruits is from a family member who has been a Marine recruiter for the last decade that I had a lovely conversation with at Thanksgiving about how he hates having to pretty much lie to people to get them to join.

And no the age range of the people I speak of is mid 20's to mid 30's, and the recruiter family member is in his 40's. So as much as you loved your time in the military...the majority of the people I speak with don't enjoy it at all.


Well-Known Member
Maybe they don't want the people from your section of the country to stay enlisted...the people that I associate myself with IRL are rather are the people who I've had the pleasure of discussing their military history with. And my "facts" regarding the lack of new recruits is from a family member who has been a Marine recruiter for the last decade that I had a lovely conversation with at Thanksgiving about how he hates having to pretty much lie to people to get them to join.

And no the age range of the people I speak of is mid 20's to mid 30's, and the recruiter family member is in his 40's. So as much as you loved your time in the military...the majority of the people I speak with don't enjoy it at all.
Hmm yes im sure they have a Huge problem with combat marines from camp Pendelton in California...
Last decade you say huh... Funny how you can only do a B Billet job for 2-4 years....
Your either full of shit or cant get your facts straight either way id appreciate it if you didn't slander something you did NOT go through, and apparently have NO idea what you're talking about. Take care now.


Well-Known Member
beneifts pretty much suck, pay sucks. bf was a marine, he couldn't wait to get discharged. i'd say it's his biggest regret. i didn't knw him when he joined so it had nothing to dow ith me.

no point unless you're in for the long haul and you're going to try to get the pension in 20 years.

Don't listen to any of this shit.

I was in the USMC for 8 years INFANTRY 0311 baby. Had a Blast.
Got to go all over the world.
How many job have you had that paid you to work out?
Learn to Shoot, and I mean really shoot.
If you only stay in for four year you can get out go to work for Black Water
Triple Canopy, XE, KBR, DynaCorp. And you start with these companies making 100,000 plus a year.
Go do it man, I wish I never got out.
If all you are doing is hangin out doing bullshit, you won't reget it. It will be the most meaningful thing you will do in your life.
You will remember it all your life and you will make life long friends.


Well-Known Member
Hmm yes im sure they have a Huge problem with combat marines from camp Pendelton in California... Do you even hear your self sometimes haha.
Last decade you say huh... Funny how you can only do a B Billet job for 2-4 years....
Your either full of shit or cant get your facts straight either way id appreciate it if you didn't slander something you did NOT go through, and apparently have NO idea what your talking about. Take care now.
He's been at the same Marine recruitment center for the last 8 years...I just gave him a title of "recruiter" you don't know everything about the military that you think you piss off brainwashed fuckstick.


Well-Known Member
Join the NAVY S.E.A.L.S

that separates the men from the boys...

plus the amount of respect you would get

just imagine, doing covert missions that no one will ever know about just you and your buds


Well-Known Member
He's been at the same Marine recruitment center for the last 8 years...I just gave him a title of "recruiter" you don't know everything about the military that you think you piss off brainwashed fuckstick.
you mad bro lol pathetic...


Well-Known Member
you mad bro lol sad...
Yeah i'm mad at people trying to tell me I'm WRONG when I know full fucking well dude has been living and working at the same damn recruitment center for at LEAST the last 8 I visited them a couple years after they moved back from Japan 8 years ago...So YOU go get your facts straight, mr. "I was in the military so I know everything there is to know about it"...hey...newsflash...just because you worked in an "area" or "field" doesn't mean you know everything there is about that "business"...I've been at my current job for over 8 years...I couldn't tell you how someone else did their job, because I've never done it. So unless your title was "High Master of knowing all military policies" just stfu because you make the honest legitimate military people look bad.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't do it but I'm a peaceful person. What do you think your helping? The biggest terrorist network in the world is the US military. If you want to do something positive why not pick...... well pretty much anything else. Feed the poor, teach the children, go be a nut with a sign on a corner would all be better than one more uniformed person with a gun. If someone was capable of attacking our country the would. Every major city in our country has a huge Muslim population with no problems. The southwest has a ton of illegal aliens and more cocaine than you can imagine so if someone was going to sneak into our country and cause a stink it would have happened. 9/11 was horrible but it took them years to plan and never followed up with anything. Think about it we are not making anything better by invaded someones backyard and calling it peace. If what we are doing to Iraq and Afghanistan ever happened here we would all be insurrgents and our children would grow up wanting to avenge daddys death. just my 2 cents peace dude. I love you


Well-Known Member
Yeah i'm mad at people trying to tell me I'm WRONG when I know full fucking well dude has been living and working at the same damn recruitment center for at LEAST the last 8 I visited them a couple years after they moved back from Japan 8 years ago...So YOU go get your facts straight, mr. "I was in the military so I know everything there is to know about it"...hey...newsflash...just because you worked in an "area" or "field" doesn't mean you know everything there is about that "business"...I've been at my current job for over 8 years...I couldn't tell you how someone else did their job, because I've never done it. So unless your title was "High Master of knowing all military policies" just stfu because you make the honest legitimate military people look bad.
My job wasent to know everything about the marine corps
I was a grunt i worked for my money.
I don't care about what YOUR buddy does go get your own life and quit trying to blow your marine buddy. We are pretty awesome tho huh ;)
Your the one that sounds mad and like a idiot btw. Congrats im sure mom is proud .


Well-Known Member
My job wasent to know everything about the marine corps
I was a grunt i worked for my money.
I don't care about what YOUR buddy does go get your own life and quit trying to blow your marine buddy. We are pretty awesome tho huh ;)
Actually hes kinda a toolbag...but that's neither here nor there...he could kick my ass in a heartbeat ;)


Well-Known Member
Well, I met some air force guys a few years back, one was in 21 yrs, one was in 15, on was 7 or something, they all were in Long Island going to a aircraft mechanic school, because even tho they had 15 yrs workin on planes in the military it doesnt mean jack shit on the outside. they had to pay out of their own pocket for this also. The other guys I know figured out what they were getting paid, figuring in all your hrs in a day they control and its less than 5$ and hr.(need more confirmation on this)

The pay is shit, maybe if you stay in after your 4yrs u get a little promotion bump for staying.

Ya know Im tired of hearing, "thank to our troops for fighting for our rights"
the last troops who fought for our rights were in the revolutionary war. No other wars were fought over our freedom, or our rights. in fact we have had the government trample our rights more and more with every war we get in. They take away our rights under the provision of our safety. HA, Im way more afraid of our government than any arab terrorist, or any iran nuclear plant.

The troops, if they were fighting for our rights would be standing outside of the whitehouse, congress and the federal reserve, demanding the corrupt criminals get out or get shot.

So you go ahead and join the military, learn how to do what your told without question, and when the day comes when the government tells you to shoot americans who are hungry, and revolting against the complex, please remember who you are. And that day is coming.

the only way to stop the gov, is for intelligent people to realize we have to stop supporting the gov.
Now they are going to use the millitary to round up ANY person they dont like. dont believe me? new bill :

A message to all members of Maine Patriots

Congress to Vote Next Week on EXPLICITLY Creating a Police State

Why now?
The worldwide indefinite detention without charge or trial provision is in S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act bill, which will be on the Senate floor on Monday.
I know it sounds incredible. New powers to use the military worldwide, even within the United States? Hasn’t anyone told the Senate that Osama bin Laden is dead, that the president is pulling all of the combat troops out of Iraq and trying to figure out how to get combat troops out of Afghanistan too? And American citizens and people picked up on American or Canadian or British streets being sent to military prisons indefinitely without even being charged with a crime. Really? Does anyone think this is a good idea? And why now?
In support of this harmful bill, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) explained that the bill will “basically say in law for the first time that the homeland is part of the battlefield” and people can be imprisoned without charge or trial “American citizen or not.” Another supporter, Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) also declared that the bill is needed because “America is part of the battlefield.”
The senators pushing the indefinite detention proposal have made their goals very clear that they want an okay for a worldwide military battlefield, that even extends to your hometown.
Everyone knows that deploying 20,000 troops on U.S. soil violates Posse Comitatus and the Constitution.
And everyone understands that staging troops within the U.S. to “help out with civil unrest and crowd control” increases the danger of overt martial law.
But no one is asking an obvious question: Does the government’s own excuse for deploying the troops make any sense?
Other Encroachments On Civil Rights Under Obama
As bad as Bush was, the truth is that, in many ways, freedom and constitutional rights are under attack even more than during the Bush years.
For example: see here:
From a commenter:
The reason is simple. You used the term "ACLU" several times in your article. Even had the temerity of using it as your source. Neglecting the fact that such a term produces an emotional reaction, pre-indoctrinated on many readers here, in which the rational mind stops and the catchphrases, reductions and publicized associations arise: ACLU = COMMIE = BAD. And thus the topic of it all ends up on the facade of the evils of the ACLU, rather than on the substance of an oncoming police state. The US is done for, and this is the reason why.
From another commenter:
If your curious to see if you have become an enemy of the state, search: MIAC report. You may be suprised how many do.
Right wing, gun owners, Ron Paul supporters (stickers) Precious metal horders, food hoarders, and Mainly, returning Vet's of the United States military forces. Protesters or anything that may hobble this adminestrations effort to further subjugate the USA.
The Senate is set to vote on a bill next week that would define the whole of the United States as a “battlefield” and allow the U.S. Military to arrest American citizens in their own back yard without charge or trial.
The bill was drafted in secret by Senators Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.), before being passed in a closed-door committee meeting without any kind of hearing. The language appears in sections 1031 and 1032 of the NDAA bill.
“I would also point out that these provisions raise serious questions as to who we are as a society and what our Constitution seeks to protect,” Colorado Senator Mark Udall said in a speech last week. One section of these provisions, section 1031, would be interpreted as allowing the military to capture and indefinitely detain American citizens on U.S. soil. Section 1031 essentially repeals the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 by authorizing the U.S. military to perform law enforcement functions on American soil. That alone should alarm my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, but there are other problems with these provisions that must be resolved.”.

Visit Maine Patriots at:

things are goin to get worse. And its not even gonna take very long. We need all the able bodied men here for when shit does go down.

The Modern Military fights for a political agenda, not our freedoms.


New Member
wha? As far as I know military is all by the hour, its like $14 an hour depending on what you do.