pro grow question?


Well-Known Member
Are there any spectrum charts for any of the led's. I know they state which nm each color peaks at. I would like to know what percentage each spike is. I want to know how much energy these light actually put out. If they follow the action spectrum curve and if any light is wasted or not. See how much par they really put out?

I currently use t5 with aquarium coral reef bulbs. I have high blues, violets , n reds around 100% green n yellow at 20 %. Uv-a and uv-b at 5% and infrared at 5% and 35%. ( various bulbs). My t5 is around 90% par.

Im looking for a very small closet set up for another place . so either the 180, 260 or a 2 ft 4 bulb and 2 bulb t5.


Well-Known Member
Not 100% sure man. Some companies use proprietary spectrum's and don't release them.

I have a PG180 en route... :D


Well-Known Member
If youre looking at 2ft t-5's, check out the Tek Two units from HTG. 10,000 lumens-110 watts per unit. I have a couple I use for veg. But for flowering, Id go with the biggest LED you can afford.


Well-Known Member
If thats a real spectrum, thats horrible. Not enough blue and too much yellow and green. All that yellow and green outside the sensitivity curve is just wasted light. That also greatly reduces the amount of par. Aside from the high red its almost te same as most hid spectrums I think I will stick with the t5. I can produce a much better spectrum and higher par with aquarium coral bulbs. I already did a side by side comparison with my t5 4ft 8 bulb and 1k with a hortilux. The t5 won. Check my journal. that proves lumens and watts means absolutely nothing. Its all about high par spectrum. it puts out less heat than led and better coverage for less money. Plus with leds you hav the problem of single point of light. im not bashing th led. To each his own. Just stating facts.


Well-Known Member
If thats a real spectrum, thats horrible. Not enough blue and too much yellow and green. All that yellow and green outside the sensitivity curve is just wasted light. That also greatly reduces the amount of par. Aside from the high red its almost te same as most hid spectrums I think I will stick with the t5. I can produce a much better spectrum and higher par with aquarium coral bulbs. I already did a side by side comparison with my t5 4ft 8 bulb and 1k with a hortilux. The t5 won. Check my journal. that proves lumens and watts means absolutely nothing. Its all about high par spectrum. it puts out less heat than led and better coverage for less money. Plus with leds you hav the problem of single point of light. im not bashing th led. To each his own. Just stating facts.

Are we looking at the same graph? The HPS is the green/yellow light(blue line). The LED is the faint purple line, focused directly on the two main areas of photosynthesis.

The light blue and light green shaded areas are where photosynthesis action takes pace the most. Notice that the LED light almost follows it perfectly, while the HID light focuses most of the light on useless areas of the spectrum?


Well-Known Member
My bad I just noticed the legend in the corner. I did not realize that was over an hps spectrum. I thought that was the same spectrum. . I still produce a better spectrum with a t5. Plus the red is spiking in the wrong places. You want high reds at 630 nm and 660 nm. with a uvl red sun red spike is at 633nm at 100 % and the fiji purple red spike is at 100% at 660 nm. Plus with the fiji purp and coral wave bulb has high blue atinics at 420 nm at 100% and 90 %. So I will still stick with the t5. Thanks for the info.

Action spectrum


spectrum of bulbs I use

3 UVL Redsun, 3 Korallen Zucht Fiji Purple, 2 Wave Point Coral Wave

View attachment 1906765View attachment 1906766coral wave.png


Well-Known Member
My bad I just noticed the legend in tye corner. I did not realize that was over an hps spectrum. I thought that was the same spectrum. . I still produce a better spectrum with a t5. Plus the red is spiking in the wrong places. You want high reds at 630 nm and 660 nm. with a uvl red sun red spike is at 633nm at 100 % and the fiji purple red spike is at 100% at 660 nm. Plus with the fiji purp and coral wave bulb has high blue atinics at 420 nm at 100% and 90 %. So I will still stick with the t5. Thanks for the info.

On the graph the reds peak between 660-700nm... blues peak from 440-470nm.... pretty similar, the spectrum's you mentioned 630, 420, etc are still present, but they're not where most of the photosynthesis takes place..

I'd be curious to see your funky t5 setup under a PAR meter or watts/m2 meter, sounds pretty cool to me!


Well-Known Member
Nice graphs, Hoss asked ProGrow HH what the specs were on the bulbs on some other technical stuff and they said it was company info. Trying to keep people from just copying their panel.


Well-Known Member
I'm ok with protecting IP. As long as the company is helpful in answering technical questions that don't give away their formula for success when it comes to how to properly use the light, then the rest comes down to protecting IP, like blazedmonkey said, to stop people from copying their panels. In the software industry, I can't fathom calling up a company and asking for their source code and them just giving it to me. The burrito spot I visit regularly won't give out the ingredients to their secret orange sauce because it's what keeps people coming in flocks. Maybe the makers of progrows believe they truly have a superior product to the point they don't want to reveal much. They are one of the few websites that show medical grows which is nice to see.


New Member
So do you use these for floral stage also?
If so,how is the quantity and quality of the finished product?
Another guy on here does a similar light setup...I'm assuming that's where you got the idea
But he never documented a finished grow with it,I believe he cut early due to some problems


Well-Known Member
Do you mean flower stage? Yes I do. I did a side by side comparison with a quantum 1000 watt with. Hortilux bulb and the t5 out performed the 1000 watt.i got a slightly better yield and much better quality. I wasnt able to document the first run. I have documented the 2nd one. check my journal. Im chopping down soon so will add pics to my journal on the last day.

Prof is a friend. Like everyone else I had an idea and he did the math literally. Of course I spent months reading papers and article on spectrum experiments at university of maryland, texas a&m , and oxford university. Tried one combo of bulbs that he suggested the first time and then tried a different combo with more uv a + b and ir and atinics. Its seeming to do better with the combo im using now. Which I stated in a previous post.

You cant compare light companies to food recipes. Every company has a charts of their bulbs except a few led companies. In my opinon not sharing that info is flat out stupid. Showing that does not make it possible for other companies to copy. A spectrum chart is more like the health guidelines on the side of a box of cereal or what ever not the ingredients. If I don't know the true spectrum im not going to buy it.. How do you know what you are buying. When you buy car do they keep the horsepower and mpg a secret. No then no one would buy it. Im not asking how they build the light, Im asking how it performs.

If you buy a grow light with out knowing the spectrum it puts out. You are not to bright.


Well-Known Member
Your t5 grows sound amazing. How many watts of t5's did it take to outyield the 1000w? wouldn't mind checking that to your current journal?

I guess i was misunderstood earlier about the food reference earlier since I guess that comment was direct toward me since I'm the only stoner on here using food as an example to simplify a point; haha, so I went back and tried to clarify in that post what I intended to say. To sum it up, I'm was guessing that whatever the guy who asked the technical questions was asking about things that the company felt were advantages they have over competitors in their product. That's my guess, but who knows. They do say the new models are "14-Band LED Grow System featuring UV + IR" and based on the pics there and here at RIU they look to be 14 good ones. I think if you really want to know the answer to why they don't have the information you're looking for, the best thing to do is give them a call and ask. Can't hurt. They might be able to tell you what you need to know, you may have different questions that the other guy previously mentioned in this thread that called and asked some technical info.

I don't agree with you blanketing people as not bright though. A lot of people just don't care about technical stuff, I'm kind of a nerd about tech though so I soak up as much info as I can.


Well-Known Member
I used an 4 ft 8 bulb 432 watts of light and draws 488 watts of power. I have emailed hydrohut and light house a couple times and never heard back. Just got to my profie and click on journal. Also spectrum is the most important thing when it comes to growing so people should want to know.


New Member
Do you mean flower stage? Yes I do. I did a side by side comparison with a quantum 1000 watt with. Hortilux bulb and the t5 out performed the 1000 watt.i got a slightly better yield and much better quality. I wasnt able to document the first run. I have documented the 2nd one. check my journal. Im chopping down soon so will add pics to my journal on the last day.
I think I may do an experiment in the future with this and a cmh which uses a little over 400w as well
I've already looked up the equip...It'll be a lil over $300 to start
Have you ever used cmh?
The left one is cmh compared to hps...
View attachment 1910774


I think I may do an experiment in the future with this and a cmh which uses a little over 400w as well
I've already looked up the equip...It'll be a lil over $300 to start
Have you ever used cmh?
The left one is cmh compared to hps...
View attachment 1910774
The CMH looks like it has a lot of wasted light in the wrong spectrum's...


New Member
The CMH looks like it has a lot of wasted light in the wrong spectrum's...
as does the hps....
only the cmh covers more spectrum range and is more powerful in said spectrums...
they say a 400w cmh compares to 1000w hps,as does the actnic setup


Well-Known Member
I never used a cmh before. Check out the digilux enhanced blues spectrum hps and/or the digilux enhanced red spectrum mh. They both have the best spectrum of any hid that I have seen. Or the sunpulse ones. Their 6500 k bulb is awesome. Never see the other sunpulse bulbs in action though. Ive heard good things and bad things about them. But they do have the highest spikes of any hid bulb. Also I read the 1000w ones blister.


Well-Known Member
they work well. If you'd like to see several of them in action check my sig. I'm using the 180w chipset models and an older 250w chipset model to pull some decent weight on autoflowers. If you do the math I'm using one panel per autoflower and I'm producing in the neighborhood of a gram per day per plant with an avg plant lifespan of 50-65 days. Sometimes a tad less, sometimes a little more than that. I'm a fan.


Well-Known Member
I never used a cmh before. Check out the digilux enhanced blues spectrum hps and/or the digilux enhanced red spectrum mh. They both have the best spectrum of any hid that I have seen. Or the sunpulse ones. Their 6500 k bulb is awesome. Never see the other sunpulse bulbs in action though. Ive heard good things and bad things about them. But they do have the highest spikes of any hid bulb. Also I read the 1000w ones blister.
Never heard of the sunpulse lamps before. Do you have any personal experience with them?