Crazy? psycho? Share...


New Member
Are you fuckin crazy? I know there are many here who are...

I'll start... I secretly microwave kittens, because I have an unrealistic fear of tigers...

Total Head

Well-Known Member
the shrink says i suffer from trichotillomania and it's because of the more major diagnoses that i don't care to duscuss. i'm constantly rubbing my hair strands and pulling them out, then i run the hair across my lips for a while, maybe bite it a few times, then repeat. when i start to get a bald spot i move to a different area. i tried cutting my hair real short and i found myself in the mirror with tweezers ripping out face hairs. that's about as much as i'm willing to share...

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Every time I am around a pair of scissors and someone else is in the room I imagine myself using the scissors to kill them, stabbing them, slicing them, etc... every way and where possible... I can't help it and it's hard sometimes to stop myself from following through with the dark desire... It seriously fucks with my head...

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
And I often wonder how I could kill people with the strangest of things...

I keep it all under control tho...

I also like the feel and sound of chocking people...

and that's about the extent of what's wrong with me...

I think...

I don't even consider that stuff wrong or abnormal... I just don't act out on it because of possible negative consequences...

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
the shrink says i suffer from trichotillomania and it's because of the more major diagnoses that i don't care to duscuss. i'm constantly rubbing my hair strands and pulling them out, then i run the hair across my lips for a while, maybe bite it a few times, then repeat. when i start to get a bald spot i move to a different area. i tried cutting my hair real short and i found myself in the mirror with tweezers ripping out face hairs. that's about as much as i'm willing to share...
I know two women who have trichotillomania. Neither of them have eyebrows or eye lashes. They both use a lot of eyeliner and fake eyelashes. The one uses an epilator on her entire body to satisfy herself so she doesn't pull out the hair on her face and head.

I'm sorry but I cannot epilate my freaking pubes. The pain of pulling hair just irritates and pisses me off. I'll break that epilator before I get 2 pubes pulled.


Well-Known Member
I have extreme paranoia I constantly scan my surrounding areas thinking if someone were watching me or following where would I be if I was them. I analyze everything down to minute details looking to gain information from facial expressions clothing posture grammar every detail. I live my life as separated from any system that has records as possible I may as well be an illegal citizen, I'm not in the habit of giving or responding to my real name outside certain environments. I am constantly on alert and looking for potential threats, I have a habit of carrying a concealed blade in my sleeve and using reflective objects around me to watch around me without it being obvious.

You would never guess these things meeting me normally but it's what I do

Total Head

Well-Known Member
I have extreme paranoia I constantly scan my surrounding areas thinking if someone were watching me or following where would I be if I was them. I analyze everything down to minute details looking to gain information from facial expressions clothing posture grammar every detail. I live my life as separated from any system that has records as possible I may as well be an illegal citizen, I'm not in the habit of giving or responding to my real name outside certain environments. I am constantly on alert and looking for potential threats, I have a habit of carrying a concealed blade in my sleeve and using reflective objects around me to watch around me without it being obvious.

You would never guess these things meeting me normally but it's what I do
you should smoke more pot.


Well-Known Member
I'm not dangerous or insane in any way I don't hurt people or think about it but I am on high alert. And this is how I am not smoking pot cause I haven't in ten months due to legal crap, smoking doesnt affect me negatively either.


I'm a psycho, oh yes... My mind is infinity, after doing drugs my mind was opened overwhelmingly. I can think about literally anything, and I do mean ANYTHING. My mind is the epitome of incoherent. If I want to think about a 5 foot tall cat eating black chalk while fucking a rainbow piece of toast which is speaking German backwards, I can. I know everything about everyone I see, even if I have only known them for 5 minutes. I can read body language beyond what normal people should see, and I've been through nearly every psychological problem from psychosis, to major depressions.

Can't wait to take LSD Friday, lol

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
I know a guy that has taken pretty much every drug ever known to man and his paranoia is off the charts... but his ability to read people accurately is beyond anyone else that I have ever seen...


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say I'm physco, my x-wife would disagree...I'm more crazy.I don't know why I do the things I do sometimes...and I hate pills that calm me down though, unless I want to be calmed down. I've always been like after I had a blow-out my cousin, I continued to destroy his garage,piece by wasn't necessary. And on my way out I thru his bike at his wifes windshield...shit just bounced off though....I'm much calmer now, but always been alittle crazy.
...and yes, the thoughts and stories get deeper and darker, that was just a little family fight thing recently...but I'll share more later.:twisted: