question about height and width

my question is, i just transplanted 2 days ago and I was woundering how do i get my plant to start growing weidth wise and not height? my grow enveritment is a cloest and I cant let it get anyway higher then it is, lol. I need it to bush out, and also a few freinds told me that it would grow more bud if it started to grow out weidh wise and not height? he said I should cut the top of it (dont know where hes talking about though) so it would start to grow more weidth and not height? Is this correct? and if so what did he mean cut the top of it? Where Do i cut it? I can take some more pics if you need em. Also If you use facebook it would be a lot more easyier to chat. my facebook is

Thanks for the help guys


Active Member
I'm on my phone or else I'd grab a link. There is a guide on the forums detailing topping. Remember also that once a plant goes into flower it can double or triple in height by the time it is done.