Am I unstonable? Please Help get me Stoned Again


I know this thread is rather verbose, but I wanted to supply as much relevant information as possible. If it's too much, just briefly skim through and you'll get the gist of it I'm sure ;)

I own a vaporizer (Arizer extreme Q), a pipe, and I'm very interested in making edibles and tinctures.
For the last eight months, I've been using these implements on a semi-regular basis. Some months I'd toke every night, some months every other night, and a couple months ago I took a 30 day tolerance break. My first few times with Marijuana were really great, and I immediately fell in love with the feeling of being stoned, but since, I've been completely unable to feel any noteworthy effects after consuming large quantities of pot. The tolerance break did nothing; when I returned to toking, the highs were no better than before.

I've sat down and smoked 6 bowls in my pipe, one after another, as fast as I can in one sitting, vigorously clamoring get a taste of the "high". Instead I get almost nothing. When I smoke/vaporize enough pot, I get a slightly "different" feeling, but nothing really noteworthy, interesting, or worth it. I get a much stronger buzz lately after drinking a 5-hour-energy shot than a Green Dragon shot.

The Arizer Extreme Q Vaporizer can only be loaded with up to a half gram each go, and it takes time to use, so it's not very efficient for quickly shoveling large amounts of THC into your bloodstream. A bong would be better, but I figured the best option would be edibles, as there isn't really a limit to how much you can take at one time.

I've spent months researching and trying to hone various processes in making edible-form pot. I just made an excellent batch of brownies with 8 grams of ground buds. From many many sources and tutorials, given these measurements, eating 1 brownie was supposed to result in a heavy stone effect, and 2 is supposed to be too much. I ate three and a half brownies in one sitting. Nothing happened. I've had the exact same experience (which is nothing at all) after trying several green dragon batches, coconut oil infusions, you name it. Over the last eight months, I've completely wasted well over an ounce of pot trying to make an edible that does at least something. Nothing does.

I don't have many friends that like pot, but I have given an edible to a friend, who reported that it was effective. The edible I gave them contained several times less pot than what I have consumed.

I drank a shot of Green Dragon that was supposed to be ten doses. Felt nothing.

So what's the deal guys? Am I getting bad pot? It seems unlikely, I get my pot from a house of really cool people that are smoking it while I'm there picking some up -- they all seem to have a good stone there on the couch.

I don't think it's the typical tolerance thing, as in my case it seems I acquired the tolerance within the first few days, and not even my 30 day pot-break did any good.

Thankfully at least though, half a gram through the vaporizer is enough to make me a little sleepy, so I still have been using it many nights to help against insomnia (most expensive sleep medication ever though).

I feel really bummed out. I just want to experience something different. Something interesting. I'm spending all the money, putting in all the work, receiving all the lung damage -- I feel like I deserve at least some of the high. In the mean time, I've began drinking, and am starting to research mycology (I bet I can find some shrooms near my back yard).

I really don't want to give up on pot, but I don't know how to get it to work. What should I do? A part of me wants to make a 5-gram single-dose brownie, but I won't because I'll be too upset when it just doesn't work like all of the others.

Additional potentially useful information -- My sister tried the vaporizer once, and woke up with hives the next morning. She did however, experience a marvelous high/stone (like my first couple times). The hives persisted for like 48 hours. We assume she's allergic to pot, but there is the remote possibility it was triggered by something else (which seems unlikely, because she didn't do anything or go anywhere for that whole week). Considering that she's my sister, and genetically similar, I was wondering if it is possible to have a kind of "half allergy", like perhaps my liver sees pot as foreign and detoxifies it out too quickly for me to get stoned, but I'm not allergic enough to get full blown hives or other symptoms? I don't know, it's a shot in the dark, I'm just rambling at this point :D


Well-Known Member
...yes you need better product. Also, take a smoke break. Go a week and you will get retarted the next time you smoke. Last time I took a break then smoked I was like uncomfortably high!

I smoke a lot. Lots of member here do. But I still stay high, but a break is always nice. You really get ripped after a break.:bigjoint::sleep:

P.s. you must be geeked, that was a long rambling post. You could cut out like 75% of that post lol


...yes you need better product. Also, take a smoke break. Go a week and you will get retarted the next time you smoke. Last time I took a break then smoked I was like uncomfortably high!
I smoke a lot. Lots of member here do. But I still stay high, but a break is always nice. You really get ripped after a break.:bigjoint::sleep:
P.s. you must be geeked, that was a long rambling post. You could cut out like 75% of that post lol
Like I said in the original post, I did take a 30 day tolerance break that was not effective. I was really disappointed after a whole month of waiting, just to still be unable to feel anything really no matter how much I smoked. I know that the post was long, however it's full of subtle details that could be important.

have you tried Keif or Bubble Hash?
i strongly recommend you buy a keif screen.
very affordable, under 20$
I have not tried bubble hash, though my Grinder is all fancy multi-chambered, and does collect a fair amount of keif. I have used the keif, but I still didn't feel anything more than the "slightly different" feeling, though with keif it seems like the onset is quicker.

Something I'd like to ask while I have the chance -- I always hear people say that inhaled pot takes effect nearly instantly, however, any effects I've ever felt usually roll in about 5-10 minutes later. Sometimes when I take a really big toke, I'll become lightheaded, but that happens any time I'm taking big breaths and holding.

Other people have tried my vaporizer, and become quite stoned, though they usually aren't regular tokers. I'm still very puzzled about the edibles. I'm still left to suspect that I might be partially immune to the effects of THC :(

Thanks for the help guys, if anyone has any ideas or thoughts, please make a quick post :)


Well-Known Member
If you ever got stoned your not immune to it...where you getting your product from? Maybe someone is taking you for a fool?


Well-Known Member
If your in washington I'll make a point to get to you with some of this years hash. you'll be out on your feet. I smoke heavy all day every day. Two knifers of this stuff puts me on my ass.


Well-Known Member
you simply might be so Saturated with thc that a 30 day break simply does not cut it.

maybe a 2 month break or more would do it (and then start with small bowls and try to keep it that way..)

remember thc takes a long time to leave the body (the body loves it)


If you ever got stoned your not immune to it...where you getting your product from? Maybe someone is taking you for a fool
Even though I don't want to believe it, I have to label my product as suspect number one. I will find and compare product from another source, and report back here if I remember to.

If your in washington I'll make a point to get to you with some of this years hash. you'll be out on your feet. I smoke heavy all day every day. Two knifers of this stuff puts me on my ass.
Haha, the offer is very appreciated, but I live in Canada. There's no community as giving as the pot heads :D

you simply might be so Saturated with thc that a 30 day break simply does not cut it.
maybe a 2 month break or more would do it (and then start with small bowls and try to keep it that way..)
remember thc takes a long time to leave the body (the body loves it)
A possibility indeed. I will attempt an extended tolerance break after I try comparing dealers.

Thank you everybody for the help and support! Prime suspect for my sobriety is currently my pot, so hopefully this week I can find a new source.

Metal n Weed

Active Member
First off while vaporizers are nice I get more loaded off bongs and joints. When I make butter I use about a half ounce per 2 sticks of butter, over an ounce per pound. My edibles destroy people and even me with a super high tolerance. U ever smoke hash strait? Get some good bho and something to smoke it with and I promise you u will be super loaded.
mate, If smoking isnt doing the trick, making edibles with the same stuff would be pointless. The Hives thing is a little strange.
Firstly, ar you smoking it right? Ive always smoked cigarettes so when i started smoking weed it felt completely natural but when i introduce it to non smokers alot of them have trouble at first and perhaps without me telling them what to do theyd get it wrong for a while. Its all about the inhale and the hold, even with a vape.
If you are a little insulted by that suggestion and you know exactly what your doing, then you should get some different weed, just to rule out the possibility that your being ripped off (pretty unlikely).
Lastly, all I can suggest is to smoke on an empty stomach and try to limit your vitamin intake while getting high... e.g a night of smoking can be pretty worthless if your drinking orange juice the whole night, youll barely notice the high at all (in my experience).
Good luck, I hope you succeed in getting high :)


Well-Known Member
Idk about y u cant get high man thats super shitty but as for ur sis... My aunts the same way. Tried pot twice and both times she ened up with a rash that spread down her throat and across her chest. So shes probably allergic lol. O and for edables iv made some b4 and if u dont make em just about perfect they lose alot of there potancie (cooking with temps to low/to high) idk just throwin somethin out lol maybe itll help idk lol good luck man
Taking an extended break to lower your thc saturation really isn't needed. I found out by accident the best way to eliminate the "unstoneable" feeling.
I am a disabled vet, and I am unable to truly work, so most of my jobs, are at home customer service jobs. I switched from one work project, to an xbox live customer service 9 month project and before hiring you need to submit a drug test.
So to get to the point, I ordered a 5 day detox plan, which is supposed to remove all traces of thc, and its metabolites from your system. I passed my drug test with flying colors, and I had also stopped smoking during the detox and 4 days following. The day I decided to medicate with vaporizer...omg, my tolerance had been reset. Felt like I had traveled back in time, to a day when I was new to pot.
Now, detoxes aren't cheap mind you, so it's not for everyone. I went from 2 ounces a month*using a vap* to barely being able to use a full ounce in a month. Just like my newb days. I use the Purple Days Vape btw. Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who isnt very affected by weed, its not for lack of trying though. For one, hes terrible at smoking it. The concept of taking a hit and inhaling although simple to most, isnt the same for a non smoker. He looks like a retard trying to drag off a pipe, I swear he swallows the smoke instead of inhaling it LOL. Ive given up on him, he has tried some edibles too though and they didnt do anything for him either.


Well-Known Member
Try this:

What he is torching is earwax/budder, in simpler words: whipped BHO (butane honey oil). If you don't get stoned off of a .7, try a 2 gram dab. If you still don't get stoned, you're immune.

Which of the above methods would you consider works the best?.


Well-Known Member
Pretty much how I do it, but even better! If you're scared of Butane I think you could replace it with iso and get similar results.
Sorry, I mis-typed my original question. I've done BHO many times(the rig is sitting in a closet), I abandoned it this year in favor of dry ice kief. The reason why was b/c I have a hard time working with the honey oil. Perhaps I was doing something wrong b/c the stuff when not heated literally had the consistency of amber. For that reason, I used 2 glass mixing fits inside the other. The larger one was filled with hot water, then the smaller was placed inside to catch the oil. Even then, the stuff was tough to work with. Back in the 70's, folks used to wipe joints in the stuff...they were called oilers. But if I tried that, the paper would tear.


Well-Known Member
I think that you have a few things happening which could possibly be causing you to believe something that isn't necessarily true.

1) Your friends could easily be super lightweights. Weak pot will get lightweights high still. Especially in edibles.
2) When you compare your results to those of your friends you are taking large doses and your tolerance is much much higher than that of your friends.
3) Your pot really isn't very good. Probably low THC with other cannabinoids being prevalent in relatively large quantity. Some cannabinoids affects individuals quite differently as well. Some types of pot just seem to hit some folks harder than others and you need to keep this in mind as well. Some folks love the narcotic high of a strong CBD plant. I do not. You probably don't either. I'm willing to bet after you smoke 6 bowls you "seem" a lot higher than you feel though (and look like the people in the couch who you assume are enjoying themselves, but remember everyone is different and what some people like (for whatever reason) others do not).
4) You can try making some bubble. It's not hard to do at all. Most likely this will hit you pretty hard, but I suspect you still won't be getting the effects you desire. You sound like a guy who loves THC stuck in a location filled with CBD laden plants.

A little more of your "pot smoking history" would be helpful too. Do you know what that strain was that you first really enjoyed? Did it change? What strain are you smoking currently? Do you know?

I strongly recommend growing your own, a nice sativa like C99 would probably be RIGHT up your alley. Pretty reasonable to grow indoors as well!


You just gotta make sure you enjoy it dude. Find a happy thought, put that pipe to your mouth and take a sweet sweet breathe of some of the most natural medicine. hold it in your lungs for like about.. 4 or 5 seconds and slowly exhale. You might be looking too hard for the high and are ending up missing it all together.

I have found in my years of smoking that the key to actually being stoned, is maintaining the laid back mental posture. Its all about attitude, good bud, taking the deep breathe, relaxing and slowly exhaling. unless your coughing your ass off :bigjoint: