3 of the 4 GOP front runners absolutely destroyed..one front runner remains -Ron Paul


New Member
After getting burned by Ron Paul and finally exposing his usual jackass self repeatedly when his campaign apparently suddenly decided that avoiding confrontation wasn't the best strategy. Mitt Romney is destroying himself in some sort of political suicide, the suicide the campaign has been attempting to avoid this whole time. In past "performances" Romney's campaign heads bragged about how they avoided discussing the issues.

In this intense sit down interview Romney is hawked by aggressive questions such as "Whats the latest book you've read?", Romney is infuriated at the audacity of the FOX interview has to ask such deep and edgy questions. Afterwards Romney claims he was "Insulted" by the nerve of the interviewer. Who can blame him? He is ONLY running for president. Corporate Godfather King of the next 4 years.


Hmmm sounds a bit familiar....maybe Romney and Cain do have a chance...



Well-Known Member
They sure as fuck don't like to discuss him though do they?
I cant even believe some of the people I have been seeing on the debate stage- How can they expect us not to take Ron Paul seriously.
I'm soposed to believe Cain or Santorum Or Romney or Newt is a lagitimate choice to lead the country....


Well-Known Member
His name is intentionally left out when anyone in the media talks about GOP candidates. Liberal radio stations refuse to even mention him unless forced to by their callers. If he is ever mentioned, it is always followed with how he is unelectable. I think this whole "unelectable" thing is a propaganda scheme by the media because they never use this word for anybody else, no matter how much they hate them. Just a word used to discredit somebody/something that logic cannot.


Well-Known Member
I couldnt stand the thought of Ron Paul being president based on that nasal whiny voice he has...

Listening to him last night was like nails on a chalk board.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Whoa there's quite an accomplishment! Him being at the forefront of the worst field if candidates in recent history isnt that tough.

His main competition: "Mr 1%" Romey, semi retarded Bachman, career politician lobbyist and hypocrite Gingrich, and an oversexed pizzaman. That's a pathetic field and a losing field at that

Paul IS unelectable because of some his crackpot statements, he's no more in touch than Michelle the Beard


Well-Known Member
The more I see of Romney and his flip flops (and that book line is a disaster) it just seems like he is a guy that has been practicing running for president for decades. Just tell him what you want to hear and he will parrot it back to you in a great soundbite.

And his defense of Romneycare - which is bankrupting his state isnt working on me either.

I think the Republican nominee will be Newt Gingrich and I can vote for him.


King Tut
i haven't LOL'd like that in a LONG time! That video was hilarious!

What a crackpot trying to follow the Constitution.


Well-Known Member
Its not Propaganda
its called a Fact

Make you a deal
Ron Paul wins the Nomination not even talking about the Presidency
Just the nomination
I leave
He Loses
You paulbots be gone forever
With what evidence can you call it fact? To be unelectable he would physically be unable to be elected. Meaning born in another country, under the age of 35, or hasn't lived in the country for the past 14 years. Anything else is somebody stating an opinion...

I don't care about you enough to care whether you leave or not. Second, I don't really consider myself a "paulbot," but if I did I can't speak for anybody else. Third, if I made that bet with you londonfog would probably be upset, because it would be pointless to fuck with my sig.


Active Member
With what evidence can you call it fact? To be unelectable he would physically be unable to be elected. Meaning born in another country, under the age of 35, or hasn't lived in the country for the past 14 years. Anything else is somebody stating an opinion...
Exactly. I hear it all the time. People like his message but say he is unelectable (because the TV told them so). No one is electable if you don't vote for them. Ron Paul has a massive following of unwavering supporters. We will prevail, we will save our country.


King Tut
Date with super model

She has Herpes a yeast Infection and Farts Loudly in Public

Ron Paul everyone
More baseless Ad Hom's. Keep allowing me to banter back and forth with you and show every rational person out there both our points of view. i couldn't ask for any better way to spread his message and let people decide for themselves. :)


King Tut
If you think there aren't people viewing this forum, and a decent amount of them i might add, that haven't decided to vote Ron Paul then you are deluded imo.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
You are Preaching to your Choir
Doesnt take much skill to do that
You could also get the same response at a racist web site Or Alex Jones Blogs

Which leads me to say
Ron Paul Supporters are
-conspiracy Freaks
you are on a websight dedicated to people who smoke cannabis. im sure your views wont set well with many on this websight. maybe you should try drinkitup.org, im sure you would get more supporters there. fuck yea cannabis should be legalized. the more you talk, the more people realize how full of shit you are, the more people actually look up and research ron paul, and see for themselves which candidate is best suited to take part in changing our country. maybe your fear of change has something to do with your stance in politics.

go drink another beer


King Tut
Stoners are probably the easiest ones to convert to voting for Ron Paul. They are generally more enlightened than the average man in many cases.