3 of the 4 GOP front runners absolutely destroyed..one front runner remains -Ron Paul


Well-Known Member
You are Preaching to your Choir
Doesnt take much skill to do that
You could also get the same response at a racist web site Or Alex Jones Blogs

Which leads me to say
Ron Paul Supporters are
-conspiracy Freaks
you left out the largest group. Conservative Americans who dont believe the Repulinazis or Demosocialist are working for "We the People".
and yes RP is running as a Reb. he has to. we have a 2 party System that has serverly broken the ability of the people to be heard.

Paul will Break that 2 party system once again, and allow all Americans to have a Political Voice the way our Founders intended. By ALL groups of society having the ability to form a political party, and petition the people to follow that parties political ideals. That is called Democracy, which Ron Paul stands UP for!
Know it, Live it, Love it, Die for it, or get the fuck out of the way so the big boys and girls can get to work.


King Tut
Talk about class from the Paul camp:

LAKE JACKSON, Texas – 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul released the following statement concerning Herman Cain’s suspension of his campaign for the presidency. Below please find brief comments from Congressman Paul:

“Herman ...Cain brought energy and enthusiasm to the Republican nominating process, as well as a unique perspective on many domestic issues important to voters such as tax code reform and a pro-growth agenda favorable to the private sector.

“In light of his suspension of campaign activities, I want to wish Herman success in his future endeavors.”


Well-Known Member
I now have more respect for Herman Cain- thank you Mr Cain for endorsing the best man for the job


King Tut
Re: Now that Herman Cain has dropped out of the race my new candidate is.....
« Reply #63 on: Today at 01:47:55 PM »

Pretty crazy I've been a Cain supporter and NOW I join after he's no longer running. Whatever.

I would like to say I'm not really thrilled with the way the Paul supporters are trying to say they know how we feel. No, they really don't. If Cain is indeed innocent (which if there was proof, it would be all over the media by now), then what we have just witnessed is a blatant, evil smear to keep a good man out of office, more wicked and organized than anything we've ever witnessed in an election in our lifetimes. What if Paul started gaining some traction and suddenly women came out saying that during his time as an OB doctor, he molested some of them??? There would be NO way for Paul to fight something like that! He would be done! His reputation tarnished, his wife upset, his family in shame. Maybe you guys should be thankful your candidate has been ignored instead of destroyed.

I'm not trying to be aggressive...I am just very tired of the junk the Paul supporters have been throwing at us over on Facebook all this time, and now I feel like the "sympathy" is simply a thinly veiled glee that you will probably get some of Cain's supporters. Just like all the other candidates are rubbing their hands together and trying to figure out how best to grab some extra support.

Very discouraging day today. America loses.
Sucks don't it?


Well-Known Member
I think that this herman cain forums site was fake but im not sure- and it appears that it is not an endorsement from herman cain but from the owner of herman cain forums-
I wonder if duke anthony owns herman cain forums and if he is really a Ron Paul supporter who had a well thought out campaign to bring more attention to the fact that Paul is the best canidate- if so this has been pure genious


Well-Known Member
With what evidence can you call it fact? To be unelectable he would physically be unable to be elected. Meaning born in another country, under the age of 35, or hasn't lived in the country for the past 14 years. Anything else is somebody stating an opinion...

I don't care about you enough to care whether you leave or not. Second, I don't really consider myself a "paulbot," but if I did I can't speak for anybody else. Third, if I made that bet with you londonfog would probably be upset, because it would be pointless to fuck with my sig.
anyone else hear that ron paul was born in mexico?


Well-Known Member
Because they have either not done research or the research they did came from biased sources imo.
the more i look at the guy the worse he gets.

i was almost able to buy your side's excuse that he did not write the racist newsletters....until i did more research and found no less than 5 newspapers in which both he and his campaign staff defended the newsletters as his writing.

then i found that little clip where he talks about how the goal is to abolish public education.

the more you look, the nuttier he gets. nuttier than a fucking squirrel turd.


New Member
is that what they call finishing in 4th place nowadays?
And who exactly would be finishing in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place....Santa Clause, the tooth ferry, and justin bieber?

have you been fucking paying attention? obviously not.. Ron Paul is the new front runner..


Well-Known Member
And who exactly would be finishing in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place....Santa Clause, the tooth ferry, and justin bieber?

have you been fucking paying attention? obviously not.. Ron Paul is the new front runner..
find me one poll that has him in front.


fantasy land and delusions, i swear.


New Member
There hasn't been any done since cain dropped out and romney and newt committed suicide. Polls of 1,000 random drunkards dont mean a whole lot either. You should know that..