Club 600


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Long, busy day today getting things sorted in the flower tent and moving plants around. Here's some pics I took of the flower tent, veg tent and some root pr0n, hehe.

I put the four that were vegging in RDWC into the flower tent RDWC system, fastened some wire to the walls to tie the plants back as they grow, plumbed everything. I moved the plants that were vegging in the E&F system over to the veg RDWC tent, changed the water in the res and added some fresh veg nutes. The flower system is just plain water right now but I'll add nutes tomorrow. I'm just too damn tired right now to do anything else.



Well-Known Member
These are where my males go once I select the ones I want pollen from. I made them from Pieces of ducting and caps from the hardware store. That's a 68W 2700K CFL hanging vertically from the cap of each one and this set up works great. I want to get a couple pieces and connect them to make another one of these that's bigger in diameter and put an LED panel in it for the females to go in after they're pollenated but haven't had time yet.

The LED lights give super dense buds btw. The plants didn't get very big and didn't look like they had a whole lot on them but the buds are rock solid and heavy for their size so the yield was considerably more than I thought it looke like it was going to be.



Well-Known Member
i've had the very same thing happening to one of mine recently jdog, limp leaves, edged curling inward and looking basically like it is giving up. This was just after I put the particular plant into a larger pot. I gave the thing a proper good flushing and the new growth seems to have come through okay, the rest is still looking a bit sad but I can get over that. I am still trying to nail the problem down though, pissin me off.



Well-Known Member
Couldn't that "Cupping" be from nute burn? I had one do it recently to after feeding and I just flushed her out and she recovered but those leaves never did..


Well-Known Member
Leaves gain colour back, but tend not to repair themselves, so once burnt or damaged they remain damaged. And yes, it probably was due to the substrate being a bit hot but that surprises me, main thing being new growth is coolio.


Well-Known Member
Leaves gain colour back, but tend not to repair themselves, so once burnt or damaged they remain damaged. And yes, it probably was due to the substrate being a bit hot but that surprises me, main thing being new growth is coolio.
Yea I think it was the newer growth doing it to me so might be a little different?


Well-Known Member
over watering?
I was thinking that too. I have a BSB Casey 40 plus days in flower doing that right now. Everybody got fed recently and watered well. She's the only one doing the limp/curly thing. It's organic feed and I didn't go heavy so I doubt it's nute burn so I'm letting her have a bit of drought for now.

Good morning everyone. Gnome, I always know we're in for a treat when you post one of your vids. Thanks again bro.

Dez, your setups look great. I've been watching you guys with your water set ups but I have to admit, I know little about how they work. Lot's of knowledge to be had out there so I'm a bit selective what I spend my time on and DWC, RWDC wasn't it. I'm not even sure I know what those acronyms mean. I think it's Direct Water Culture and maybe Remote? DWC, idk. All I can say is it's grabbing my attention more and more lately. I'm really looking forward to seeing how that scrog will work for you. I want to do something like that but with only 1 plant along the back wall, along with my regular plants. Anyway, here's to a good grow for you. May it be trouble free with big rewards.


Edit. WHODAT! lol Good to see you. Was wondering where you been.


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Ya know Duchie, I've been thinking more and more about that too. RDWC seems to attract peeps who want to grow big fast plants and want to keep their plant numbers down. I wonder though; if I were to just keep my tray constantly flooded, with water constantly recirculating between tray and res, wouldn't it be kind of the same thing? Providing a constant stream of highly oxygenated nutrient solution? Yes/no?

I switched from hydroton to Sunleaves Grow rocks this last cycle and let me tell you guys who use 'ton, TRY THE GROW ROCKS!!!!!!! Here's why:

1) really easy to prepare right out of the bag. Much cleaner product than hydroton.

2) it's heavier than hydroton, so your plants are less likely to tip over in a SOG using small pots.

3) plants grow really well in it, I had a massive yield on my last run.

4) It is VERY easy to recycle. Shake the root ball and it all falls out. Root hairs do not penetrate the rocks. You guys who wash used hydroton know what that means.

5) lastly, it doesn't look like orange balls, more like gray gravel. So if you spill some, it doesn't go off bouncing and rolling all over the place. And if you DO decide to throw some out, it looks like something from the natural world.

Oh, and it might be slightly cheaper than hydroton.

Happy Sunday, 600ers. Spare a thought for brother Doob today.


Well-Known Member
I have a 3 x 6 botanicare tray. The bottom of the tray is 36 x 72. The top lip is 41 x 77. I would guess a 4 x 8 would be similar.

ok for u guys with tray experiance ime getting a 4x8 tray to put my pots in and run the run off to a rubbermaid tub......
ok do they messure the 4x8 from the bottom edges or the top outer lip part?? anyone know